FDA New CDC ad falsely attributes lung disease to vaping,CDC to hold press conference today

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
Will they pay $2500 for a "better off" vaper?
This is my health story. I was diagnosed with COPD ten years before I quit. When I quit 15 months ago I repeated my PFT 3 months after I quit and it actually improved and was taken off my rescue inhaler. Along with the PFT, I did a 6 minute walk test and my 02 stayed at 96. On my previous walk test I walked 3 minutes and my 02 dropped to 89 and they put me on supplemental oxygen. I am on Spiriva once a day. The sad part about COPD is that all long term smokers will eventually have some form of COPD. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema and maybe asthma. I have chronic bronchitis and extrinsic asthma. I was diagnosed early because I work in the medical field and knew my symptoms were due to smoking. I have seen this disease ravage people. Yet I couldn't quit. Then came the new and improved tanks etc.

My COPD is here to stay but vaping hasn't made it worse as proof by my tests. Due for another in a few months.

When I first started I used PG/VG mix from not so reputable companies and I had an exacerbation 2 months into vaping. I read a lot of articles regarding the PG/VG mixes and I switched to 100% VG and haven't had an exacerbation in over a year. I can't remember when I felt this good. I now use an American company who is accredited by AESMA.

Some people are medically naïve regarding their health. I guarantee she had a pre-existing condition or a sensitivity to VG or PG. This incident shouldn't be the poster child for anti-vaping propaganda. There are a lot of things that can irritate our lungs and COPD doesn't occur overnight. I am so sick of this. Thanks for keeping us informed.

most likely you have a sensitivity to PG. 3 % or less
of the population have some level of sensitivity to it.
for normally healthy individuals the likelihood of PG
causing lung issues is zilch if not right next to none.
i doubt the companies you refer to were being
disreputable. now days most if not all companies
have addressed this issue and have introduced
VG blends for customers with PG sensitivity.
VG also produces a thicker vapor which many
vapers like.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
So far I'm blessed. I smoked a PAD of Marlboro Reds for almost 20 years and then another 20 years with ultra lights, 2 PAD. I've only had three X-rays and one CTI scan in all that time, but each showed normal results for lung condition. The most recent X-ray was a couple of months ago when I caught what was going around during Christmas and the doctor sent me for an X-ray to rule out pneumonia. That was diagnosed normal and the copy I got on DVD looks like all the Google images of normal X-rays.

I do notice a slight need to breathe deeply when I exert myself, but maybe not more than normal for my age (64). For what it's worth, I do 140 free weight reps and a 6 mile stationary bike ride 5 days a week with the bike peaking at 80% resistance. My heart rate rises about 20 to 30 BPM during that time and my pulse oximeter stays at 97/98 and I can breathe deeply while riding and hit 99. Vaping for 5 years and not smoking is the reason I can do that.

I'll always think that government has an alternate adenda that is based on tax receipts and not necessarily our health. Maybe they just don't like the sight of exhaled vapor. If they were interested in our health, they'd outlaw tobacco cigarettes and praise vaping. Go figure.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
Cold Norway
Shouldn't there be more than one example of harm? Surely, vaping has been around long enough to have damaged more than one? :blink:

When you put it that way... 10 years later - they've actually found the harm in vaping. One smoker who also vape has developed COPD. Not that I find COPD one bit funny... but the bigger picture is hilarious :D


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
most likely you have a sensitivity to PG. 3 % or less
of the population have some level of sensitivity to it.
for normally healthy individuals the likelihood of PG
causing lung issues is zilch if not right next to none.
i doubt the companies you refer to were being
disreputable. now days most if not all companies
have addressed this issue and have introduced
VG blends for customers with PG sensitivity.
VG also produces a thicker vapor which many
vapers like.

Precisely! My asthma means I can't abide anything over 20% VG, or I can't breathe at all, and go around feeling like I have a hairball in my chest that I can't cough up no matter how hard I try. If I tried to vape 100% VG, I'd soon be in a hospital, since even trying a 35% VG juice gave me an asthma attack so bad, I almost couldn't even inhale from my rescue inhaler!


Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Although she cut back on regular cigarettes, Kristy did not quit smoking regular cigarettes completely, which is the best way to protect your health. "I tried e-cigarettes, but I just ended up using both the electronic kind and my regular brand," she said. Eventually, Kristy quit e-cigarettes and went back to just smoking cigarettes. A few months later Kristy's right lung collapsed."

Turn into this ->


Yes, Kristy’s Story reveals that Kristy’s lung collapsed after she quit vaping and switched back to exclusive cigarette smoking, which could have been prevented had CDC truthfully acknowledged that vaping is far less hazardous than smoking and that PVs and flavored e-liquids are superior to cigalike e-cigs for quitting smoking.
Kristy's Story | Real Stories | Tips From Former Smokers | CDC

But CDC's ad misrepresented Kristy’s story by falsely blaming e-cigs for a collapsed lung that was caused by cigarette smoking and by CDC telling Kristy and all other smokers to stop using e-cigs.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
We'll soon see DHHS funded junk scientists absurdly claiming that Big Tobacco took over CDC and CA DPH campaigns.
They certainly know how to play this game.
They've been playing it for over 30 years now.

And with the mainstream media in their pockets, it's hard to fight effectively.

What we need to do is work towards changing public perception.
And that happens either with our own media campaigns, or one person at a time.

We seem to be at a crossroads now, with Tobacco Harm Reduction starting to take a foothold.
And our opponents ramping up their propaganda campaigns.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2012
Precisely! My asthma means I can't abide anything over 20% VG, or I can't breathe at all, and go around feeling like I have a hairball in my chest that I can't cough up no matter how hard I try. If I tried to vape 100% VG, I'd soon be in a hospital, since even trying a 35% VG juice gave me an asthma attack so bad, I almost couldn't even inhale from my rescue inhaler!


