New to vaping, upgrading to Halo G6

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New Member
Aug 30, 2014
Houston, TX
Hi everybody!
I've been a pack a day smoker for about ten years, having smoked closer to two packs a day over the last year. I had heard about e-cigs and finally decided to give them a try. Not knowing a lot about the quality of the products, I simply chose one with a well-known company - Markten. I got the classic tobacco flavor.

I was disappointed. While I really appreciated how light and familiar it felt in my hand (just like a real cigarette), the throat hit just wasn't there...and when it was, it was so strong that I would go into a coughing fit.

Then I tried Blu, both classic tobacco and cherry (the $10 disposables). I wasn't a fan of the tobacco flavor; it tasted like coffee. However, I enjoyed "cherry crush", but again, the throat hit just wasn't enough. I also felt so wasteful using those disposables. On top of that, I continued smoking, albeit a little less.

I eventually went back to the Markten, simply because my original purchase came with the rechargeable battery and USB charger. For the last couple of weeks I've simply been buying the refill cartridges for the Markten. The taste is always hit-or-miss, and again, I continue smoking, just less.

Finally I did some more research and found that Halo G6 came highly recommended. I even saw that many people claimed to have quit smoking altogether with this product. I ordered my starter kit with the "Long Horn" juice today (24mg).

Any advice on what to expect? I hope my hopes aren't too high. I've noticed I actually prefer the sensation of vaping over smoking (it feels so much cleaner, and no smell), but the products I've used in the past just don't meet my expectations.


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May 17, 2012
Edinburg, TX
I would have advised a box-style mod and nautlius tank.

I couldn't really get a satisfying vape going with the cig-a-likes or the ego/clearo kits that are commonly sold to beginners. Once I stepped up to a variable voltage mod and tank, I was able to quit entirely.

Check out the MVP 2. You can pick one up for $40 at Very versatile device.


ECF Guru
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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here!:)

I don't have any personal experience with the current cigalites on the market. I hope your new starter kit works for you.

If you are interested in learning more about e-cigarettes (and all the parts and pieces) below are some blog posts by ECF member Baditude that I highly recommend for someone new to vaping and/or looking to upgrade.

1. A Good Starter's Setup for a Beginning Vapor
2. Advancing Up the Vaping Ladder with Egos and Mods
3. Proper terminology - Is it a carto, a tank, or what? A Guide to Juice Attachments.
4. Something Safe for Cinnamon and Citrus Flavors


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
I'm afraid my hopes for you are very low.

G6 is somewhere underneath a scale I would call effective.

I used the UK version (KR808D-1) with 24mg liquid. It wasn't good enough to get me off 15 cigarettes (roll-up 1.2mg approx) a day.

I wish you luck though, in all sincerity. If they don't get you over the line, use them up and continue to look. :)


Senior Member
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Aug 12, 2014
I have to say don't let anyone influence your thoughts on quitting until you have at least tried with your new starter kit. I have no experience with the g6 but my halo triton has been keeping me content and off analogs for almost 3 weeks. I have nothing bad to say about it. I may someday decide to move to a mech or rba but at the present time have no reason to. So make your own decision when the time comes on whether the g6 works for you or not. Good luck with quitting.


Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
Atlanta GA
Hi everybody!
I've been a pack a day smoker for about ten years, having smoked closer to two packs a day over the last year. I had heard about e-cigs and finally decided to give them a try. Not knowing a lot about the quality of the products, I simply chose one with a well-known company - Markten. I got the classic tobacco flavor.

I was disappointed. While I really appreciated how light and familiar it felt in my hand (just like a real cigarette), the throat hit just wasn't there...and when it was, it was so strong that I would go into a coughing fit.

Then I tried Blu, both classic tobacco and cherry (the $10 disposables). I wasn't a fan of the tobacco flavor; it tasted like coffee. However, I enjoyed "cherry crush", but again, the throat hit just wasn't enough. I also felt so wasteful using those disposables. On top of that, I continued smoking, albeit a little less.

I eventually went back to the Markten, simply because my original purchase came with the rechargeable battery and USB charger. For the last couple of weeks I've simply been buying the refill cartridges for the Markten. The taste is always hit-or-miss, and again, I continue smoking, just less.

Finally I did some more research and found that Halo G6 came highly recommended. I even saw that many people claimed to have quit smoking altogether with this product. I ordered my starter kit with the "Long Horn" juice today (24mg).

Any advice on what to expect? I hope my hopes aren't too high. I've noticed I actually prefer the sensation of vaping over smoking (it feels so much cleaner, and no smell), but the products I've used in the past just don't meet my expectations.

I've been vaping for a short time. I started with the G6 and they are still my absolute favorite. I'm using a triton as well as a evo battery and tank. The only reason that I went with an evo battery and glass tank was because I seem to like flavors that are tank crackers. But I will tell you, hands down, the G6 for me rocks. But I like it simple and easy.


Senior Member
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Jul 21, 2014
Pennsylvania, United States
Welcome to ECF!
I hope you'll enjoy the G6. I've been considering that for functions related to my husband's work as it looks a little more familiar and won't draw a huge amount of attention. I've only heard good things from folks here who have actually tried it. I look forward to hearing your impressions.

Reverend Brimstone

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2013
New Orleans
I smoked a pack+ a day for at least ten years.. Smoked for 20. The g6 is what got me off the analogs. I use an ego now, but wouldn't disparage the g6 for it. In my experience it's good enough to quit with. You may decide you want to find something more powerful or more versatile... But I found it to be leagues ahead of the blucig, which is what I tried first.


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Jul 29, 2014
Mayville, WI
Welcome to ECF,
When I first decided to quit analogs I started with the V2 brand then moved to the HALO series. Before I changed to bigger and better mods I was using the Triton system.
I believe Kanger actually makes the Triton tanks and the threads on HALO products are somewhat proprietary so it may be difficult to mix and match things as your vaping progresses.
My method of vaping has changed drastically since I joined ECF and that hasn't been that long. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people here and a lot to read. All are willing to help so enjoy your stay and ask away!

Anyway, WELCOME!
I am on day one of no cigs using the G6. I love it. Been weaning off analogs for two weeks. Get a TON of carto's to try a bunch of flavors for lots of companies - you can boil out old flavors but it really is a pain. I smoked a pack of ultra-lights a day - perhaps more behavioral and habitual than heavy smoking. If you're like my BF and you smoke a pack of light or regs per day, you may find an ego or MVP much more fulfilling. If all else fails, a G6 is an excellent backup or covert and quick way to sneak a smoke at concerts, work, in a car with non-smokers

Edit: I chose g6 over ego for weight and portability - I have bad hand problems, and weight was consideration for smoking outside home. Battery life is good for a bit less than a day - get the kit with two batteries. I highly suggest comparing manual to auto - I prefer manual for deeper throat hit. Get the 100-length battery (76 mm?) - the shorter ones won't get through a day. The pre-filled cartos are NASTY, and I actually like some Halo juices - I think the concentrates in the cartos are gross. I'm trying blank cartos from Revolution Vapor next week - $20 for 20, much better than Halo's cartos. Don't forget to try a clearomizer from Halo or other brand for 808's. ...good luck!
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