New from Germany

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@WWWF: Sorry, have to do a research first! Never heard of them.. but then, I am OLD.... my musical GODS were the Beatles and Pink Floyd.... :laugh:

Am just listening to some of Funker Vogt on utube ... well, not bad, but not quite what I like to hear all day or so.

lol, yeah, they are not for everyone-but i always appreciate a band that tells a story in a song-and one i can dance too!

btw, i love the Beatles too-
i try to give all music a chance.


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Aug 29, 2011

Sure wish I knew just what the hell people see when thinking about migrating to the states... She hasn't seemed beautiful to me since I was an ignorant little cuss, and it only gets worse the more you learn! Too inquisitive to enjoy what freedoms are left, I suppose. On that note, I always considered Europe to be far more beautiful, not to mention employing a far superior lifestyle. You have freedoms and governmental programs that we can only dream about here. So... Why?! Would you move? lol

Pardon the rant, (just a lil bewilderment mixed with the warning of our current insanstability here ;) and welcome, Frau Mamamia!

Hello poetofisis,
you surely are right in all you say. And it's not only the greener grass which would bring me over (because everybody with a halfway average level of intelligence can see that the grass has looong ceased to be greener in the U.S.) ... I've been pondering these thoughts for the last 10odd years or so. My main reason for leaving here and going there is: I am part of a huge and very loving family who all live "there" - in an Indian Reservation, and I want to explore my roots a bit more. Over here I haven't much of my (German part of the) family left .... For me it is not only interesting to explore the "red" side of myself by immersing myself into *this* part of my family, but also kind of an emotional issue... I was denied to know that part of my origin for a very long time in my life, and I kinda have to make up for it, now that I have fulfilled all my duties as a child, mother, professional person here in Germany... and that I am finally free to do what I want and to go where I want.
If it was plainly for the lifestyle I would surely move to India or Thailand, that's my cup of tea climatewise and also lifestyle-wise. But no ... there are more important issues to be respected here, and I just follow my heart.


Hi to everybody else, and thanks for the welcome!
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Aug 29, 2011
Mamamia by your name i thought you were Italian. ....:D

welcome to the light on ECF

Willkommen im Licht

Hi Liscab, yeah, I am aware of that! I lived in Italy for 2 years in the early 80s.... wonderful country, wonderful people, wonderful climate... but extremely expensive nowadays.... unfortunately so.
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