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Not a good way to start the new year. (non vape related)

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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
I know I don't post in TWR often, think the last time was a few months ago, but right now I just need to vent some.

My best friend of the last 3 years lives in Ireland with his mum. He moved back there last year to help her out after they told her she had cancer. This was the second time in her life she had been told that, she beat it the first time.

When they found it last year the mass was already too big for them to remove at the time, so the put her into chemo. My friend has been there with her each step of the way, always keeping his hopes up that she would beat it again. By Oct the tumor was small enough for them to do the surgery and remove it. The worst should have been over, little did we know at the time it was just starting.

After the surgery they told them there was some complications, they had found the cancer had already spread. Still everyone was hopeful that more chemo would help. My friends mum started going down hill tho. In Nov they where told she was too weak to have the second round of chemo. My friend started losing hope then, and I don't know which was worse, knowing about how his mum was suffering or seeing him lose hope of her getting better.

They made it through the holidays, his mum weak and not getting any better, but not seeming to be any worse off either. Then today they had an appointment with her doctor once more. The cancer has spread, there is nothing that can be done at this point. I know it is hurting my friend and I am trying to be here to support him through this, and it about kills me that I can't be there in person to help him, even just to give him a shoulder to cry on.


optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
I am so sorry to hear this Nancy. it's really difficult when your friends hurt and you can't be there with them. I know that recently even when my friends couldn't be right there in the same space with me, knowing that they supported me, and would listen (either by phone, text, or email) made a huge difference. So hang in there and support your friend even at a distance- it still helps.

Sending thoughts of comfort and strength to you, and to your friend and his mom.
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