New and overwelmed

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Resting In Peace
Apr 29, 2012
I am new here and to e-cigarettes.
61 yrs on this earth this time around.
49 years of that I have smoked tobacco cigarettes.
Kool, Camel straights, Chesterfield, Camel filter ....... last 14 years I roll my own top and for last 2 or 3 years I use the light blue pouch of American spirit.
I have never exceeded a pack a day and I am in good health.
I do enjoy smoking.
I am not turning to e-cigs to stop smoking, just to stop using that sacred tobacco in a disrespectful way.
currently I roll 10 to 12 a day . 10-15 puffs avg. sometimes less and whn I smoke it to the nub probably more.

I have read and looked and researched.
Read many topics and post on these forums as well.

I do want something that is like an analog with tobacco taste.
I ordered some V2 disposables to see if I thought a e-cig would work and yeppers little to no doubt in my mind I can quit using tobacco in a disrespectful manner.
I know there are better flavors etc than the v2.
On eof my complaints is the length. The taste of the their red is ok and has worked for the last few days(yes I have had some analogs, but about 1/2 of usual).

Now what I am trying to figure out is the best and most affordable way to make this change.
In looking I see battery life of all lengths and charge times of different lengths.
2 batteries is ok as long as they will last me a day while one charges.

The V2 vapor and TH are acceptable. the taste is OK and if it was all there was then I'd be fine.

What I am hoping for is some input from you kind and knowledgeable people.
I'm not looking for pretty or the latest and greatest thickest smoke.
I truly am looking for a replacement of my smoking habit which I have no intention of quitting, just want to stop smoking tobacco and not loose any more ease that rolling and smoking are now.

thanks to one and all

one step, one round, one day at a time


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Feb 11, 2012
Hi and welcome Elbert!!! I have this Volt X2 In the 1300 mah and it lasts all day. Additionally, can use it while it is charging if I am near my computer or in my car. I pair it with the Volt Clearomizer and can vape for a couple of hours without needing to fill up and a long time without needing a charge. Good luck!!!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2012
San Diego
Welcome to ECF and congrats on your choice to give up tobacco! It sounds like you are coming from a powerful and enlightened place in choosing to honor tobacco for what it is and to not abuse it.

I also started with a V2 kit. In my opinion, it's tough to find something with a true tobacco taste, especially considering that we are not actually burning anything with our e-cigs. If the V2 disposables were satisfactory for you, then you might want to try one of their starter kits. They are a bit more expensive than some of the other stuff that's available, but it's a good way to keep it simple. The battery life is decent (depending on how much you vape) and if you had three batteries to rotate, you should be able to make it through a full day of uninterrupted vaping without a problem.

If you do stick with V2 batteries, at some point you may want to buy empty KR808D-1 cartomizers from a different vendor with better prices, as well as some other flavors of e-juice that you can refill the cartos with. You can save a lot of money that way, with very little extra effort. Even if you don't find that true tobacco taste, you'll surely find something you like. My best advice is to not try to learn and understand everything at once. Take your time browsing the forums, do searches for your questions and don't be afraid to post new threads. The community here is very supportive and helpful. I feel lucky to be a part of it and I am glad you are now a part of it too!

Stick with it! It just gets better!
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Full Member
Apr 30, 2012
Tacoma, WA


Resting In Peace
Apr 29, 2012
dlsw and misterkai and the rest who have replied

Thanks for the input.
dlsw, I took a look at the volt. The 1300mAh batter is long and only comes in black. The hold charge is good. Just right now I'm not ready to step outside of the smokers circle. In time things may change.
Hoping to find a white one that's length is close to a king filter or a hand rolled American spirit.
What I want , what I can find and afford and what I need may not all be the same. Just wanting the best choice for myself that will get me away from smoking tobacco.

JHowe: you mentioned 808 battery and gave a link, but Im not sure what the 808 battery is.

The way the e-cigs function is a good substitute for my every time I get in the car and light up and every hour to 1.5 hours at work.
It allows me to keep my 49 year habit while letting go of the burning tobacco.

Thanks for the compliment. Not sure how enlightened I am . I just know my Ancestors from this North America and my spiritual walk sure would like for me to quit.
In the Native Community most still smoke. More have quit, but most have not.
I am hoping that when I go to a gathering in July and can share this success with some of my relatives. Many of us have wanted to stop the abuse, but with little to take the place of the habit it is really hard. Especially at ceremony where most everyone still smokes tobacco. Some of the younger people in the Native community have started an effort to educate not only kids but adults as well about tobacco abuse.

