Nicotine Good for Memory?

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Shining Wit

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
North of England UK
I've found that with nicotine it is much easier for me to stay alert and focused. It sometimes can wake me up, similar to caffiene, but also calms me at the same time. I generally get higher scores on standardized tests after consuming nicotine than I would without nicotine. Without nicotine my thoughts are often overactive and jumbled, similar to trying to have multiple conversations with multiple people at once. I often think on 2-3 tracks at a time, and sometimes as much as 4 or 5 if I'm feeling particularly perky that day. Caffiene worsens this condition as it allows me to think more efficiently and therefore concentrate on more things at once. Nicotine helps me eliminate all of the excess chatter and focus on 1 or 2 topics at a time.

I've also found it to relieve stress and prevent oncoming stress from building. I also have fairly low blood pressure (sometimes when I stand up too quickly I will become light-headed, or if I try to quickly begin rigourous activity I find I need to sort of psych myself up first). Nicotine seems to level this out as well, (I think by raising my blood pressure slightly), and while on nicotine I no longer experience either of the previously mentioned effects. It also prevents minor muscle spasms (shaky hands or eyes). I find it easier to focus my eyes, and in turn, easier to read, especially while reading small text even though I have better than average vision.

Can anyone else relate to any of these benefits or possibly add some?

Reading your post reminds me of the dozens of cannabis users that have told me how it's safe, makes them more alert, helps them to focus and lots of other 'benefits' that it brings. It's only when they have been off the stuff for a few years that they realise what a load of crap they were talking and how it was all drug induced justification to carry on using the drug.
I agree that nicotine irritates the nervous system and keeps it awake, but healthier living, exercise and good sleep does it better. The problem with any enhancing drug is that whatever benefits it may bring there is always a price to pay, whether it's dependency, physical deterioration or the pain of withdrawal.
I would like to see a controlled test in which users of e-cigs did not know whether or not the cartridges they were smoking contained nicotine. I won't be so foolish as to predict results but I will look for local volunteers for an informal experiment.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2008
Daytona Beach, Florida (USA)
Reading your post reminds me of the dozens of cannabis users that have told me how it's safe, makes them more alert, helps them to focus and lots of other 'benefits' that it brings. It's only when they have been off the stuff for a few years that they realise what a load of crap they were talking and how it was all drug induced justification to carry on using the drug.
I agree that nicotine irritates the nervous system and keeps it awake, but healthier living, exercise and good sleep does it better. The problem with any enhancing drug is that whatever benefits it may bring there is always a price to pay, whether it's dependency, physical deterioration or the pain of withdrawal.
I would like to see a controlled test in which users of e-cigs did not know whether or not the cartridges they were smoking contained nicotine. I won't be so foolish as to predict results but I will look for local volunteers for an informal experiment.

First of all I'd like to say that I find your post to be a load of crap and I find it quite insulting. I don't praise the benefits of nicotine because I'm addicted to it or haven't had a proper experience of normal healthy living. I've probably had the lowest intake of nicotine out of any of the users on this forum prior to purchasing my e-cig and I only choose to use that because I enjoy it. I don't smoke, don't use drugs... I don't even drink. I'm not the one to abuse any substance. I eat healthily and I drink a minimum of 2 liters of water every day. When I can find the time, I go on a minimum 30-minute 15mph+ bike ride generally covering greater than 5 miles during my trips. (On a good run I'll cover over 10 miles). My blood pressure is low at 70/90(+/-10) and I have regular digestive health. Other than that I sleep an average of 7-8 hours every night, work full time (40 hrs/week), and go to school full time (11 credit hours currently). Before you go making idiotic comments like that you should get to know who you're insulting a little better.
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