mouth sores

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I started vaping a month ago. For the first week or so I vaped prefilled tobacco cartridges on my Magna. No problem. Then I went into flavors filling my used carts. No problem but was not really tasting the flavors. Then I went to cartomizers and found a cinnamon that reminded me of atomic fire balls. Awesome - I could finally taste something and vaping was now even more rewarding than I ever thought it could be. I assume I was vaping more because I was so thrilled with the wonderful taste.
Here comes my problem. After about 3 or 4 days of vaping this cinnamon, my mouth got sores. It is the underside of my top lip and it is like it is split open (kind of like really chapped lips but on the underside of my lips). My tongue also feels like it does when I am not smart enough to wait for food to cool down before I eat it.
I realized that when the cartomizer was too full and I got a mouthful of cinnamon I did not rinse my mouth out. It tasted good so I just left it. I figured that is what caused the problem. I stopped the cinnamon and went to a milder flavor. I have gargled with salt water as that was always the remedy with mouth sores. I am drinking more water. Whenever I get juice on my lips I rinse my mouth out immediately. I have also been using caramex on my lip.
It has been a week now and my tongue is a little better, but my underside of my top lip is still split open. Has anyone else every had this problem? I am vaping 24mg, 100% PG and using flavors from various suppliers. I did not have a problem in the beginning so I do not think it is any type of allergy situations. I have no other medical problems or complaints, so I do not think I am sick.
Any thoughts, experiences, comments, or suggestions would be appreciated.

Little Girl

Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2010
New York
I would recommend seeing a doctor to find out why you're not healing as expected. :( It could be unwise to take the advice of people (like me!) on a forum when it comes to your health.

Since you might not take that advice, I'd recommend stopping the use of the Carmex (or any other moistorizing product) so your skin can breathe and do its thing to create a scab to seal the split.

It's also possible you're sensitive to PG. Have you tried VG? Or maybe bacteria of some sort is building up on your cartridges. How often do you clean or replace the cartridge on your e-cigarette?

And, last but not least, has anything else changed that's unrelated to e-cigarettes?

Once again, not healing is a warning sign that should not be ignored - especially if the things you've tried aren't working. Please consider going to a doctor!
I appreciate your comments. I made a doctor's appointment - the soonest one is at the end of September! I was suppose to go for a regular visit in October anyway, so I made the appointment. I cannot afford the co-pay for a quick care (spent all my money on vaping stuff).

To answer your questions, I use cartomizers. Each time I change a flavor I use a different one, so that shouldn't be the problem. This problem didn't happen until I started cinnamon which means I used PG for a couple of weeks without a problem. I did not think I had changed anything else, but I realized I am using a different mouthwash. I can't remember exactly, but it may have coincided with when I tried the cinnamon. I will ditch that mouthwash immediately just in case.

I miss my cinnamon but I am staying away from it. It was the only flavor that I could really taste well. People keep telling me that my taste buds will come back, but after a month it is still like I can almost taste flavors, but not quite. Oh well...I guess I just need to be patient.

I do appreciate your responses.

Little Girl

Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2010
New York
I'm glad you have a doctor's appointment. Too bad it's so long away, though! :ohmy: The new mouthwash could very well be to blame, as could the cinnamon eliquid, so here's hoping that you've already found the culprit and are well on your way to recovery. :toast:

Additional possibilities just in case:

Maybe you're sensitive to something in the cartomizers (the glue that holds them together?). Have you tried using atomizers and cartridges for a few days to see if that makes the problem go away?

I wouldn't rule out PG just yet. You can develop a sensitivity or allergy to anything at any time. So at the moment that you're reading this you could develop an allergy to something you've used all your life. :blink: It might be worth it to temporarily ditch the PG and switch to VG.

As far as the loss of taste, many of us go through brief phases where we can't really taste our eliquid, but a month seems excessive. The mommy in me can't resist asking if you remember to brush your tongue when you brush your teeth. :D

If you're not better by September, hopefully your doctor will sort it out and give you some magic medicine to make it all better. :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 30, 2010
New York
Also just a note on the taste thing. My husband had been having this same problem. Drinking beer or other strong tasting beverage can also make the taste less. And sometimes the way you draw can have an effect... if you direct inhale the flavor may not be hitting your tongue as much. Don't know these were just some of the theories that were mentioned to me... There was also the mention of licking cactuses... If you are licking cactuses STOP!! ROFL


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2010
I wouldn't worry about just one sore. It is possible that the cinnamon is to blame but you can't base a theory on one sample. If you were getting multiple sores I could see there might be a problem. Also, mouth sores commonly take very long to heal. The constant moisture, touching it with your tounge, eating, etc., all contribute to the healing time.

I am not a doctor, but I don't think you should be concerned at this point.


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ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2010
A, A
I have this problem intermittenly. I went to my doctor and he said it's canker sores. I rinse with a teaspoon of baking soda in water a few times a day when it happens, then do a olive oil rinse. Clears it right up. It really helps if you keep the juice out of your mouth, which I always seem to do. Gotta not overfill those carts!

I started vaping a month ago. For the first week or so I vaped prefilled tobacco cartridges on my Magna. No problem. Then I went into flavors filling my used carts. No problem but was not really tasting the flavors. Then I went to cartomizers and found a cinnamon that reminded me of atomic fire balls. Awesome - I could finally taste something and vaping was now even more rewarding than I ever thought it could be. I assume I was vaping more because I was so thrilled with the wonderful taste.
Here comes my problem. After about 3 or 4 days of vaping this cinnamon, my mouth got sores. It is the underside of my top lip and it is like it is split open (kind of like really chapped lips but on the underside of my lips). My tongue also feels like it does when I am not smart enough to wait for food to cool down before I eat it.
I realized that when the cartomizer was too full and I got a mouthful of cinnamon I did not rinse my mouth out. It tasted good so I just left it. I figured that is what caused the problem. I stopped the cinnamon and went to a milder flavor. I have gargled with salt water as that was always the remedy with mouth sores. I am drinking more water. Whenever I get juice on my lips I rinse my mouth out immediately. I have also been using caramex on my lip.
It has been a week now and my tongue is a little better, but my underside of my top lip is still split open. Has anyone else every had this problem? I am vaping 24mg, 100% PG and using flavors from various suppliers. I did not have a problem in the beginning so I do not think it is any type of allergy situations. I have no other medical problems or complaints, so I do not think I am sick.
Any thoughts, experiences, comments, or suggestions would be appreciated.
I thought I would give an update on my poor little mouth. Today is the first day that it feels a ittle better. I changed mouthwash yesterday. I have been vaping my original prefilled tobacco carts. Last night I went to a new flavor I received - Fruit Loops. The flavor is mild but yet I find myself craving milk...


ECF Guru
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Jul 5, 2010
South Carolina
I had the exact same thing happen from menthol juice. I started alternating flavors between the menthol and it healed. Menthol and Cinnamon flavors do this to me if I use to much of them.

BTW- Swishing warm salt water or baking soda water around in my mouth 2 x a day also helped alot.
Thanks for that link to the past thread. It does make me feel better to know I am not the only one with problems. I will try some ideas from that thread. I also have realized that I drank LOTS of water when I started vaping, but as time went by I retreated to my old habits and drinking very little water is a life long bad habit of mine. It is great to know that this forum is full of people willing to help us newbies.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2010
Tampa, FL
I developed a mouth sore at the beginning. Same location as yours. I have an aloe vera plant cut a piece off of it and started to simply rub the aloe vera juice/gel on it. It started getting better within a couple days. Completely gone in about five days.

Note: You can also buy Aloe jell/juice at any Heath food store.
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