Melted cartridge

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Apr 19, 2011
I've been using an Evo for almost 3 weeks now. The first two weeks I have been using the same cart, refilling it every time the liquid was getting low. I was always careful to follow the instructions in the refilling video.
Around the end of week 2, I noticed a burnt plastic smell. I removed the cart and took out the inner transparent contained for the filler. The rim of the transparent container had partially melted and bubbled! :?:
Strange thing is that there was still a considerable amount of liquid in the filler, I'd say it was half full, so I was definitely not dry burning. Also, I generally avoid drawing for too long, or more than twice in sequence (primer puff + draw). Besides, the atomizer did not feel overly hot to the touch. Of course I changed the cart immediately, and have been fine with the second cart for the past week.

Any suggestion as to why this happened? Maybe the cart was a bit deformed and touched the atomizer? Or is there a duration after which a cart is no longer proper for use?

Thanks, cheers.
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