Never Too Old To Quit-Six Years Cigarette Free-My Story

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Full Member
May 7, 2017
Melbourne, Fl.
I started smoking in High School in the early sixties. Back then, it was the thing to do and the badge of courage was the bulging pack of smokes that you proudly displayed in your shirt pocket. Started with Kent but eventually graduated to Camels and Lucky Strike to be like all the other members of the in crowd. Smoking was great and cheap-all you had to do was put 25 cents into a vending machine and you got a pack of smokes with two pennies under the cellophane! After graduating High School went on to College where it became quickly evident that cigarettes were a "must have" at any beer party that you attended. By this time I was a 1.5 PAD smoker which is pretty much where I stayed during my smoking years. After College I went to work, got married and got drafted in that order. Cigarettes were readily available in the Army at only $2.50 per carton. Great!!
After getting d discharged from the Army went back to work and continued to smoke without any thought of giving it up until the early 80's. At that point, I thought I would give this nicotine gum thing a chance so I went out and bought a decent supply to try. Well unlike many of the other people in the office who were chomping on this stuff and reducing their cigarette consumption, the more gum I chewed the stronger my desire for a cigarette became and I wound up chewing and smoking at the same time. I know you are not supposed to do that but thats what happened to me. I was actually smoking more than normal when using the gum, so I gave it up.
Moved from NY to Florida in 1996 (job transfer) and decided now was the time to quit this nasty habit. Everyone in my family was a nonsmoker and I was getting plenty of pressure and could not smoke in the car or house. So I decided now was the time to try the patch which worked pretty well and reduced my cigarette consumption to about .5 PAD. Then the 2004 hurricane season arrived and this was the perfect excuse to rip off the patch and get back to smoking full time. Besides high cholesterol (which is controlled by medication) I did not have any other major medical issues but in 2008 my doctor recommended that I try the drug Chantix to help me quit. I filled the prescription, went home and checked it out on the internet. When I saw the possible effects of tis drug, I knew this was not for me. I am nutty enough without a pill that could make me nuttier.
In 2009 I discovered vaping on the internet and tried NJOY, Blu, and many others. They were OK but finally bought a Provari which I thought was great. I continued to both vape and smoke and did cut cigarette consumption somewhat. I retired in 2011 and planned a seven day trip to Europe. I took five packs of cigs and my vape gear with me. Well, as you would expect, I completely relapsed and did not vape at all on vacation and had to buy the awful European cigarettes to make it through the trip. As soon as I returned from the trip I made up my mind to either smoke cigarettes exclusively or vape. I chose vaping. To help make sure I did not start to smoke, I left my ashtray filled with stinky butts on the table on the lanai (Florida porch) so that I got the urge I would go out and smell this pile of crap. Well this approach worked and I have not smoked a cigarette since!
I know this has been a long post, but I wanted to emphasize that even people who have been log time smokers (47 years for me) can give up the smoking habit using vaping even if other methods failed. After two weeks exclusively vaping I knew I would never smoke another cigarette again.
It's never too late to quit. My mother, now in her 60's, used vaping to quit smoking after trying every other conceivable way to quit—gum, patches, Chantix, you name it. She didn't think it would work, and was surprised and delighted when she "accidentally" stopped smoking altogether within a week of getting her first vape.

Therese King

New Member
Jun 27, 2017
Thank you for your post! I've smoked for 47 years also, and I'm planning to start my real vape experience this week. I have mild asthma and have been nervous about it. I just don't want anything worse than cigs! But if I don't try, I won't know. I played around with it a couple years ago, but hope to really try this time around. With cigs it's downhill, and I read so many success stories on here it gives me hope. Thanks again!


ECF Guru
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Sep 11, 2010
between here and there
Welcome to ecf.

I never get tired of hearing or reading about these types of stories. Yours is similar to many members here on ecf, but of course, each one is unique.

I was one of the lucky ones....once I picked up the vape, I did not look back. But I was so ready to quit the stinkies. Like you, I tried everything on the market to quit. They just don't work. Refused to try Chantix tho. Did not want any additional deposits in my brain....thankyouverymuch.

The beauty of vaping is that it is all encompassing. It satisfys the hand to mouth motion, the seeing of the 'vapor' as well as keep those cravings for smoking away. It is the 1 product that does it all and that is the genius of it.

Congrats on kicking cigs to the curb.



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Jan 21, 2012
My story is similar. 6 years ago now, I wanted to give up my then 45 year 1 1/2 pack a day habit for my 60th birthday. I'd tried many times before using different methods (plus Wellbutrin but not Chantix) and I never got past about 3 weeks before I started again.

