My experience thus far with White Cloud Cirrus 3 model (continued)

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Mar 26, 2012
Greencastle, Indiana
Refer to earlier thread, if you have not yet read it,

Well, made it past Easter without difficulty. Bummed a cigarette off my son as an experiment, and yup it tasted pretty darn yucky - rather like 'licking an ashtray', LOL. (I don't consider that going back to smoking as I did it to confirm that I do no longer like 'real' tobacco.) A couple weeks back we got a kit and tried mixing some of our own liquids. I am loving a Cinnamon Hotball with a touch of Menthol we made, and a Watermelon/Green Apple mix. I have been vaping mostly those since creating them and have used only a third of my White Cloud cartomizers. I have, however, been very pleased with my WC empties and have been using the same 2 cartos refilled several times with no problems (btw, when clean the WC cartos took about 24 drops of liquid, when refilling when they tasted low, they took about 14-16 drops). I found the cheap cartomizers I had bought to try tended to leak around the outside of the post at the bottom when I refilled one (I had blocked the hole in the center with the WC condom which has a hole-blocking 'finger' sticking up in the middle - very convenient, BTW); I did not have that problem with any WC carto - their posts have a visible clear rubber ring around the outside of the post. WC cartos are also slightly larger in diameter (about the thickness of the metal) and the metal is apparently a heavier gauge (the cheap one bent easily while removing the mouthpiece) and the mouthpiece is hard plastic with a separate o-ring inside.) It is possible some might want to try WC cartos for refilling purposes, or if they really want a flavor that is cigarette-like in feeling.

I'm not that interested any more in tobacco-style flavors, and somewhat regret my large purchase of those WC cartos; however, they did come in handy when showing 3 more smokers how satisfying a vaping experience can be. They liked the throat hit. They didn't like my custom flavors that much. I pointed them at the Volt, though, rather than the White Cloud Cirrus, and to this forum. I think I also would like to try the Volt. I will likely know more after this coming Saturday when I will be getting together with other Hoosier vapers - I have put off any further purchasing decisions until then.

I note that my son is finding the liquids we have mixed to be less satisfying than the WC cartos (he needs more ashtray flavor), but I'm having difficulty getting him to take any more WCs from me, though I may yet persuade him on the basis of I'm not using them... He is still at the early stages of the vape-when-you-want, smoke-when-you-want, method, and is vaping more and more using the inexpensive batteries and mostly WC cartos refilled with DIY liquids. He is already planning his eventual custom vaper along the lines of a hookah (as I suspected he would).

Me, I'm biding my time until the vape-along, and planning to get some chocolate flavor once I reread that thread, and maybe a clear-o-mizer or something like for sitting at home. I will know more soon, I hope.


I thank those who took the time to contribute their opinions and experiences to my thread. I truly want anyone like my daughter who searches the internet in the future for information and reviews of the White Cloud Cirrus to find this thread with a variety of opinion and input to digest and not just review sites with affiliate links. I say again that the White Cloud Cirrus 3 did its job and got me to stop smoking analog cigarettes without me making much of an effort at all. I will also say that despite what some people insist about what is possible for a vaporizer of this just-like-a-cigarette type, my WC batteries that are 2/3 the length of the $14 battery last an hour or two longer than it does; my WC charger charges about half again as fast as my son's less expensive one (from the same vendor as the $14 batteries); my WC cartos are clearly of better quality (hardware) and flavor compared to the same inexpensive vendor's cartos. The rough numbers - in my pack-a-day smoker's experience with WC - 3 batteries will last 2 days (about 32 hours awake) when new, and about 6-8 hours each after 5 months and at an increased vaping frequency; the vapor production sharply falls off 2-3 pulls before recharge becomes necessary, but remains steady until then. Cartomizers produce full vapor at first pull about 85% of the time (the cheap ones require a starting puff or 2 usually) - and the WC carto on the WC battery is slightly better than the WC carto on the cheap battery and noticeably better than the cheap carto on the cheap battery. I find I vape more DIY liquid at ~16 mg/ml than I did of WC at the same mg (X level), but I think I have reached a stage where I am inclined to vape more anyway and I got there before I changed to DIY. I find WC cartos are worth at least 1 pack the first time around, and they DO 'recharge' when left to sit a day or more - the cheap ones never 'recharge' no matter how long I let them sit - I suspect a difference in the filling/batting used. Recharger recharges WC batteries in about 90 minutes and the cheap one in about 70 minutes.

