Newbie here w/ tons of questions on how to make liquids

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Hey there everyone. I just started vaping and decided I want to try my hand in making my own flavored liquids. It looks like I have to post 5 times in here before moving on to the other forums so I'll save my more involved questions for the more appropriate forums when the time comes. For now, I'll start with what I think may be a basic question. I just placed a pretty big order for DIY liquids....100mg PG base nicotine liquid, VG base, PG base, sweetener, ethyl maltol, a few 5ml bottles, a few 10ml bottles, a couple syringes and the flovors I'd like to make and/or mix: Mango, Strawberries and cream, blueberry, tropical punch, pineapple, pina colada and Maxx Blend tobacco. Now that I'm looking up recipes, it looks like it takes more than just "mango" flavoring to make a mango liquid. Any ingredients or supplies that I haven't listed that I might need to get my desired flavors? (basically , the flavors I ordered, are the flavors I'm looking for)


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Feb 16, 2013
Orlando, Florida
Welcome. Get your minimum posts made & head straight to the DIY threads...TONS of great info & recipes to roll your own juices. It's not difficult to do once you get the hang of a few basic principles, and quite enjoyable & can save you loads of money.

Speaking of which... DO NOT under ANY circumstances handle the 100mg Nicotine material without the proper precautions (nitrile gloves, protective eye-ware, etc). In higher percentages, nic can make you seriously sick, and in high enough dosages, nicotine is DEADLY, and can be absorbed through the skin. Once diluted to the proper percentages, its fine, but the high concentration stuff is nothing to play with, and needs to be handled with care.

Have fun, but be careful out there......
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Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
I agree with the suggestion checking out the DIY threads. When I began to DIY I used other vapers recipes. After awhile I began to experiment. Some of my present DIY juices contain 10- 15 diff ingredients so you can make it as easy or as complicated as you wish. When starting out mix small 3 ml recipes.


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Mar 14, 2013
I'm somewhat confused with your order, do you mean 100ml of PG nic liquid ? What strength in percentage ????, you really have to be careful with nic liquid. I would do the research etc'. Its not hard or rocket science but you cannot mess with nic.

What nic liquid have you ordered, what calculator will you use, what strength will you mix and above all, do you know what you are doing ?

Sorry to come off all panicky but its a serious substance to play with and your thread title says alot about your research into the subject.

How long have you been vaping ?
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I got this nic liquid in the PG base: 100mg Nicotine Unflavored. I appreciate the warnings. I've read a lot of warnings in my research, I know you have to be careful handling that stuff. I'm still waiting on the supplies to get here, and plan to do much more research before mixing anything up. I'm going for 16mg nic level in my juices to start. I've found a few calculators, even downloaded the e-juice app on my iPhone that's got some good reviews. Now just got to figure out exactly how to use them..I mean, I see how to enter the strength of nic and see how to get the desired strength and all that, but how do I know what percentage of flavoring, which is one of the factors the calc is asking for. That will be one of the many questions I have for the DIY forum. I'm pretty new to vaping. I've been discussing it with a number of people I've seen around work that are vaping for a couple months now. Broke down and bought a couple disposable e-cigs from the corner store...didn't care for those too much, but saw the potential. The wife and I ended up going to New Leaf Vapor Co. here in Jax (aka Vapor 9) and picking up a couple of their 1100 mAh VV Plus batteries, a handful of clearomizers and a few flavor liquids last Monday and we haven't even thought about a cigarette since then. Those were more like what I've seen people with at work and I love them. I not only wanted to kick the cig habit, but save money at the same time which is why I'm going to try my hand at making my own liquids and getting the most out of my clearomizers (which I've also read a lot about on here). PS: if anyone plans on ordering from New Leaf (or Vapor 9), hit me up for a 15% discount code :)

Bill's Magic Vapor

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Feb 8, 2013
Welcome to ECF and congrats on giving up the analogs. Like you I went straight into DIY and I can, at least, share my experience. First of all, I have over 150 different base flavors, so I can pretty much make anything. I vape one flavor daily, as does my wife. The good thing is now I can make 150 ml batches. The flavors will go bad long before I will use them. Second, I've tried maybe a couple of hundred recipes and didn't like most of them, so the recommendation to only mix 3ml batches is right on. Second, the 100mg nic is dangerous, but if handled with care, i.e., wash anything off the moment an accident occurs, then it's not terribly troubling. Do use safely gear, a splash in the eyes, for example, can cause serious problems. Nicotine will penetrate the skin barrier, but 100mg nic is a 10% solution, so the absorption is slow enough to be safely handled very carefully outside of a lab. Pure nicotine will kill every living organism on Earth and is used in fumigation to do just that.

