NJOY Battery Problems

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2010
Janesville, Wisconsin
Boy, am I ever getting frustrated! I mostly deal with AZ Smokefree now for my NPRO parts (check them out if you haven't) due to the high prices of the name brand. All that said, naturally I still had official NPRO parts before discovering AZ. Because njoy has a yr. warrenty, I did find myself returning some batteries for replacements starting quite a few months back. I did not consider this a big deal until all the replacements started going bad, and now this has happened over & over again. Recently I have not had one official battery from them that's lasted more than a month or so, with the exception of maybe a couple. Even tho they are warrientied, how many times does one want to have to go thru this process of mailing back, waiting for replacement parts, having to call, etc. on a regular basis. Have any of you been dealing with the same thing? I've even had a couple that have gone totally "crazy" like turning on & off at will, staying on & not shutting off, and all kinds of weird stuff. So, with all these problems (and I think it can't be just me:), how on earth are they staying in business and what the heck's happened with their batteries? They've gotten worse with each batch! Ideas anyone? Thank GOD for the AZ vendor!!! (no problem w/his RN4081 stuff at all, and way cheaper.) Very interested in fellow NPRO user feedback. Thanks guys.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 28, 2010
Southern California
I purchased the NPRO pack about 6 months ago and got an extra black battery a few weeks after. Oddly enough the ones that I originally got work really well and the black one acts very strange at times with the lights blinking when the battery is fully charged and what not. It also doesn't hold a charge like the original ones do and it hits a little differently, a bit more airy. So I'm thinking they did change something in their batteries. It doesn't bother me any since it works but I have yet to send a battery back. *knocks on wood*
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