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More on ecig availability in Korea

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2011
...I was in technomart yesterday, and went to a few places that I've bought vape supplies before.

Two were selling their remaining supplies and not planning to get more. (One of these two showed me the anti-ecig article on the Korea Herald website to explain why.)

The Janty store seemed unaffected.

And...there were two new stores selling ecigs. Both selling "Regnum" brand. Which is new, and Korean. One of the proprietors explained to me that, because these are Korean, not made in China, they are safe, but the others are "dangerous." They are safe, he assured me, because you don't have to handle liquid, just buy cartomizers ready to use.

35000won for a (obscenity) box of FOUR cartomizers.

Each cartomizer, he assured me, is equivalent to 2-3 packs of cigarettes.

I sort of want to puke.

Going to the pub to wash my mouth out...

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