Bottom line - TL,DNR - White Cloud Cirrus 3 does do what their website says it will do. However, there are generic choices at 1/10th the price that are at least 75% as good, and probably non-generic choices at about 1/5th the price that are as good, or better (I don't know yet from personal experience). So, if you already have a White Cloud system - don't despair - it IS good; but if you are considering buying one - I suggest you look further.... If you are naturally a tinkerer, read about the ego-types - especially the e-power as it appears to have the lowest battery replacement cost. If you want something as simple as possible, I suggest you consider the Volt or the Vapor4Life. I also suggest that you consider the cost of smoking for about 2 weeks and commit to spending about that much on this 'experiment' - that seems to me a reasonable 'cut-off', and if you find your starter kit for less, that leaves plenty for finding your favorite flavor. Good luck to all.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 14, 2011
Louisville, KY
I'm sorry you spent all that money on White Cloud. There are few companies that I will openly give scathing criticism. White Cloud is one of those companies.

Charging hundreds of dollars for a couple KR808s and some cartos screams, "buyer beware." They purposely target people who don't know much about PVs to catch them before they learn that you can get the same/better quality kit for $50 at numerous other vendors.

It's not right. I understand that vendors, especially brick and mortar, must mark up the price somewhat - that's business. But to charge 4 or 5 times a reasonable markup? That's a scam.


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Mar 26, 2012
Greencastle, Indiana
I don't think I'd go so far as to call White Cloud a 'scam', not after reading the Terms and Conditions on one of the 'free trial' e-cig offers - now that was not only scammish, but with only 1 battery included was guaranteed to fail. White Cloud is more like the make-up companies that far overprice their goods in an attempt to appeal to people's tendency to want to put a high price on themselves by buying 'only the best'. It may seem unethical to those who consider value-for-price to be a very important consideration in purchasing decisions, but is a not-that-uncommon pricing method. I reiterate that there were some measurable/noticeable differences between my White Cloud equipment and my generic 8081-D equipment, just not, IMO, enough difference to justify the large difference in price.


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Jun 22, 2011
The small style ecig is not for me (i use a monster Provari!) but Volt I think is the product of choice and I imagine is at least as good if not superior to WC at a fraction of the price.

I don't see how its possible that they have a better product -- there is only so much power one can fit in a battery that size! Its basically pricepoint and quality control (how long a batt lasts) and volt seems to be the right combo.

I think the hostility to WC is not so much that it doesnt work, its just that people feel its not right to recommend them to others when there are cheaper, equally good (or better) alternatives. So if prospective buyers find this thread whilst searching for "White Cloud" don't do it! Smokeless Image VOLT (smokeless image dot com) is the way to go for starters.


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Mar 26, 2012
Greencastle, Indiana
A further follow-up. I have found The Vapor Girl, and really like her attitude and product selection and flavor names, etc. I am "moving up" to a larger battery (ego-type), mostly because they are so darn pretty, and am waiting on their arrival. I bought a GreenXL from her (sort of a box mod, and variable voltage - which I can't really tell the difference). I like it, but I'm still mainly using the 808D-type battery the most, and the White Cloud cartos refilled with a variety of juices. One problem with the small batteries, though, is I tend to lose them too easily without noticing, so I have put away my last White Cloud Cirrus3, and am using the others I have bought. I got a very nice starter kit from The Vapor Girl (2 batteries, charger, 2 cartos, and case) for about $20 and sent it to my Mom. I also sent her a couple of my last White Cloud cartos. She loves that she can vape. She really likes the kit, and has bought more cartos from The Vapor Girl. However, she far prefers the Expresso carto from White Cloud and has ordered a pack from them, as well.

I visited the White Cloud website yesterday, and they have significantly reduced their prices and have added new products. My son is still mainly smoking, despite the fact that he loves dripping into his LavaTube. I suspect there is just something about the White Cloud liquid that is far more satisfying as an initial cigarette replacement. Therefore, 6 more packs of White Cloud cartos are enroute for just him so he will feel free to use them as much as he wants. I hope that may finally get him all the way off cigarettes.

