New cartomizer design (v9 exclusive), you're gonna love em!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
LOL.. no offense intended, steel throats!

They still produce a nice warm satisfying vapor, and have a decent throat hit but what they do lack is the harshness, it's a smoother, creamier vapor than what I'm used to from other carto designs. I think that qualifies as a run-on sentence..:D
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
I personally love the idea of a smoother throat hit. But I would also really love it if you got multi colored ones. It is soooooo much easier to keep track of what flavor I have in what carto.

point taken.. i think we'd go more for a racing stripes version, like a little ring around it or a line down the side with a color indicating the flavor.. how about just the flavor name on the side? :p


ECF Guru
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Oct 7, 2009
Mountain Cave
point taken.. i think we'd go more for a racing stripes version, like a little ring around it or a line down the side with a color indicating the flavor.. how about just the flavor name on the side? :p

Well, for people who fill their own cartos, you wouldn't know the name of the flavors so I would think that would be hard to accomplish. :D A ring around it would be nice and subtle. Whichever you like best. Just so they are different colors. I sound like I am telling you what to do and I don't mean to. I just know that for me at least, it is so much easier to keep track of that way.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
You'll find this hard to believe but 36mg isn't available! I inquired about it with several reps and nobody that makes the KR compatible cartos will sell them, even when we said we were willing to buy a large quantity. I don't know the exact reason for this but I have some good connections to the various manufacturers and it seems to be policy for everyone now.

They said that yes they would sell us cartridges in "36" mg no problem and encouraged us to do so, but it was just 26mg labeled as 36mg. This goes for the KR factory/their affiliates etc.. I didn't think this would be a very honest thing to do so I declined.

The liquid all comes from Dekang and the highest they produce now is 26 mg- I'm afraid anything sold as higher is just a label.

We'll have them in tobacco, menthol, and empty starting out.. Will add more flavors soon :)

24mg=check, we sure will

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Jul 23, 2009
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
Thanks for the zippy response Ben! Very interesting about what you mentioned about the Nic strength... makes me start to wonder if the stuff i already have,,, or stuff that I have on order (from another vendor, i apologize!) is the same situation! Regardless, I am anxiously anticipating the arrival of your new product and can't wait to try it out!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
Well from what I've learned it will be 26mg opposed to 24mg, 2mg/ml difference in strength instead of 12.. a considerable difference...

Do you notice a BIG difference in the ones you've tried compared to the 24mg? I think that would be the biggest indicator, as 36mg is substantially stronger.

Brandnew vper

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2010
I dont agree. Maybe this is the case but from a couple vendors i notice a considerable difference from 24 to 36mg. I cant vape 36mg all day long but i can vape 24mg. So im not certain but i think its got to be higher then 26mg maybe they label it outside the box as 26 so it can be disributed in the USA but actually is 36mg. Maybe they told you that so you could tell the authorities if they questioned you?lol JK But i think some vendors really do have 36mg cartos IMO. But thats me. Maybe i notice the 2mg difference as well. Not sure but interesting to find out.
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