Northern Californians! Please PM me! Need consumer representation at hearings in Sacto!

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Ultra Member
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Jun 13, 2012
south Bay Area, California
CALIFORNIANS! (Especially NorCal!) We need some CONSUMER representation at the upcoming committee meetings, so please PM me if you can go to ANY of them....initially April 7 and April 8 but as negotiations go on, some may be pushed back a week or two or three, often ON PURPOSE so that the bills are heard when we are NOT THERE!

We need to let legislators know that VAPERS need our vape, the opposition is not only coming from people who make money from vapes, it is also coming from people who need vendors in order to live happy, healthy, fruitful lives.

That means driving to Sacramento for one or more of these hearings, dressed as professionally as possible (yeah, I know that's bogus but it's like a uniform in a war zone), and step up to the microphone after the speakers are done, to give your name, city, and the word "opposed"

If 5 people do it, it's ho-hum. If 0 people do it (quite possible because they are playing some shell games with these bills!) then they can take aware our vaping rights on the ground that nobody cares but Big tobacco and Big Vapor (that's one guy, the ANTZ scrambling!)

If 25 people do it AT EACH HEARING, they cannot ignore us. Once we have 165 people, but since then we usually see 3-4, half of them vendors. Please, if you are a vaper within a couple of hours drive, or a vendor with customers within a couple of hours drive of Sacto, make arrangements to go to one or more hearing! You can contact CASAA or you can contact me. I will probably not be able to go to the first 2 hearings because of a work project but as soon as I get even a LITTLE caught up I'll start going to them. I've already been to 4 in the last 3 years and so I can give phone support on what to do. Greg Conley trained about 15 of us, we've trained a few more, they are trying to train more still, we start as completely confused beginners and rapidly get good at it. The trouble is, a lot of the people coming in the past were from SoCal, and it is too expensive for them to run back-and-forth for each hearing!

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