Someplace e-cigs got my attention and I did some research to see if they were healthier than tobacco. Not just hearsay but hunted down research papers. The clear answer for me was that I should try them since everything else I tried in the weeks prior to my birthday wasn't working. When I first tried the Blu's that I got from the local drug store I had already scoured the internet & ECF so I knew there were alternatives but I could tell right away that there was at least some nicotine there that might make e-cigs work for me. (Being a nicotine "addict" doesn't scare or shame me. Rather there are physiological and mental aspects of it that enhance my existence, lol). Long story short is that my last cigarette was a half hour before my 1st e-cig (10:30 am), 11 days before my 60th birthday, 6 years ago.

I've since settled on old school Aspire Nova tanks and iStick 30's. And I still collect research papers (360+), good as well as bad (bad are mostly bogus) and the positives still outweigh the negatives by 2 to 1.


Full Member
Mar 4, 2018
Good story and glad that you won the battle! It was hard for me too. I've tried the vaping years ago, but I don't think it was as strong as it it is today, because it worked for me a month ago! I still have my old vapers from my first try and I decided to try them out to see how they compare to my new vapers, wow, the old ones are weak! No wonder it didn't work for me then!

@Therese King, I'm more then a mild asthmatic, vaping is still better then smoking in any case. Good luck, you can do it!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Thanks for sharing your quitting story. I don't think it's ever "too late" for vaping, these days. I was so amazed at the improvements in my health and I'm so glad vaping was here, because I have failed every other quitting method ever devised yet (besides Chantix, which no doctor who knew me would "prescribe" they kept telling me to smoke and that I would live longer. A quitters class dude offered me some, though. LOL fortunately I had been well and truly "told" by my doctors not to do it.

Congrats on your vaping successes! I had asthma as a youth, but it wasn't bad. My son had terrible asthma and allergies, and I was always ashamed that I couldn't quit "for him." I mean we did the allergy shots and all, but mainly, I'm so glad not to be a bad influence anymore. My son started smoking, then quickly vaped, then eventually quit vaping mostly altogether.

He gifted me his vape gear and it was an effective "guilt trip." In the sense that I was like, "Here I am with almost COPD and my kid QUIT smoking before I even ever picked it up (age 18). LOL, I had to give some very weighty consideration to that fact, as I headed closer to the grave with every puff.

I sincerely hope vaping is with us in the future, so that we can hear these stories, every one of them (which I also greatly enjoy reading).

Thanks for sharing it.



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Oct 24, 2016
Orlando, FL
I remember when I was trying to quit smoking, I simply quit buying packs of cigarettes and would go down the road to buy a single one if I got too crazy craving it. If I bought a pack, I felt obliged to smoke it.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, and welcome to ECF!
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Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2010
Fla Panhandle, USA
Ain't it great to finally whip cigarettes?

I only smoked from 1974 to 2010, about 36 years, at about the same rate...a carton per week. Most of that time I smoked More Reds. And for the last couple years the price got so high I resorted to Ukranian "imports".
Like you, the ProVari (v2.5 in my case) was a game changer, after a LONG string of lesser devices. Fact is, I'm vaping on one of two I still have in service, along with a pair of itaste SVD2.0's, with Aspire Nautilus residing atop.

Congratulations. Six years, sounds like you have left burning tobacco way back behind and out of sight. I know I have. Thanks for sharing your story.

EDIT: I just noticed the OP was 9-months ago. Hopefully, you're still hanging in there.
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Full Member
May 7, 2017
Melbourne, Fl.
Still hanging in there!! Thanks to everyone for your responses to my post. Just bought a couple of Innokin Zenith tanks and they are great. East to fill and the coils last quite a long time. I rotate these with my two Kabuki tanks to keep things simple. I am a MTL vaper who has built my own coils (Kayfun) and agree the flavor is a little better but I find it much easier to swap out a manufactured coil every two weeks or so. I prefer tobacco flavors and use Halo liquids exclusively. I have tried many other flavors from other sellers but keep coming back to tobacco. I guess I am in the minority because everyone else that I know who vape are into all the different flavors. Whatever flavor works to keep you off cigs is the right one to use!!

I really enjoy reading these success stories! Keep up the good work.


14 years and counting
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  • Jan 1, 2010
    Congrats on a big success. I remember buying cigs in a vending machine for a quarter. Quitting isn't easy and I had almost given up on the idea that I would ever be able to quit after smoking for over 35 years.

    I still remember my first cigalike kit, out on my porch trying it very early in the morning so no one would see me. I remember my first thought which was, 'wow, this could actually work'. I did have a battery charging problem the first few days so I bought one more pack of cigs while I ordered a better kit. Now it is almost 9 years later and I have never smoked another one.
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