Sounds like you may know what you want to make. That's a giant head start. My goal was to somehow become a master mixologist or something. I found out rather quickly that I don't have the time, the skill, the patience, or the knowledge to accomplish that goal. I have a few recipes that I like, fewer that I actually make. Lastly, I have spent way more on DIY than I would have buying various eliquid sampler packs to figure out what I like. My breakeven is probably 2020 or something. Yes, it is way less expensive to make your own juice. However, the learning curve is more expensive than I thought initially. That being said, I had not found this forum yet at that time either, so perhaps my many mistakes could have been avoided. My bottom line is that I'm just not good at it. I have dozens of flavor chemicals that are used to create the flavors. I've learned that mixing two fruit chemicals can produce a tobacco flavor. These chemical names are just that, they don't sound like anything you would ever buy as flavorings. It's really an art to create many flavors. I'm not artistic I guess. If I could go back, I would probably buy samples of top juices from about 20 different vendors to find out what I like, what's out there, and then maybe zero in my favorites to DIY. I have no problem using a flavor calculator. Pretty easy once you try. Most recipes have the percentages that you need to make a particular flavor, so it's fairly easy. What's hard for me, is making something I want to vape. I don't think that I have saved money going this route, but with the right guidance, in hindsight, I see that it is possible. Anyway, that's my story. I wish you good luck and the truth is that the JOURNEY is what makes it fun and fresh anyway. No matter what, you cannot go wrong, whether it turns out to be a panacea, or not. Enjoy the journey and happy vaping.


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Mar 14, 2013
OK - I need to stay out of this because im from the UK and we have different strengths, i have not found a 100mg strength in the UK, i may be wrong but the most i have found is 72. But a calculator will sort out your percentage so thats not a problem.

I must apologise because i misinterpreted your post, thinking you were buying 100% nic (which would be suicidal). There was a post somewhere else where someone was thinking of buying that and i jumped to a wrong conclusion.

As for the flavour percentage i use between 15% and 20% dependant on the flavour, if you mix flavours then its a part of each flavour adding up to either 15% or 20% (or whatever suits your taste) the only advice i would give is start with a 5ml mix to see if it works, if it does, make a bigger amount, if its not to your liking fiddle with the ratio's but keep the nic percentage constant.

Once again my apologies for getting the wrong end of the stick. which is a British term for jumping to the wrong conclusion.


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Apr 10, 2013
First of all why would you go for the 100 mg. In my experience ordering 50 mg price wise is almost the same thing but it will put you on the safer side of DIY.
If you order 100 or even 50 try it first as a unflavored blend to see if the TH at the concentration you want is what you really get. make 10 ml and try it out , if anything wird at least you don't waste nic and flavor.
Buy a Nicotine test kitt , that would help to identify if the base concentration is good.
Shake the HELL out of the base bottle before you use it.
Use a calculator not a napkin to plan you mixing !!!!
Good one right here : eJuice Me Up - Best eJuice Calculator


Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
Welcome to ECF!

I hope you find your visits here informative and fun. We have a huge community here that can be incredibly helpful in your journey. Feel free to ask any questions, as I'm sure there will be many with an answer for you! :)

Please see the links in my signature below for New Member information, as well as informative forums and threads on CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoking Alternatives Association) and the latest legislative news and info.

Be sure to visit our DIY Forum! DIY E-Liquid

Again, welcome to ECF!! :vapor:

OK - I need to stay out of this because im from the UK and we have different strengths, i have not found a 100mg strength in the UK, i may be wrong but the most i have found is 72. But a calculator will sort out your percentage so thats not a problem.

I must apologise because i misinterpreted your post, thinking you were buying 100% nic (which would be suicidal). There was a post somewhere else where someone was thinking of buying that and i jumped to a wrong conclusion.

As for the flavour percentage i use between 15% and 20% dependant on the flavour, if you mix flavours then its a part of each flavour adding up to either 15% or 20% (or whatever suits your taste) the only advice i would give is start with a 5ml mix to see if it works, if it does, make a bigger amount, if its not to your liking fiddle with the ratio's but keep the nic percentage constant.

Once again my apologies for getting the wrong end of the stick. which is a British term for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Oh it's all good. I think I read the post you were talking about earlier..or one like it where somebody was using some seriously potent stuff from China
First of all why would you go for the 100 mg. In my experience ordering 50 mg price wise is almost the same thing but it will put you on the safer side of DIY.
If you order 100 or even 50 try it first as a unflavored blend to see if the TH at the concentration you want is what you really get. make 10 ml and try it out , if anything wird at least you don't waste nic and flavor.
Buy a Nicotine test kitt , that would help to identify if the base concentration is good.
Shake the HELL out of the base bottle before you use it.
Use a calculator not a napkin to plan you mixing !!!!
Good one right here : eJuice Me Up - Best eJuice Calculator

I guess I just figured it was more bang for the buck. More concentrated? Get more out of it? I realize I'll have dilute the hell out of it as well as be super careful.

Thanks for the link...I'll check out that calculator
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