Mods with Cartomizers

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2010
Hampton, SC
OK so I'm looking for a little change of pace here, and I've decided to take a chance on a HV mod. My question is what HV mods will work best with cartomizers from V4L. I generally buy all of my juice and either WOW cartos or Coolcarts from them. However the normal PT and XL battery thing is starting to get old.

What I need to know is which model best suits those cartomizers for TH, flavor, and vapor production?
What adapters, if any will I need to purchase?
What is a good supplier for that particular mod?

Oh and aesthetics don't concern me too terribly much.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 18, 2010
North Carolina, USA
If you can solder and don't mind what it looks like you can build a variable or 5 volt battery box mod pretty cheap. On my variable volt anything I can screw into it usually works quite well with the proper voltage dialed in. Lately I haven't used it much because my sweet spot seems to be a 2.5 ohm cartomizer with a basic 3.7 volt box mod.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2010
Hampton, SC
I use cartos in my AFS purchased from vaporkings. It works very well with cartos. Lot of vapor & TH. and best of all you can use it with any mod you want. I currently have 2 and use them with the Buzz and the Saber Touch 5v.

I did a search on their site and only came back with a mouthpiece looking deal. Is that what you mean?

If you can solder and don't mind what it looks like you can build a variable or 5 volt battery box mod pretty cheap. On my variable volt anything I can screw into it usually works quite well with the proper voltage dialed in. Lately I haven't used it much because my sweet spot seems to be a 2.5 ohm cartomizer with a basic 3.7 volt box mod.

Yeah I can solder, but I really don't own a soldering kit to make anything like a mod. I'm just as content with buying a Chuck or something similar.

**Also keep in mind that I really only have a passing knowledge of mods, so a lot of the terminology might be foreign to me.


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Feb 19, 2010
I've just recently bought a couple of mods and I'm very happy with both. I have the GLV mini from Great Lakes Vapor and the Silver Bullet from Altsmoke. I use my cartos from V4L with a 510 to KR808d/901 adapter. The Mini is a great size for a pocket and gives great vapor and TH, I use it most of the day. I really like the design and looks of the Mini. The Silver Bullet is pretty big but I use that most of the time at home. Both have long lasting batteries.
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