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Hello, all! I've just discovered e-cigs, and while researching ran across this forum. I've been a heavy smoker (2-2.5 packs a day)for almost twenty years and have absolutely no desire to quit. I love the way they taste, smell, feel... For most of my life my favorite vegetable has been tobacco. That being said, I can't wait to give this new tech a shot. As someone who's smoked filtered Camels for 15+ years, I wonder if anyone has any suggestions as to where I should start?


Full Member
May 25, 2009
Hello to all.
I come from a forum of Hispanic speech (, that I love and I hope to find in this forum the same reception as in him.
I want to find more points of view and more experiences for there is in this forum more vapers of the whole world.
Thank you and excuse my absences of language.

Hola a todos.
Vengo de un foro de habla hispana que me encanta y espero encontrar en este foro la misma acogida que en él.
Deseo encontrar mas puntos de vista y mas experiencias por haber en este foro mas vapers de todo el mundo.
Gracias y perdonad mis faltas de idioma.


New Member
May 29, 2009
Portland, OR
Hey all I'm new here I just ordered my first e-cig a couple days ago so it hasn't come yet. I've been an on again off again smoker for about 12 years (about 14 or 15). I have a couple friend's who have gotten into vaping in the last couple months and so I've tried a couple models out. The model I went with personally was the Instead brand because one of my friends has an 801 a 901 and an Instead which I'm not sure what model it is, I think it's some kind of proprietary thing, but I know that the 801/901 carts are the same as the carts for it and I like the way the Instead vapes the best out of the ones he has; though after reading this site for a while I really want a 401 which is like 40 bucks cheaper anyways (not sure why the Insteads are so spendy). My other friend has one he bought from a mall shop which I think only takes pre-filled carts and isn't very good, not sure what model it is. I've been reading this forum for about a week and I have learned a whole lot so far and hopefully by the time my e-cig arrives I will have learned more. I have noticed that there aren't really any reviews of the Instead anywhere on this site which I wish there was because I'm pretty noobish about all this. At least I know I'm not alergic to PG :) Anyways this is a great forum and I look forward to learning more and replacing smoking with vaping hopefully. I probably will order a 401 in a couple weeks just to try it and have a couple. From what I have vaped on others e-cigs I really like it and could easily see myself quitting smoking at all very soon.
Hi, I just found this forum from someone who told me about vaping and e-cigarettes from another forum (rather not say what the main topic of that forum is) in which a member, who is also my friend on that same site (we talk a LOT over Skype) who written a good review on e-cigs on the "Open Forum" section of that site, and got me truly interested in e-cigarettes. In fact, I have a few sites bookmarked (including this forum) that involve e-cigs, e-liquid (and I found a few flavors that I'm interested--Red Bull, Coca-Cola, Rum and a few others got me, including plain tobacco flavor)... But right now I'm just in the market for an e-cig, in fact I will get some money soon to get my feet wet in this whole vaping thing.

I'm 32 now, and I've been smoking since I was 19. Right now I'm at a pack a day of Camel Wides. I am also with a woman who doesn't smoke, but gladly she lets me smoke inside. But soon down the road, she's going to get some services that has to have me refrain from smoking tobacco inside my apartment, even though that it is mine and my fiance's house, but those are the rules. But I don't want to give up the habit entirely, but on the other side of the coin, I am getting pretty tired of the thought of inhaling hundreds, if not thousands, of carcinogenic chemicals... and also the thought of that when I smoke, I cough like crazy, and so does my fiance and my cat sneezes her head off.

I like to keep my real name hidden, so you can call me either Casper, CGB or just my full user name, CasperGhostboy, and I will answer to either.

So... I'd like to know what options of vaping there are out there and what works and what doesn't. And anyway, I have a large purchase in mind (rather not say, again), and one of my friends told me that the cost of vaping is like $1/$1.50 in equal to a pack of cigarettes. In my neck of the woods, a pack of Camel Wides (again, what I smoke) is nearly $5.00, maybe more, at the gas station up the street from me, so I can save a dramatic amount there.

