Merry Christmas to my lovely Wife !

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Jimi D.

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 26, 2010
Florida Keys
Well I had to do it. My poor Wife has been using a Twist, and a LT for too long already. She had to give her other Chinese mod to my Son, because his broke in half. After a week that one broke also. For his birthday I bought him a Varicool box, which he loves.

Throughout the year I have been buying my selfish self, state of the art vaping equipment. A chrome Provari with a blue LED, a DID atty, a Phoenix Atty. Hell, I even ordered a Magno SS last week.

I clicked the button a few minutes ago on a satin pink Provari with a green LED for my Wife. She is going to get the best VV out there!
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Jimi D.

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 26, 2010
Florida Keys
LOL, congrats TO YOUR WIFE on her new PV, you selfish ....... ;)

Too funny! Thanks for the laugh, and really I am happy for your wife. I am sure if you tried to hijack it, she would notice... Pink and Green? Yep, she would.
LOL, Thanks ! And Thanks for that laugh you just gave me. Merry Christmas :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2012
haha . after i posted i was quite nervous for your response. i was hoping youd laugh but worried you may have responded with

" email me your adress , the provaris' on its way ....."

Crap, that one brought tears to my eyes I laughed so hard!

What a MERRY Christmas thread! I hope your holiday will be a good one even if he keeps the wife he has, and Happy Holidays to the rest of you too. :party:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2012
Crap, that one brought tears to my eyes I laughed so hard!

What a MERRY Christmas thread! I hope your holiday will be a good one even if he keeps the wife he has, and Happy Holidays to the rest of you too. :party:

well i think my holiday cheer now depends on whether or not my own find finds out ive proposed to another lol! we fly away for christmas on sunday , im thinking if she sees this , its going to be a looong flight.
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