My Story

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Jul 26, 2014
Alberta, Canada
My name is Sean. I am a 40 year old electrician living in Small Town Alberta. I started smoking when I was 12. My parents smoked, my friends parents smoked, many of my aunts and uncles smoked, and most of my teachers smoked. Everyone knew it was bad, and no-one encouraged it, but I doubt it was a surprise to anyone the first time I got caught.

Twenty eight years is a long time to do anything. I loved smoking, and I told myself I would never quit. I didn't want to. When the Anti tobacco fascists started cracking down, I became even more adamant. I have always been a non-conformist, so I used smoking as yet another badge of honour. I am also very introverted, and as smoking became banned in more and more places, I became less and less social. At the end of that particular part of my life I was smoking at least 2 packs a day, spending around $700 a month, and hardly leaving my house except to work. If I couldn't smoke there, I wasn't going.

I had seen those crappy plastic e-cigs on display at the place I bought my smokes for months. I asked the clerk if they worked well, she said she heard they weren't great. On closer inspection I learned that there was no nicotine. I knew that the patch and the gums didn't work very well, and they have nicotine, so I thought there is no way these things would work for me. I need my nic. So I hopped on the net, started looking for something better. I found a lot of stuff. Almost too much. I decided to bite the bullet and order a starter kit for around $50 and a few different flavors of juice. I thought if I could cut my smoking even by half, I would be a lot better off. Financially and in terms of health. Let me tell you, 2 packs a day takes it's toll.

I tracked my package through the standard online procedure of anticipation and doom and gloom. From Calgary it took 4 days to arrive. For the first 3 days of waiting I chain smoked. I wanted to be so sick of smoking that I would be ready to try anything. I almost made myself sick, I gave myself almost all of the nicotine overdose symptoms by the end of the night. The morning my package arrived I spent at the dentist having my teeth cleaned. Not a pleasant experience at all, as I said – 2 packs a day takes it's toll. After leaving the dentist I went to work for awhile. It was a slow day and the boss let us leave early, which was just fine and dandy with me. Between the dentist and getting to the post office I smoked 3 cigarettes. I really didn't want to undo all the time I spent in the chair getting my mouth abused by the hygienist. So I went home and unpacked my new gear.

I haven't had a smoke since. That was July 17 2014. Today is September 1, 46 days later. I no longer need to smoke. I no longer want to smoke. I no longer smell like smoke. My car no longer smells of smoke at all, nor does my house. I can smell things again. That isn't always pleasant, but I can also taste things. My teeth look the same as the day I had them cleaned. I am enjoying vaping much more than I ever did smoking, and feeling the benefits of not smoking.
What a great story Electrishean, welcome to the otherside. I'm new at this too stopped on My birthday. I smoked for 44 yrs (since age 14) and followed the exact same path (not the Dentist). I've never been happier,and my husband who quit 35 yrs ago (cold turkey) is thrilled. I can tell you that Vaping has it's own addiction, not so much the nic but the gadgets. The fact that you are an electrician will make you one up on the rest of us, so be prepared to share your knowledge with your fellow Vapers. We will promise to share what we have learned from our Vape journey with you in return. Just promise to turn your smoking friends into Vapers if you care about them, and enjoy the thrill of being a non smoker!:banana:


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to you ElectriSean. That is awesome and I wish you continued success.
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