It's funny in that we are all different when it comes to this stuff, I have asthma and high PG makes me wheeze and need to use my inhaler. If I Vape it at 30% or less I don't have any issues lol. Most of my asthma is allergies/exercise induced so it's possible that PG for me is an allergen in large quantities. Who knows.
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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
It's funny in that we are all different when it comes to this stuff, I have asthma and high PG makes me wheeze and need to use my inhaler in high percentages. If I Vape it at 30% or less I don't have any issues lol.

And yet the inhaler is chock full of PG. :D I'm sure that's (regular use of inhalers for 30 yrs) why I am *almost* immune to PG's effect. It's "almost" because a week of 90% PG gave me pretty serious chemical burns in my throat, sinuses, and nasal tissue, though it helped my lungs tremendously, clearing out that 35% VG. When I realized it was the PG causing my sinus distress, I backed off to 83%-84% PG, and that ratio suits me right down to the ground.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2012
And yet the inhaler is chock full of PG. :D I'm sure that's (regular use of inhalers for 30 yrs) why I am *almost* immune to PG's effect. It's "almost" because a week of 90% PG gave me pretty serious chemical burns in my throat, sinuses, and nasal tissue, though it helped my lungs tremendously, clearing out that 35% VG. When I realized it was the PG causing my sinus distress, I backed off to 83%-84% PG, and that ratio suits me right down to the ground.


Few of the modern inhalers use PG anymore, they use HFA-134a which is a 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane propellant. Probably better for me that they don't lol. Proventil/Ventolin etc.

Though there are several nebulizer treatments that contain PG as a solubilizer still. So if your asthma is really bad and you need to go the the ER for a nebulizer treatment you may be inhaling some.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
Few of the modern inhalers use PG anymore, they use HFA-134a which is a 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane propellant. Probably better for me that they don't lol. Proventil/Ventolin etc.

Though there are several nebulizer treatments that contain PG as a solubilizer still. So if your asthma is really bad and you need to go the the ER for a nebulizer treatment you may be inhaling some.

I knew about the HFA; I had to switch from generic albuterol to name-brand Ventolin when they changed that, because the Ventolin was the only one of the HFA's that didn't taste like grain alcohol to me -- as a recovering alcoholic, I loathe that taste, much the way that many of us now loathe the taste/smell of cigarettes. But I figured there's still some PG in there; it's pretty much everywhere -- food, medicine, personal care, all the air you breathe in hospitals, etc etc etc! -- just because it's so generally inert, and inhibits bacterial growth.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2014
Whittier, CA, USA
Its one thing to combat a twitter account, but what about the billboards and TV ads? That's where the real campaign is at. Those affect people who aren't vapers and aren't familiar with any of this and those are the people who will be voting for stuff and who will support public health decisions. They see the TV add or billboard and take it as fact, on sight. Attacking a twitter account is great, but its kind of like tossing a steak to a guard dog to distract it while you sneak right past and rob their whole house.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2013
Its one thing to combat a twitter account, but what about the billboards and TV ads? That's where the real campaign is at. Those affect people who aren't vapers and aren't familiar with any of this and those are the people who will be voting for stuff and who will support public health decisions. They see the TV add or billboard and take it as fact, on sight. Attacking a twitter account is great, but its kind of like tossing a steak to a guard dog to distract it while you sneak right past and rob their whole house.

Wish we could get enough money into CASAA to be able to put up commercials and billboards that send messages like "Even COPD (cancer, asthma, etc) couldn't get me to quit smoking. But E-Cigs did!"

E-cig and e-liquid mfgs can't, sadly. Probably not even the mfg associations. Only the consumers ourselves can make these claims. Are we willing to put up the money to out-shout the ANTZ?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2014
Whittier, CA, USA
Wish we could get enough money into CASAA to be able to put up commercials and billboards that send messages like "Even COPD (cancer, asthma, etc) couldn't get me to quit smoking. But E-Cigs did!"

E-cig and e-liquid mfgs can't, sadly. Probably not even the mfg associations. Only the consumers ourselves can make these claims. Are we willing to put up the money to out-shout the ANTZ?

Willing? Yes. Able? Nope.

I can just see it now. "Honey we can't fix our kitchen cabinets because I blew our money on a billboard." Cancer or vaping would be the least of my immediate concerns.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
...????? Even on the surface, it's a ridiculous PR campaign.

"I tried e-cigarettes, but then went back to just smoking. Then my lung collapsed".

In what distorted reality do e-cigs have anything to do with this???? Even on the surface it's a smear campaign.
Fortunately, it's not just obvious, but transparent. How do we push back? (More than just commenting on twitter).


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
...????? Even on the surface, it's a ridiculous PR campaign.

"I tried e-cigarettes, but then went back to just smoking. Then my lung collapsed".

In what distorted reality do e-cigs have anything to do with this???? Even on the surface it's a smear campaign.
Fortunately, it's not just obvious, but transparent. How do we push back? (More than just commenting on twitter).

It seems almost to be advertising FOR us, rather than against -- there's a niggling thought in my brain everytime I read it -- maybe if you hadn't gone back to cigarettes, your lung wouldn't have done that? Or maybe it would have, regardless of smoking, vaping, or lack of either -- correlation does not imply causation!!!!! for the n-zillionth time! :facepalm:


Alexander Mundy

Ribbon Twister
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 1, 2013
Springfield, MO
The ad isn't so ridiculous without the deliberately left out information, in fact it's down right hateful damnation without the whole story. The PDF of the ad is down right now.


I have a screen shot of it, but redacted it previously. If you really want to see it, it is in my Photobucket

I hope others contacted them to point out the irony of truth in advertising they enforce!

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