Movie Quiz 75

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 18, 2010
Greetings, movie fans! Ready for a new quiz?

I've gone and spiffed up the movie quiz template with a bit of a fresh look, but as you'd expect, the game remains the same. Also, I think you might find this week's entry a little bit tougher than last week's easy-peasy quiz.

In sticking with the new movie quiz posting plan, I'll let the thread run its course for a week or so. As usual, I'll bump it with hints and whatnot as needed, and I'll post the answer key sometime next weekend.

There are eight screenshots below. Most of them should be fairly recognizable if you've seen the films. So, which of these movies can you identify?

Good luck! :)

Please answer with movie numbers only, not titles..



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2010
Los Angeles
Yikes. I know only 1, 2, 4, 5, & 6 right off the bat, and I haven't even seen #1 (though I'm a fan of the dude in the picture, and I'll have to check it out). Thing is, I'm quite sure that I've seen #7, but I'm totally blanking on it. Thanks so much for the quiz, caff!!

P.S. - Wish I could see some past quizzes where you've stumped bob!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2010
Los Angeles
Yes, Rob Corddry. I only left out his name because I'm being all careful not to add any hints for fear of the wrath of caff:ohmy:! Do I get extra points for seeing #4 MANY times? I figured out #7...I hopped theaters and did see most of that for free on the big screen way back while very tipsy (I do not advocate such things, but of course). No wonder the memory was hazy. When you nail all these movies right off the bat, have you seen all of 'em, too, bob?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 18, 2010
P.S. - Wish I could see some past quizzes where you've stumped bob!
As best as I can recall, out of the 75-ish movie quizzes I’ve posted, there have been exactly zero of them that have stumped bob. Which leads me to assume that we probably have very similar taste in movies. :D

I haven't seen all of 'em, no. I've seen #4 at least once a while back on tv, though. #8 I haven't seen; the negative reviews seemed a lot more interesting than the movie. :)
For the quizzes, I only use movies that I’ve seen. And usually when I set out looking for screenshots, I have a specific scene in mind that I want to use in the quiz. Unfortunately, I’m only able to find exactly what I want about 25% of the time, so I end up compromising… Which is generally a good thing, because the alternate screenshots I end up using typically provide much better clues about their respective movies.

Interesting side note: Until I started making these movie quizzes, I never really had any kind of a grasp on just how many movies I’ve seen over the years. I still don’t have any idea what the actual number might be, but it’s definitely much, much higher than I ever would have thought.

And now, here are a few clues:

#1: This 2013 movie is a slightly different take on the zombie genre. It involves zombie romance, and zombies that can actually speak a little bit. I’ve read that it bears some similarity to the Twilight movie(s), but since I haven’t seen any of those, I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the comparison.

#2: The long-running 1970s TV series spawned from this movie featured all of the same main characters, but only one of the actors appeared in both the big screen and small screen versions. If you haven’t seen this Robert Altman movie, it should definitely be on your Radar. :p

#3: A twisted time-travel tale in which the character on the left in the screenshot is the younger version of the hooded character on the right.

#4: Yes, that’s a very young Sylvester Stallone standing behind Woody Allen. Later on in this 1971 movie, Allen’s character joins the revolutionaries in the fictional country of San Marcos, ultimately becoming their El Presidente.

Hope these help! :)

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Sep 5, 2010
    in a cave, eh?
    Your hints were great! #1 isn't a movie that I would probably like, but how is #7? I watched a short clip of it on You-Tube and it looks interesting.

    I liked #7 although I wouldn't call it a classic. Or even classic sci-fi. It was based on a book by Robert Heinlein (who wrote Stranger in a Strange Land) and I don't know how well it conforms to the book.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Jul 18, 2010
    Time for a thread bump and a few more hints, perhaps?

    #5: That's Brad Pitt admiring his physique in the mirror, playing the titular, young-but-elderly-looking character in this 2008 movie.

    #6: As mentioned by someone earlier in the tread, that's Davey Jones and Frank Zappa in the screenshot. The rest of the Monkees are featured in this oddball, psychedelic film, along with additional cameo appearances by Teri Garr, Annette Funicello, and boxer Sonny Liston.

    #7: I think bob has already said enough about this one:
    #7. Is Jake Busey with the owey. There's lots of evil aliens in this one. And Neil Patrick Harris. :)
    I liked #7 although I wouldn't call it a classic. Or even classic sci-fi. It was based on a book by Robert Heinlein (who wrote Stranger in a Strange Land) and I don't know how well it conforms to the book.

    #8: When it came time to make a sequel to Ridley Scott's 1979 sci-fi classic, Alien, he was pretty upset that he was passed over in favor of James Cameron. However, Scott returned to direct (and produce) this 2012 prequel to that original, franchise-starting film.

    Hopefully these are helpful to some of you. :)



    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    May 29, 2010
    Los Angeles
    Got them all, caff! Thanks! I totally meant to see #3. Gotta check it out on Netflix, if they have it; and I want to see #1, too. I've seen 2, 4, 5, 6, and almost all of 7. Certainly never had any intention of seeing #8. Was it really terrible? (Answer once the quiz in over.)

    Because of a LOAD of RW blech in the past few days, I've been away from the forum, and I didn't tell my friends in the three social threads that split my time with the music threads about this game, which I'm so sure many would enjoy. Next quiz, I will. It's so cool of you to do them, caff, and anyone who knew about them would surely join in the fun!
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