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My surgery went well!

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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2009
Penn's Woods
I talked to a few of you lovely ladies in the chat a couple nights ago. I had my surgery and it went well. I'm back home and recovering now. It hurts a lot, but it will get better. Just wanted to give you gals an update. :)

(On the tenth, yesterday, I had two discectomies for two herniated discs, one at L3-4 and the other at L4-5... Those two have been herniated for years but as it's fine for insurance companies to drop you for being sick, I didn't have health insurance for three years and had to suffer through them with no treatment. I finally got Medicaid about two months ago. I've had four herniated discs total in my life so far and I'm 22- all herniated for no reason, never had an accident or back trauma. They've been L3-4, L4-5 herniated twice, and L5-S1.)

I'm so glad I quit smoking and switched to an e-cig little over six weeks ago, before I knew I was going to have the surgery. I know that not smoking is really going to help me recover. :) Yay for vaping! Yay for this forum for helping me through it! I lurk far more than I post, but so many here have been helpful in guiding me through my transition from smoking to vaping, even if they don't know it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2009
Sounds great! I, also, was going to post soon about your time to get home...
Hope you recover quickly but don't overdo it! I know hard to say that- But at 22 yrs, you can't be too careful- Take Care and keep us posted here- Also, not sure how new you are to the forums... (I lurked for a whole week before joining) LOL If you are not sure where to find answers to questions or something you need a 2nd, 3rd & 4th opinion about- Holler here! One of us will always post our thoughts freely- LOL
Good to hear you are home- are the babies still being cared for? Hope your friend can lend a hand a bit til you can get more mobile!
Now, catch up on the boards- you need to be laying down anyway- might as well use it for computer time- LOL


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2009
Penn's Woods
My mom is taking care of all my fur and feathers babies now. :) I'm glad my neighbour could care for them while I was gone. They won't leave me alone now, they must have missed me. <3

The neurosurgeon and his team, and the nurses that were taking care of me are really impressed with how fast I am recovering. I am in lots of pain, but that's to be expected- but the horrible nerve pain in my leg is gone, thank G-d. My neurosurgeon wants me to get up every 40ish minutes while awake to walk around the house a little bit so I heal faster with less scar tissue. It's a struggle, but I am fighting. Gonna nod off soon though. I'm trying to stay awake so that I'm really tired when I go to sleep tonight... I've just been sleeping a few hours at a time, waking up, going back to sleep... and that's just making me even more tired. Need to get back into a good long sleep cycle.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Every time I had surgury I walked every few hours so as not to stiffen up. It hurts a lot more to walk when you are stiff! Walking also get all the body functions working again. Your body goes into a kind of shock or sleep mode after surgery. All the meds don't leave your system as fast as you would like unless you get the funtions going! Drink lots of water..you will have to get up for the bathroom!:D


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2009
Penn's Woods
Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone! <3

Every time I had surgury I walked every few hours so as not to stiffen up. It hurts a lot more to walk when you are stiff! Walking also get all the body functions working again. Your body goes into a kind of shock or sleep mode after surgery. All the meds don't leave your system as fast as you would like unless you get the funtions going! Drink lots of water..you will have to get up for the bathroom!:D

Yeah, I'm doing the drinking lots of fluids trick. Especially tea, mmm. Then I pretty much have to get up all the time to potty.

My neurosurgeon wants me up every 40 minutes. It's hell but I'm doing it. I hope it gets better soon.
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