Need more info about ultrasonic cleaning

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Jan 26, 2011
Conroe, TX
I've been using 91% iso to clean my attys. It does a decent job. The problem is I've started having allergic reactions, and i'm hoping it's the iso and not my juices. Without going into detail, I have some evidence it's the iso.
I've tried the vinegar/baking soda method, and it just doesn't seem to knock out the stronger flavors. So now i'm considering the ultrasonic cleaners. I told my non-vaping wife, and she said she always wanted one for her jewelry. Awesome. We're all about dual-purpose purchases. So I began reading here and other places and discovered that people put all sorts of liquids in these things. The jewelry people recommend dish soap and water. I've seen iso, vodka, everclear.... what works? What doesn't work? how well can they handle changing liquids? If I use vodka and clean my attys, will there be a residue left behind that could damage my wife's jewelry? And most important-will it clean better? Thanks for any help that keeps me from wasting money.


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Nov 16, 2009
vodka alone will not harm any gold or platinum not sure on silver guess if you clean that stuff you polish it afterwards to keep from tarnish .. now if you are running some nasty attys through the jewelry might end up collecting some of the build up .. will not damage but just would not fully clean..

personally i think everyone over cleans their attys .. vodka boiling water ext eats up the glue that is used in the atty all i do is run under hot tap water for a min dry burn and rince again.. have many attys work like new for 3+ months using atleast 90mls a month.. for strong flavor a short soak of vodka is the most i would do
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