No throat hit with VG

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Hi, i recently purchased a bottle of 6mg vg liquid from juicy vapour. I have to say that up to now, im quite dissapointed with it.
Vapour wise, it produces loads. Couldnt ask for better. But there's absolutely zero throat hit. You just cant feel anything at all.
On the odd occasion i have managed to get a slight throat hit but thats only if i use it till the led flashes and i dont really want to do that because its shortening the life span of my att's.
Does anyone know if there's anything i could do to resolve the situation? Id be really appreciative. Its just the juice came over from america and was really quite expensive x

ps.. i need to vape vg liquid as i have a sensitivity to pg

Thanks x
Thanks for your help everyone!
Perpetual Knight, im using a dse901 with 6mg vg liquid. mwa102464, i have actually had a decent throat it from the juice but its about 1 in every hundred vapes!
To get a reletively decent throat hit i either have to vape for so long that the device cuts out, puff on it like you would a cigar then take a long vape, or try vaping with my finger covering the atty hole. I usually get a semi decent throat hit for the next couple of vapes after that.
Thanks for the advice captjay, tho being a reletive newbie i dont feel confident enough yet to start mixing my own. With my luck, id probably get it wrong and do myself some damage!
Ive just realised what may be part of the problem tho. Whilst im vaping its quite noisy, there's a sound a bit like bubbling whist sucking through a straw. I have noticed that when the noise stops (usually just before the cart is dry) i get a much better throat hit.
Only I cant find out the reason why its doing this.
Does anyone else find that they have a similar problem?
Ive checked that the cart is not overfilled with liquid and that its not just with the cart itself (ive tried many others). But cant find any resolution. If anyone has any thoughts on how i could overcome this, id be very gratefull. Throat hit is one of the most important factors for me on quiting the analogues. And at the moment, im still smoking a lot x


Senior Member
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May 7, 2010
Oswego, New York
Sounds like your atty may be flooded. Take your cart off and blow through the atty into a napkin or tissue, then put it back together and try it, should help with the bubbling noise and improve your draw. I do it all the time and it will increase what I'm taking in almost immediately. Hope this helps....


Full Member
Jun 22, 2010
Richmond Hill
"Sounds like your atty may be flooded. Take your cart off and blow through the atty into a napkin or tissue, then put it back together and try it,"

I do that sometimes too. I don't know why but my e-cig will get...gunked up, I suppose. I also have actually used a napkin and rolled it into a little tube and kind of cleared out the inside where the liquid goes...and it helped a lot. :D


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2010
Honolulu, HI
What CJ said above.

Hi Katy!

I'm an all vg vaper by choice, primarily because I like soft th and tons of vapor. Stronger flavors will also have a bit more th. If you're happy with 6mg nic don't increase it because nic level has very little effect on th with vg, imo. I do only 25mg nic (2+ ml/day) and some of my juices have almost no th.

Check out the VG USERS ONLY group in the social forum. Lots of great information there...suppliers, sharing notes, pg issues, etc.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
On the odd occasion i have managed to get a slight throat hit but thats only if i use it till the led flashes and i dont really want to do that because its shortening the life span of my att's.
Doing that won't shorten the life span of your atomizer as far as I know.
In fact, it might be good for it.
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