A tale of three cartomizer's PIC'S INCLUDED

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2010
nevada USA
Lately I have been having Problems with the new V4L premium cartos, so what i wanted to do was dissect 3 different cartomizer's from three suppliers, and show what I have found.
V4l cartomizer used 1 time rinsed & dried
litecigusa cartomizer refilled 7 times rinsed & dried
Vaporkings cartomizer refilled 9 times rinsed & dried
All the cart designs are the premium with soft tip
The v4l cartomizer is different than the other 2. it has three strands of fiber in the center that are wrapped tightly with the heating coil, and the thicker wrapping material at the center is over twice the size of the other 2 carts, on the other carts I have had no problems with burning or performance until the carto is dry, on the v4l carts i have had burning when the cart is still full . (IN MY OPINION THE FIRST WRAP OF MATERIAL IS TO MUCH AND THE juice CAN'T GET THROUGH, THAT' MY OPINION!!) I would also like to note that the v4l cart shows signs of being burnt, (After one use!!) the vapor kings doe's to but it's been refilled 9 times. Note; all have had the same juice.(They advertise Worlds best cartomizer ) I don't think so , Again this is my opinion and you can take it or leave it..


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miss MiA

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2009
Chicago, IL
I have a friend on here that has had problems with the new turbo carts from vaponine too , she did a write up and thought they were fantastic, then changed her mind , Her username is Lina, inside they are identical to V4L

V4L uses two diff carto types for their Premium line, the higher resistance (cooler-running) ones, and the low resistance (hotter running) kind. The former are the ones like the Turbos (or Nhaler Megas, or CigEasy Gold Label, etc.), and if they burn/scorch it's typically confined to the wick/wrap only. (Most of the dark stuff in Lina's pics may be carbonized/burnt juice -- could tell by washing it. That occurs in atties too.) The taste change is striking if/when it happens so it's probably not likely many would continue vaping & further burning that carto, and the diff materials used in them help impede progression too. These do still need much vigilance re topping off etc. (best to top off even prefilled ones before use) to avert a taste change and extend their life.

The low resistance kind can burn more easily and to a greater extent. V4L is only now starting to denote and sell their higher resistance ones as a different type tho, which they just named CoolCarts, altho they've been mixing them in with the others for awhile. So far only the blanks are identified as that on their site, but as mentioned they've been using them for a handful of prefilled flavors without differentiating from the LRs for months. Until this week, their blanks were only available in low resistance.

[More was here but got eaten by some big nasty transmission monster! :mad:]
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2010
nevada USA
I am glad to see they have added the cool carts, Basically V4L deals with new customers , and people stick with them because of simplicity .It is much easier to just screw on a cartomizer than to deal with an atomizer and a cartridge. Hopefully they will switch completely to the new cool carts that way it is less likely for people to have a problem. Cooler burning carts will have a lower failure rate. You have to remember that a lot of V4L batteries have a cutoff time of up to 13 seconds , that is a long time with a low resistance cartomizer. I have a riva set up i use with a lr atty , and i usually pulse the button just a couple seconds at a time . V4L has a lot of loyal customers and i have always thought they were on the leading edge of things, I just want them to keep it that way . When i send new people somewhere , i send 9 out of 10 to v4l for simplicity , and it being a 1 stop shop. I don't mean to slander them in any way , i just wanted people to see what i have seen.

miss MiA

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2009
Chicago, IL
I agree Johnny. (Weird, I just noticed that the text of my post from yesterday got mangled somehow!! :blink: Had written more than what was there when I saw it today! Been having horrible connection problems, and can only figure that the transmission got mucked up in the middle of something key. Pretty OT there, never mind lol. Fixed it back up a little and took out that arbitrary "2%" that got tacked on somehow! An HTML blip perhaps.)

Btw, was it you who was having some success awhile ago with re-stuffing cartos with PTB? If so, what ended up happening with that, did it continue to work at least decently?
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