Hello! My name is Dave but I go by Starlord on any Forum I'm a member of. Been doing the e-cig thing for several months now but have not given up regular cigs yet (I know, it's just a mind thing). I keep thinking tomorrow I'm gonna start off the day with the e-cig and not a real one. But, so far I have not done that. I have gotten several types of e-cigs so far and a couple of bottles of liquid from T.W. Am looking forward to the day I don't have to worry about the FDA shutting us down and of getting off analog all together.
Greetings to my fellow Canuckleheads(Canadians) and my Mahhhrican neighbours, or is that neighbors :p

My name is Les from Edmonton Alberta, I do like this forum and have used it several times in the last few days. I have been doing the "alternative" thing for about 10 days now. So far down from 50 cigs a day to less than one pack of 25, a huge deal for me and my wallet at $12 a pack of 25 out here.

Cheers All



Full Member
Apr 14, 2009
Been lurking on this forum for a few months now, so it's probably time to start posting!

Got my first e-cig (a mini from e-smokeytreats) about a month and a half ago, and my second (an njoy npro -- an impulse buy at a Smoker Friendly, so probably not the best deal-wise) about a week and a half ago.

Been vaping exclusively since I got the npro, and am totally hooked. Already at the point where analogs taste gross!


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ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, U!S!A!
Hello, after 35 years of smoking, have been vaping for 3 days, and I can't believe how easy it's been to stay away from the analogs. It took me a few days to get the hang of it, but once I figured it out, the PV satisfied my need to smoke very quickly.

I look forward to staying smoke-free for the next 35 years (nasty gunk in my lungs notwithstanding).

Mostly I lurk, and I enjoy reading other people's experiences and advice. Trying to find if anyone else finds it strange to have all this extra time now that they don't have to go outside to smoke.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hi i tought i would say hi and say something about my self:)
My name i Sophie (internet name Topso) soon to be 21 years of age, i live in a little town in sweden with my boyfriend and 2 dogs, been smoking and i dont know what you call it in english but tobacco under your lip "snus"( sounds gross i know) i quit and i started again, i feel that i always come back for the feel of smoking or snusing , so i though this might help me to silence that need of just smoking when im stressed or sad or whatever. So insted of filling my lungs with toxics i have desided to try this:) So i have orded the Pink 901 Yes i LOVE pink from TECC, with zero nicotine carts with diffrent flavors. As i dont need the Nicotine only the habbit. So im waiting like a kid on x-mas:)

So thats alittle about my self and i must say Great community here rly helpfull and nice ppl!

God bless and have a nice day:)


Full Member
Mar 25, 2009
Ok, let's be honest here: who's feeling just a little bit smug about walking away from the analogs? Show of hands!

Not that I'd ever wish to dampen anyone else's self-satisfaction, given how many decades I've struggled with smoking and trying to quit, I prefer to simply be humbly thankful for anything I've vaped rather than smoked rather than tempting hubris, which has a long history of rearing its ugly head when least expected.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Fort Meade, Maryland
Hi all, My name is Lacey. My husband and I got interested in e-cigs when I tried to quit smoking cold turkey... problem is... I don't want to!! I ENJOY smoking but I want to be healthy and live long enough to see my great grand babies one day far far far away (haha). My friend told me about them. I think it's a great idea and I hope I can enjoy it as much as smoking, I'm not too picky when it comes to cigs, so we'll see! :) Well I don't know if this is the proper place to ask questions, but we can't decide between Blu cigs and the Janty Dura C... we already ordered the Blu one but it will be another week before it even ships, and I was skimming the forum and I see that a lot of people recommend the 501.... that is the Janty Dura C right? haha, sorry I'm so dumb to all of this... it's very new to me! Well anyways, I am glad to be a part of the community and I hope to really enjoy e-cigs :)
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