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May 1, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
Hi all, My name is Lacey. My husband and I got interested in e-cigs when I tried to quit smoking cold turkey... problem is... I don't want to!! I ENJOY smoking but I want to be healthy and live long enough to see my great grand babies one day far far far away (haha). My friend told me about them. I think it's a great idea and I hope I can enjoy it as much as smoking, I'm not too picky when it comes to cigs, so we'll see! :) Well I don't know if this is the proper place to ask questions, but we can't decide between Blu cigs and the Janty Dura C... we already ordered the Blu one but it will be another week before it even ships, and I was skimming the forum and I see that a lot of people recommend the 501.... that is the Janty Dura C right? haha, sorry I'm so dumb to all of this... it's very new to me! Well anyways, I am glad to be a part of the community and I hope to really enjoy e-cigs :)
The Janty Dura C is the same as the 510 (501). I have read mixed things about the Blu e-cigs, but cannot comment personally. The 510 however, is my e-cig of preference. Were you to buy the 510, you would be have a good piece of equipment to start with IMO. Welcome to the forum, any questions- ask away!


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May 30, 2009
Fort Meade, Maryland
Sorry to post again, been browsing the forums some more, a few more questions.... is the button on the 510 or whatever annoying? is it something you get used to? Anyways, I see 510, but there are a billion different brands, are they all the same? Which is best or does it not matter? I am so overwhelmed at the moment. I am wondering if they are easy to refill, I am planning on doing that to save some money and not having to wait on cartridges to be sent to me if I run out unexpectedly, I already know they don't last as long as advertised. My husband and I both got starter kits of the Blu, and that contains 50 cartridges of all different flavors if you wish (which my husband likes) and the Janty comes with only a 5 pack of cartridges. We were thinking of splitting one starter pack (which I see some advise against) but if one breaks, we can still use eachothers until the replacement comes is our train of thought... and with the money saved by only getting one kit, we were going to get some juice (I think that's what it's called LOL sorry) and try that out and hopefully it will last a little bit. Is this a good idea or should we both just get starter kits and still order the juice stuff because the 5 cartridges wont last long? or should we order extra cartridges because it's hard to refill the others. HELP! please I know this is long and probably annoying but I don't know where else to turn for help! :) Thanks so much in advance yall!


Full Member
May 31, 2009
Oklahoma, USA
I'm in the same boat as Lacey... I ordered the Blu Cigs for myself and my wife, so I'm crossing my fingers that they work. I smoke around half a pack to one pack a day, my wife about the same if not more. I'll be bummed if we get defective parts considering how excruciating the wait for the Blu Cigs are.

I thought about caving and getting the DSE901s from somewhere, but I heard the old ones are better and there are so many rebranded ones out there, I'm not sure which seller to buy from and who has the better quality versions of these.

I guess I'm not really adding much and I apologize for that, but I'm on the road a lot and need something that I can recharge for use or that'll at least last me between 7 to 12 hours a day and replace the half a pack or more I end up smoking while I'm driving.

I know half a pack isn't too bad, but that's showing restraint from where I used to be. 10 years smoking on and off since I was 16. I know, I was stupid, but meh. Too late now. It's the quitting part I'm having trouble with.

Again, thank you all for the info you post!


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Jun 2, 2009
Hi Im Debbie I have been reading the post for some time now but have never posted before. I have been a e-cig fan for 4 months now and haven't smoked a analog from the day I got my first e-cig. I have 11 of them now on my search for the ultimate. I have been in anticipation of my Prodigy arriving in the mail. Changing these batteries are a drag!


My name's Paul.
I'm new to the forum and haven't yet purchased an e-cig.
I smoke roll-ups exclusively, never packet cigarettes as I don't enjoy them.

I'm rather confused by the various models on offer and as these things are not cheap, I really want to make sure that I purchase the right one for me first time around.

Any roll-up smokers out there who would offer me the benefit of their own experience?

Is it possible to refill most or all models of e-cig with juice rather than cartridges?

I'm currently looking at one known as the ECIS (reluctuant to post the link for fear of being branded a spammer) at the moment although I've still not decided and will base my final decision on the results of reading the posts here.

The RoadRunner..


New Member
May 17, 2009
Alexandria, VA
Hello. I understand now why I couldn't post my question.
I came here looking for answers about e-cigs...

I purchased 2 Red Dragons for my husband and I. The starter kit with just one cartridge in it.

I should have looked at and compared the cartridge prices because my husband likes his and I wanted to get him refills but was shocked that each cartridge costs almost as much as a pack of analogs, but doesn't give as many cigarettes out of it as an analog pack!

I can still return these, and I may. But are there alternatives? Is there a place that lists what cartridges work with what batteries so you can switch out?

Thanks, I will continue to browse the forums and see if I can find a better alternative.



