My journey from smoker to vaper to nada

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 11, 2011
Vape Canaveral, FL
Well, guys, it seems as if i am done with vaping.

Almost 600 days ago,i made the switch from Marlboro lights to a bloog 808 penstyle ecig. I ordered juice from bluemist and alien visions and for the last year and a half, i have made vaping my obsession. I have owned about 20 different mods and tried almost every atomizer. I have owned the infamous Eclipse EQ mod and rebuildables like the Zenesis Standard. I have vaped a baby pool full of Bobas Bounty.

And now, i have stopped all of it. I no longer check the classifieds if i wake up in the middle of the night. I no longer have 40 flavors on my dresser for DIY Juice. I already miss the hobby, but i will save money by losing the obsession.

I went from 24mg nic to 21, then 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 and just recently vaped zero nic DIY cinnamon/menthol . Today is day two without nicotine and day one of leaving my Darwin and my REO at home. I have no PV with me and it feels liberating.

I made many good friends on ECF and i am forever grateful to ECF and its members as well as the ecig in general. I probably would have smoked forever without it.

Thanks to AV for making quitting smoking so darn tasty.
Now, if only i could still taste Bobas somehow....
maybe a Bobas flavored drink?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 10, 2012
I didn't know it's possible to quit smoking, then quit vaping!!! :ohmy: My hero LOL and my new goal is to shoot for a year from now :unsure: Yeah, I've been spending way more on vaping but I am a lot healthier, and also poorer. :blink: I'm going to take a small loan from my 401K just to keep my habit/hobby going another year or so :facepalm: then it's QUIT time for me too.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 24, 2012
So thats what happens to vapers during a Bobas drought lol Good Luck man

Well, guys, it seems as if i am done with vaping.

Almost 600 days ago,i made the switch from Marlboro lights to a bloog 808 penstyle ecig. I ordered juice from bluemist and alien visions and for the last year and a half, i have made vaping my obsession. I have owned about 20 different mods and tried almost every atomizer. I have owned the infamous Eclipse EQ mod and rebuildables like the Zenesis Standard. I have vaped a baby pool full of Bobas Bounty.

And now, i have stopped all of it. I no longer check the classifieds if i wake up in the middle of the night. I no longer have 40 flavors on my dresser for DIY Juice. I already miss the hobby, but i will save money by losing the obsession.

I went from 24mg nic to 21, then 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 and just recently vaped zero nic DIY cinnamon/menthol . Today is day two without nicotine and day one of leaving my Darwin and my REO at home. I have no PV with me and it feels liberating.

I made many good friends on ECF and i am forever grateful to ECF and its members as well as the ecig in general. I probably would have smoked forever without it.

Thanks to AV for making quitting smoking so darn tasty.
Now, if only i could still taste Bobas somehow....
maybe a Bobas flavored drink?
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