MY Johnson Creek Red Oak Video Reviews

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2009
Well, that's the red oak line folks.

I was excited for them to come out with this but they really dropped the ball.

Marcado and Domestic are the only ones that are worth trying. Wisconsin frost isn't bad, but nothing to write home about. I actually would consider buying a bigger size of these two to keep on hand.

Valencia and swiss dark are not worth your time.

Island is should be banned from the e-cig world all together. I still cringe thinking about it.

I will say that I was trying all of these on 5 volts, they may be better on a lower voltage so give that a try if you have them.

Big dissapointment on Johnson Creek's part. They started the whole USA made juice idea, but it seems like they have been left in the dust by the rest of the industry. poor guys. you wanna like them, but they just have an inferior product.

Thanks for watching!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
Well, that's the red oak line folks.

I was excited for them to come out with this but they really dropped the ball.

Marcado and Domestic are the only ones that are worth trying. Wisconsin frost isn't bad, but nothing to write home about. I actually would consider buying a bigger size of these two to keep on hand.

Valencia and swiss dark are not worth your time.

Island is should be banned from the e-cig world all together. I still cringe thinking about it.

I will say that I was trying all of these on 5 volts, they may be better on a lower voltage so give that a try if you have them.

Big dissapointment on Johnson Creek's part. They started the whole USA made juice idea, but it seems like they have been left in the dust by the rest of the industry. poor guys. you wanna like them, but they just have an inferior product.

Thanks for watching!

Excellent job on the reviews bud.........:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Perez-uzza to this day
Worst juice ever!

eww. whoever developed this flavor should be ashamed of themselves.

YouTube - Johnson Creek Red Oak Island Juice Review

Throat Hit--8

I love this juice. The lung hit though is a bit stronger than I like. However, despite my love for it, you should still be warned about the flavor. I tried it because I saw this review that said it was a candidate for worst flavor ever - the review that said it was like a pina colada with sun tan lotion in it. The review was accurate, it is like pina colada with sunscreen lotion in it, but that sounded appealing to me so I had to try it. But bear in mind that if that description doesn't sound appealing to you then you may hate it, loving it as I do I can still understand why the reviewer hated it. I love the smell of sun block lotion, psychologically it is a very summer-y beach-y smell, and frankly calls to mind bikini clad beauties and good times. So you might not like that paba aspect, but I do. This juice is on my buy-again list because it is just a crazy unique one of a kind experience. I might try cutting it with some peach, maybe that will also give it a little something that it could use, but regardless I give it high rating as is - I give it a 9!
I just got around to trying my Swiss Dark (and spilling half the bottle on the countertop, ugh), and I have to say I noticed something about this juice that I wasn't expecting at all. I've never vaped a straight chocolate before, so this came as a real surprise to me.

This juice is spot-on for baking chocolate. It tastes just like the Dutch process, high fat cocoa powder I buy at Penzey's for baking cakes.

It's probably not the best chocolate out there, and for a number of reasons. It's not sweet at all, it's somewhat dry and most importantly, it seems to be emulating something that's not really known for its stand-alone taste. Still, seeing as I'm someone who vapes almost sickeningly sweet juices most of the time, it was a welcome diversion for a while. I'm probably not going to buy a larger bottle, unless I find something that would be amazing to mix with it, but it wasn't too bad for me.

Any recommendations for good stand-alone chocolate juices?
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