My review of a couple of flavors...

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ECF Veteran
Oct 20, 2009
Ludlow, Vermont
Well, here it is day two on these awesome new CV Clearomizers, and I have been trying each flavor, one after the other...

First, I must say how much I love these Clearomizers, although it does seem that it sucks the juice down like crazy, (the dual coil one does anyway, I go through 1.6ml of juice in half the time compared to the single coil, but the flavor and vapor are through the roof!) When I change flavors, all I do is rinse the parts in water, re-assemble, refill with new flavor, and about two pulls and the residual flavor of the old juice is gone!

My Dual Coil Clearo seems to like the 4.1 to 4.5 V range the best, and the single coil like the 3.7 V setting best as well as working really well on my standard eGo Batteries.

Ok, Ok, on to the flavors, I know!:2cool:

High Octane Vanilla Tobacco Shake- This was the first flavor I loaded into my Dual Coil, and while I traditionally avoid tobacco flavors, this one is a must have, no weird aftertaste as in every other tobacco juice I have ever tried, it is literally like a Vanilla flavored Black and Mild cigar, without the burning taste... and extra sweetness... almost too much sweetness.

Drew's Mint- This one was loaded into the Single coil jobby, and while I have not tried it in the Dual Coil, it did have great flavor and vapor on both battery types. The best way I can describe this one is, well, Pillow Mints! one of my favorite candies, perfectly duplicated in this juice! It isn't just the closest flavor I can describe, it IS the flavor I get from this one! Definitely will have this one on hand at all times!

Cherry Pie- This one went into the Dual Coil, and it went fast! This flavor is the best cherry flavor I have ever tried, and cherry is one of my all time favorite flavors! It has the distinct taste of cherries, but it has an aftertaste of the baked crust! Now all we need is a Vanilla Ice Cream flavor to go with it!

Watermelon Lung Juice- This also went into my Dual Coil, as a last vape of the day, and it is a great way to relax, it does have the odd flavor of the extra herbs and stuff, hard to describe those flavors, but the watermelon is all there, and does a good job at making it taste really good.

HV Black Cow- this one is described as Root Beer and Chocolate, although to me, it is just Chocolate, the Root Beer just doesn't seem to come through too well, although it is in my Single Coil, and at 3.7 V, but when I pump up the V, it seems too hot, and I get a burning taste on this one, I will try it in the Dual Coil next, more on this one later.

R Y Not- This one is currently in my Dual Coil as I write this, and this being another Tobacco, I was hesitant, but I should not have been, at 4.5 V, the flavor is all there, again, no weird aftertaste, Drew, you got the perfect tobacco flavor down, and at those voltages, it is warm, just like an analog, but it screams of Vanilla and Caramel, although not as strong as the Vanilla Tobacco Shake, this one is more pleasant. I think this might be a good all day vape for me!

I have not tried the HV Octane version of the French Vanilla Coffee I ordered yet, but if it is anything like the regular HV version I had a couple years ago, it will be a favorite for me, that one, I mixed half and half with the Banana Supreme, and surprisingly ended up with a Boston Cream Pie flavor! I will comment more on this one when I hit it.

The High Octane juices, while having great flavor, only seem to have the great throat hit at higher than 4 volts, and I am not so sure about the "Nic Buzz" either, it seemed like that at first, but now, it almost seems as if it isn't hitting me anymore....:confused:

I still cant get over the pleasure I get from the VV battery and these CV Clearomizers! Although the vapor is quite warm coming from these, at least on the VV battery, my standard eGo batts don't seem to vape so hot, and if I put the VV on 3.2 volts, it is just as cool, but the Dual Coil hates to produce at that low a voltage, but once you hit 4.5 volts and higher, it is HOT!!:evil: I am constantly afraid I will burn out the coil head at 4 volts or higher!

Ima go Vape now.....:vapor::vapor::vapor:

Vape on!!:vapor::vapor:


Ω Destroyer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 15, 2011
New Hampshire, US
That was pretty much my experience with the Black Cow, too. I was pretty hyped to try it and not all that impressed when I did. The lung juices, on the other hand, I've been pretty impressed with. Haven't tried the watermelon yet, but I liked the pear lung and have ordered the pomegranate one a few times, now

I keep hearing good things about the vanilla tobacco shake, so I might have to try that one out on my next order :)


Resting In Peace
Mar 14, 2009
New Jersey
I will have to re-visit the Black Cow...As I remember it the Root Beer was overpowering? But we also changed the chocolate flavoring since I originally made this liquid. I originally designed this liquid before we had this ab mixing the liquids for us, so it very well may have changed. I will check it tomorrow and answer back here. Thanks for the feedback.
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