newbie moving on to mod clones without rebuildable tanks

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Senior Member
Oct 24, 2013

Im semi new to vaping

Started on the green smokes, quit smoking - RESULT

moved on to the itaste vv v3 with a davide mini tank (ive tried rebuildable drippers but dont like the hassle)

Now im wanting the wow factor that mod clones bring, im wanting something that will look great with a protank 3, unitank, davide tank etc... Also can anyone recommend any more bottom coil tanks than look nice with mods?

cheers fellas, and happy vaping : )


Full Member
Verified Member
Feb 7, 2014
northwest arkansas
depends if you want a box mod or a tube mod. ive got bigger hands so i personally go for the box mods. i personally use a protank 2 with an MVP v2. if your more into tube mods go with a vamo v5 if moneys tight (when isn't it these days) check out carto tanks. i have a 6ml smoktech pyrex carto tank and it fits pretty well on both my vamo and MVP


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
cheers for the suggestions guys and you will have to excuse my ignorance but i assumed that carto tanks were the same as the protanks/davide tanks?

also i prefer tube mods, i should have mentioned that

keep the suggestions coming, its great learning from guys who know more than i do

A carto tank looks the business i.m.o. But they are not the same. A carto tank uses a cartomizer inside the tank. A clearomiser (Protank, Davide etc) uses a replaceable atomizer head in the bottom of the tank and the metal tube carries the vapour up to the mouthpiece (drip tip).


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Feb 7, 2014
northwest arkansas
check out the smoktech pyrex DCT. its a pyrex carto tank that has an aluminum housing on the outside and comes in all colors. uses flanged cartos and ive just been using single coil smoktech flanged cartos. whats the PG/VG ratio of your juice? thicker juices need more holes in the carto. i vape 65/35 PG/VG and i use 2 hole cartos. anything thicker than50/50 youll need more holes.


Vaping Master
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Apr 13, 2010
Capitol District New York
As some who never liked cartomizers, here's my take on some of your choices. Although carto tanks and "rebuildable" tanks (meaning tanks with a separate user replaceable coil) look very similar, the results (vapor, taste and throat hit) vary drastically. That's not to suggest you wouldn't like a carto tank. It's just a warning that if you try one type or the other and dislike the results you still have options of the other style. Personally, I'd suggest the Kanger ProTank 2 mini for a small (eGo sized) topper and the Kanger AeroTank for a large (22mm diameter) topper, both of these are bottom coil designs. Other folks love the Asprire BDC (bottom dual coil) designs over the Kanger. I'd suggest staying away from top coil tank designs.

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Completely Average

Vaping Master
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Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
For tanks I would highly recommend the Aspire Nautilus and the Aspire Vivi Nova BDC. The BDC especially rivals most cartotanks in flavor while being much easier and cheaper to maintain.

For mods, what is your budget?

In the sub-$75 range I would recommend the iTaste MVP. Excellent, if not incredible mod for the price.
$75-$100 range I would suggest a Lavatube or a Sigelei Zmax. I would NOT recommend an iTaste SVD. (2 broken in less than 6 months)

I've never really looked at the $100-$150 range, but above $150 I really like Provari and also the Billet Box is an excellent little box mod that has caught my eye.

Or you could start getting in to mech mods if you want a good DIY setup.
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