Evo Mighty Atom Battery problem

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2010
Hi all, new member here, finally allowed to post in here! This one is mainly for John but anyone who can help will be appreciated.
I got my black evo last week and i have to say so far i am very impressed. I received a box of brown refills by mistake and upon pming john a new box of black carts was sent out immediately along with some empty carts for refilling! So many thanks for that fantastic customer relations John!

I have a couple of points (and i dont want to sound like im complaining at all).
The first is that the box of brown carts were reg 12mg and the replacement box of black carts were reg 15mg. i have tried both on the evo and the 15 mg black ones dont seem to draw so easily and dont have the same throat hit as the brown ones. Is this just a manufacturing thing or are the brown ones stronger in some way? Im actually prefering the slightly harsher freeer draw of the brown ones but hey ho.
On the subject of prefilled carts...if the ecopure juice is so good why dont you use it in your prefilled carts? I understand that they use PG and not VG. Just curious as Intellicig are striving for the highest standards so it would make sense for them to use ecopure, unless they are brought in from outside.

My second point in this ramble (apologies) is that when the Evo came the battery was precharged and lasted me the whole day, which i thought was impressive. Upon charging it in the usb charger it now only lasts an hour at the most. The light on the charger goes green after about 20 mins and the blue light on the battery comes on which i am presuming means that it is fully charged. Am i correct on this? If so, is the battery lasting as long as it should? if i am wrong then how long should i leave it charging? I thought they should last at least 3 hours.

Anyway gripes over....now i need to get my head around refilling etc!

Thanks in advance...:)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Try as wrecktangle suggests and if that doesn't work we will change it, just file a ticket on our new customer service site accessed from the contact page.
ECOpure is a gradual transition as we are approaching 250,000 cartridges a month.

ahh that explains it. I read the OP yesterday and was wondering what he was talking about since the pre-filled carts you sent me were labeled ECOpure.
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