Beside the first of the 3 v2 disposables crapping out in less than 24 hours it has been good.
I do have issue with the taste of their reds. If I was still smoking Taylor Mades like Marb.. or other filtered cigs then they would taste fine. I have been rolling my own for so long, unless I really want to smoke I won't smoke a Taylor Made, they just taste nasty in general. I don't even like Camel Straights anymore.

The tobacco taste I would prefer would be of a long cut plain Virginia tobacco.
I know I will have to try different e-juice which is ok Im used to rolling my own. :

Thanks to all for the input.

one step, one round , one day at a time.
Hello there and welcome.... you have gotten enough advice on a PV.... so I just thought I would add my input on juice flavor.... I have tried many tobacco flavors.... I am still smoking analogs on occasion until I am fully committed to quitting completely..... I am almost there.... it takes time.... I have only been smoking 20 years..... but I LOVE vaping now more than smoking and I am slowly but surely reassuring my brain of that.... so on the tobacco flavors.... I started out with the flue cured from americaneliquidstore.... I liked that as a starter.... I have two favorites however..... I love kentucky blend from vermillionriver... I cannot afford it all the time... that is my number 1 favorite.... my second and less expensive favorite is New Red Box from EC blend.... I have found I really like tanks.... so my go to vape is the New Red Box in a 2.0 tank on my Bolt mod which is 3.7 volt.... I just ordered a Ego passthrough and am excited to get it soon.....

I hope this helps.... I went through alot of trial and error :) Good luck!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2012
west bloomfield
Hi Elbertdee & welcome...Congrats on your decision. I've got a few years up on you (even tho I tell everyone I'm 17 LOL) & smoked for close to 50 yrs; always menthol. Also did RYO for 11 or 12 years, the last few using pipe tobocco-much cheaper. I also started w/what I felt would look & feel like my old cigs-mainly 510's - even bought a wonderful charger that could handle charging 10 of them at one time & believe me, that baby was always charging. After stalking this wonderful site-I took the plunge & ordered my big girl 1000mah bats & never looked back. I like to keep everything as simple as possible & am amazed at what the great people from this forum know & what they do with mods & taking things apart - I thought filling a tank was a genius move on my part. I'm not familiar w/the V2, the only ones I use are Joyetech (I did get the Magnum from Volcano first) but have found that the genuine Joye & the folks I deal with, are perfect for my needs - no knock on Volcano, I'm hooked on their Menthol Burst liquid. Anyways, I've rattled on long enuf but the one thing I would like to suggest, in whatever your choice may be, is a me, that was a fantastic investment-can use while charging & unplug & grab it when I run out the it. Sooooo, my best wishes to you on your new venture...enjoy!


Full Member
Apr 29, 2012
Glad your making the switch... I think to each his own when it comes to what setup would be best for you. Just do a good amount of research on whatever devices catch your eye and go from there, but go in with the knowledge that it may not be quite the right device for you but only experiences will tell. You are defiantly in the right place for info... and help.

Good Luck!!!


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Jan 15, 2012
I am not turning to e-cigs to stop smoking, just to stop using that sacred tobacco in a disrespectful way.

That is one of the most noteworthy answers to the often asked "Why did you start vaping", I'll say! And I'm reminded it's our inability to use without abuse that makes for all the bad things.

Welcome, and good luck with finding your perfect vape.


Full Member
Apr 29, 2012
That is one of the most noteworthy answers to the often asked "Why did you start vaping", I'll say! And I'm reminded it's our inability to use without abuse that makes for all the bad things.

Welcome, and good luck with finding your perfect vape.

The elusive "perfect vape"... isn't that a myth or an urban legend?


N rustica

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Feb 24, 2012
Wow, what a great first post. I'm like you in the way that I didn't want to stop using tobacco, just cut out the disrespectful unhealthy way I was using it. Vaping it changed me literally overnight. I now smoke mabe 1 mapacho roll up a day, and when I do, I seem more conscious now and less compulsive. The spirit of the plant is a beautiful protective ally, I grow it in my garden.

I vape all day long whenever I want. I suppose with time I will switch to a lower nicotine mg. Sometimes, it seems I tend to overdo it, but it will even itself out, I'll feel dehydrated or wired and I know to slow down. I've been kicking some ... at the gym lately, getting breath and endurance built up, I ran a one mile race today. I've only been vaping for a couple of months.

Make no mistake, nicotine e-liquid is a refined tobacco product. It's like sipping a tea instead of eating the whole leaves.

I use a riva/ego. The smaller ecigs like v2 or volt need to be recharged after just a few hours, I'm glad I was able to skip over them and start on a bigger one.

oh, almost forgot. you wanted some suggestions. Dekang makes pretty good e-liquid. try dk-tab and ry4, many people like it. I also like signature tobaccos and top shelf vapes.
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