I remain cigarette free to this date. People at work who have bought a Mystic ecig from the nearby Love's have not. I say the White Cloud cartos are certainly worth a try for anyone who wants or has an 808D-type system, or for anyone with an adapter, if you haven't yet found a truly satisfying cigarette replacement vape. My experience, though, is after totally quitting, the White Clouds started to taste far less yummy than other liquids. I felt all the White Cloud flavors (and I tried all of them that were available at the time) all had the same "undertaste" that I dubbed "the white cloud flavor" - this "flavor" may be some sort of tobacco alkaloid or something that is not generally present in other eliquids. I also feel, after using some other liquid delivery systems, that the White Cloud cartomizers are very excellent as refillables (you just have to pry hard the first time you take the cap out). I have also noticed that for some reason the Stardust and the 312 clearomizers use up the liquid far faster than the WC cartos.

Hoping this info is useful to someone...


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Mar 26, 2012
Greencastle, Indiana
After receiving my 510 stuff, I have to say that an Ego would not be the way to go for a brand new vaper. The cartos I got with it were too low a resistance for the high voltage it put out and I had to trigger the battery for <1 second to be able to use them at all without burning. The button has stuck ON several times while using one. I'm enjoying dripping onto an atty my son gave me, but he also instructed me. The Ego cone I bought did work pretty well without any fiddling, but one must remember to turn them off and on, and sometimes they are finicky.

What I am saying here is that the quality control of other products has not been as high as my White Cloud stuff. The worst thing that happened to me with any WC item was that 2 of 5 chocolate cartos were overfilled, so did not vape properly until they sat a while - they were fine when I retried them some weeks later. The 808 packs I bought elsewhere - one of them had 2 empty cartos instead of a flavor. I'm glad I swapped the cartos half & half so my mom got at least one filled one. A brand new vaper does not have the experience to deal with these issues confidently, no matter how many forums they may have read. One needs to experience a reliable ecig to be able to judge what might be wrong. So starting with a Provari is not likely the best choice. White Cloud is a very good choice for a starter kit, IMO. I'm cigarette free today because of White Cloud, and not because of any other thing I may have experimented with since.

I feel much better about being able to recommend White Cloud, now, because I feel that their quality justifies the somewhat higher price they now are. Their kits are no longer quite so outrageous, and are actually comparable to other similar systems; with the warranty comes free replacement batteries in a year. I think value for cost is about right, maybe a bit expensive, but better should cost more. The only other starter I'd recommend at this point is the 808 one from Vapor Girl (with a bottle of liquid in case it's empty).
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Mar 26, 2012
Greencastle, Indiana
An update...

The son has had a LavaTube for a while now, and discovered he really likes dripping RY4, but he has still been smoking as much as vaping. Got him several packs of White Cloud pre-filled cartos, and gave him the White Cloud batteries (which seem to be regulated to an even power level) and the Vapor Girl's regulated 808 Military Battery. He reports that this set of WC has convinced him that quitting smoking completely CAN be done, and he has ordered another set of WC cartos. He is still also dripping his RY4 and enjoying that, but the WC cartos more readily satisfy the analog craving.

Sent my mom an 808 starter kit from The Vapor Girl along with some White Cloud cartos besides Vapor Girl's that come with the kit about 6 weeks back. We were talking today, and I mentioned having "tasteless" days - where nothing tastes good/right/at all, and that's 'normal' - and she said having an analog cures that prowling never satisfied feeling, and then later in the conversation when talking about how she saves her White Cloud Espresso flavor as her treat, said that the WCs also satisfy that prowling feeling, now that she thinks about it.

I had a tasteless day yesterday and spent all day vaping a white cloud Snap (mint chocolate) because at least I could taste it, even if (on a tasteless day) it wasn't great.

Have very recently sent my sister a Vapor Girl 808 starter kit, some WC cartos, and some Vapor Girl juice for refilling. May let y'all know how she's doing in a week or two.

Meanwhile, the son-in-law (husband to the daughter who got me the White Cloud kit in the first place) does not really like his White Clouds that much. He smokes fat, strong, stinky cigars, so I'm thinking he is not going to be satisfied with a substitute that's just-like-a-cigarette (he needs a-lot-more-like-a-cigar), so I'm collaborating with my son (who has tasted said cigars) to try to create him an analagous e-liquid to go with the Boge Leo I got him (as being handsome and in character somewhat similar to a cigar, but not just like a cigar as I can't find that fat enough). So think of us and wish us luck in the ongoing search.

Oh, and p.s. recently got some V4L Wow Tobacco flavor in 24 mg. Gotta say I was very underwhelmed. Decent vapor, mild throat hit, very bland flavor. Barely better than the Blu cartos in high tobacco. Honestly - at least try a WC carto before you dismiss them as being generic - they aren't.
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