New Member
Jun 5, 2009
Hi SmokeyJoe,

I am new here and I would like to ask a question about e-puffer cartridges and flavors to recommend. I just ordered starter pack with Mirabella flavor and they said I wou;ld have to order a different flavor since they were out of that flavor. I have already had my account debited and would like to get some recommendations before I order a different flavor.
The vanilla and cherry are very good. Also, their menthol flavor is the best of any of the other menthols - it is a mild menthol.
Not a newbie esmoker, but new to posting.


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Apr 28, 2009
Georgia, USA
a big ol' Howdy to all from Georgia, and Thanks to Smokey Joe and the moderators here for making this e-cig forum what it is... which is to say, VERY informative and helpful!

I was a pack-a-day Marlbro smoker for 30+ years... and quit analogs, quite by accident, the very day my first e-cig came in the mail.

On Monday March 23 '09, I saw a thread on an outdoors forum, where the OP said he loved his new ecig... by the time I found the thread it was 13 pages long and 90+% of the responders said they had ecigs and loved them too.

With piqued interest, I researched ecigs feverishly for 4 days, ordered a 901 (2 atty) kit and some juice from e-smokeytreats on Friday (at 6pm no less), and it got here the following Monday! (March 30)... exceptional service from Phil!! ::thumbs: Found this forum that week, and have been reading daily ever since.

So in the space of one week, I went from zero knowledge of ecigs to being the proud owner of two.

We put the menthol juice in one cart/atty for my wife and she cut her daily analogs by half... put the Marbro juice in an atty for me, I kept the 15 ml. juice bottle in my jeans pocket, and didn't even think about an analog the rest of the week! :D the following Saturday we grilled out with neighbors (smokers) and after a few beers I fell off the wagon and had about 6 analogs that evening. I still keep a pack of analogs in a drawer, smoked probably 5-6 packs since starting ecigs... but that's been 10 weeks now, and 6 packs is a lot better than 70+!! :thumbs:

I want to keep abreast of the latest FDA actions, do some battery mods, ask some questions, post comments and opinions, etc....

So yeah, I'll be a regular here. :)

Thanks again...


Reviewer / Blogger
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Apr 22, 2009
Coral Springs, FL
Sorry to post again, been browsing the forums some more, a few more questions.... is the button on the 510 or whatever annoying? is it something you get used to? Anyways, I see 510, but there are a billion different brands, are they all the same? Which is best or does it not matter? I am so overwhelmed at the moment. I am wondering if they are easy to refill, I am planning on doing that to save some money and not having to wait on cartridges to be sent to me if I run out unexpectedly, I already know they don't last as long as advertised. My husband and I both got starter kits of the Blu, and that contains 50 cartridges of all different flavors if you wish (which my husband likes) and the Janty comes with only a 5 pack of cartridges. We were thinking of splitting one starter pack (which I see some advise against) but if one breaks, we can still use eachothers until the replacement comes is our train of thought... and with the money saved by only getting one kit, we were going to get some juice (I think that's what it's called LOL sorry) and try that out and hopefully it will last a little bit. Is this a good idea or should we both just get starter kits and still order the juice stuff because the 5 cartridges wont last long? or should we order extra cartridges because it's hard to refill the others. HELP! please I know this is long and probably annoying but I don't know where else to turn for help! :) Thanks so much in advance yall!

There are plenty of reviews of all the different models on this forum and everyone has their favorite. Mine are the M402/M402 and the DSE901. They both work well for me, but I haven't tried many others, so my opinion is limited.

Both cartridges are easy to refill, and I think that is definitely the way to go. You should get extra cartridges, however, so that you can keep filled ones handy and don't run out. I buy the cartridges and parts from Ruyandirect 'cause it's cheap, but there are lots of options in country, too.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Apr 22, 2009
Coral Springs, FL
I'm in the same boat as Lacey... I ordered the Blu Cigs for myself and my wife, so I'm crossing my fingers that they work. I smoke around half a pack to one pack a day, my wife about the same if not more. I'll be bummed if we get defective parts considering how excruciating the wait for the Blu Cigs are.

I thought about caving and getting the DSE901s from somewhere, but I heard the old ones are better and there are so many rebranded ones out there, I'm not sure which seller to buy from and who has the better quality versions of these.

I guess I'm not really adding much and I apologize for that, but I'm on the road a lot and need something that I can recharge for use or that'll at least last me between 7 to 12 hours a day and replace the half a pack or more I end up smoking while I'm driving.

I know half a pack isn't too bad, but that's showing restraint from where I used to be. 10 years smoking on and off since I was 16. I know, I was stupid, but meh. Too late now. It's the quitting part I'm having trouble with.

Again, thank you all for the info you post!

I can vouch for MyVaporStore and Ruyandirect having DSE901s which have both performed well for me.
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