MUST I received political rants from vendors thru my email?

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Mar 12, 2013
New Zealand
For those of us overseas it's an important issue.

In New Zealand it's illegal for our vendors to sell us nicotine,but we can import a 3 month supply for our personal use from elsewhere.

As it stands we end up paying more in shipping than the nicotine costs.It;s worth it at the moment for the quality of the nic coming from the US.

I am grateful to the vendor for going to bat for his international customers,but I am a bit suprised that email went out to everyone.


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May 23, 2013
Middle East
As Gully above says, for international customers, the shipping carrier IS important.

If I can, I will always choose USPS first class airmail or priority mail over UPS or FedEx. Both UPS and FedEx are prohibitively expensive, nearly always get searched by Customs, and will only deliver to us if we're home. I work full time and live alone, so I am never home. I recently spent more than a week trying to organize a delivery time for a FedEx/DHL parcel before the thing actually got to my house.

USPS has cost-effective solutions that get most of the things I order from the USA to my PO box within about 10-14 days, no hassles. This is good.


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Feb 17, 2013
Somewhere out there
I got that same vendor email.

I ended up with less respect for the vendor for sending out such a rant. I also had a strong feeling that there was more to the story about not being able to get shipping supplies than they were telling us.

They could have addressed it more professionally by simply saying that they had to temporarily suspend international shipments due to an issue with the carrier that they were working to resolve.
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ECF Guru
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Sep 6, 2011
Somewhere out there
I did not get the email, but I used work for USPS years ago. The mail volume handled by USPS is staggering, mind blowing, unbelievable. The amount of goof ups is low in comparison. We all rely on USPS daily. I ship packages alot for several businesses all by USPS and all over the world these packages go. Only once did I have a package lost, which is utterly amazing for the volume l have sent over these past years.
The biggest problem with USPS right now is the cutting of man/woman power. These people work their fannies off, are not allowed to hire extra help and no overtime. Want to make a friend? Tell your carrier your appreciate all they do delivering your mail everyday but Sunday. Give them a little gift at Xmas that says you appreciate them. It goes along way in getting some hard working carrier to know they are appreciated and think of you kindly. You are just one customer they have to sort mail for and deliver every single day. Just say thanks :)
They are hard working people, I know, I have sorted, I have run a PO, I have delivered out on a rural route, it is no picnic! LOL bnrk


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May 5, 2012
Baton Rouge, LA
I had to explain this to a local vendor (not e cig related) one time. He kept posting political stuff on his FB page that I had liked. I asked him to stop, and that it wasn't about what his message was. It was about the fact that the only thing I liked his vendor page for was to get info about up coming sales and what not. I didn't like his page hear his political view points. It would be the same way if I walked into his store and was hit with political nonsense, rather than talk about what he could do for me to buy his products. And he didn't get it.

But, in your situation he could have just sent out an email saying "we've recently changed shipping vendors. We hope it alleviates some of the issues we've had in the past. If you'd like to know why, click here..." And that is how I've seen it done by most online vendors for most products.


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Feb 14, 2013
Phoenix AZ
I actually agree with you that the vendor should keep their beliefs to themselves. The customer is always right even if they think USPS provides good service LOL. As a fellow business person I can understand their frustration. They are trying to provide good service but are plagued with issues out of their control. Something that I never understood was why USPS shuts down exactly when you need them most during the holidays.
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