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Medication making you wrecked? Fibromyalgia & Bipolar

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Aug 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO, USA
I was misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia several years ago. The depression was not a misdiagnosis. My dr put me on cymbalta. It was really bad. At 5pm I would still be sitting on the couch in my pajamas, smoking a cigarette and scratching all over. My hubby kept taking my smokes away from me because he said I looked like Keith Richards searching his body for a cigarette and he was afraid I would set my hair on fire. Turns out I was allergic to the Cymbalta.

FL Lori

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Jun 8, 2012
Port St Lucie, Florida
You know what is sad? I found this thread and was so excited to hear about people like me and then I noticed the posting dates. Just my luck. I will look around cause surely there are more thread like this one. :oops: Maybe this will get it started again.

I have fibro and depression. Not Bipolar. I will keep an eye on this thread for you and I am sure JJ will also. Welcome :)


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Hey hope ya'll had a great 4th. Mine was just so-so. Went to a cookout today and had a great time but couldn't wait to get home. Been raining all week. Nuff said if you know what I mean. The best part of going to the cookout was seeing everyone smoke cigs and not even wanting one. So cool. I really haven't been around smoking that much and for some reason I thought maybe it would bother me. Nope. I don't know what I would do without my little toots. I used cigs and a crutch so I will continue in that fashion with my vaping. CYA

FL Lori

Vaping Master
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Jun 8, 2012
Port St Lucie, Florida
Hey hope ya'll had a great 4th. Mine was just so-so. Went to a cookout today and had a great time but couldn't wait to get home. Been raining all week. Nuff said if you know what I mean. The best part of going to the cookout was seeing everyone smoke cigs and not even wanting one. So cool. I really haven't been around smoking that much and for some reason I thought maybe it would bother me. Nope. I don't know what I would do without my little toots. I used cigs and a crutch so I will continue in that fashion with my vaping. CYA

That is wonderful. So glad you found it easy. Now go rest. :)


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2013
Lakewood, CO USA
I share the aches, pains and the blues as well as the neuropathy and diabetes. Seems like they go together? I was reading the first few pages and I have to correct a few misconceptions. First, neurontin/gabapentin is used to treat tardive dyskinesia. Not likely to cause it. They are the same medication. One is brand name, the other is generic. Ultram is tramadol. Same explanation. I don't know if the folks who first posted still read this but I wanted to try to clarify for them and others who might be mislead.

Lyrica is a new generation of neurontin (basically). Works for some, not for others. Gabapentin/neurontin may be better for some because the dosage window is really large and it can be taken, say, 4 times a day and provide a nice blood level. It apparently works well when taken like that. Lyrica is more of a 12 hour medication and does not have the flexibility with dosing. So, whatever your needs, the doctor can help you make those choices. I am not a doctor, just have done lots and lots of research with doctors and pharmacists.

Cymbalta has been a life saver for me but I know other folks who cannot take it for even one day! I have little to no side effects and it has helped with pain management as well as the depression that hit me hard when I used Chantix in 2007. Now that is one ugly med for some of us! I did quit smoking for 2 years but the cost was not worth it. So glad I found vaping. I was not willing to take that med again!

Hope everyone is pain free tonight and gets a good night's sleep! I am going to try! I have had to lower my nic in the evenings or the old insomnia and pain creep back in. I sure miss the "feel" of the 12mg juice. Maybe will try menthol at 0 mg nic mixed with my 6mg nic flavors. I don't usually vape menthol but it might help me feel more satisfied with the lower nicotine after dinner. Didn't mean to ramble so much. Nitey Nite, all.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
They gave me Neurontin years ago for nerve pain and I think Restless Leg Syndrome. I did not stay on it long because I felt so much worse. It is usually used for epilepsy and seizures. Lyrica helped with the pain but I put on so much weight that I went off that too. Cymbalta didn't work for me either. Pain was better but had electrical like shocks down my legs at night. I was looking forward to Chantix cause everyone said they dreamed weird on it and I thought maybe I would get some sleep. Didn't do that for me. I didn't smoke while on it but would go back to smoking as soon as I went off of it. Whether it is in my mind or not, most medications make me feel worse. I got fed up and went off everything but my thyroid medicine and my blood pressure medicine. That didn't last too long. Had to start taking Flexeril on really bad days and Xanax. I only take it once in a while even though he wants me to take it daily.

I am thankful that I have discovered vaping. I was hoping the feeling in my feet would come back after I quit smoking but that hasn't happened yet. The things people with any disorder have to go through on a daily basis. It all comes down to that you hurt everyday but some days you can handle it better than others.

Has the lower nic at night helped any? I have thought of trying that. Hope you get a good nights sleep and I will try once again.


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
Yay! I found a group that shares some of my physical ailments! Not that I'm happy we have them!

I've had Fibro for a very long time, but don't take anything for it. I was officially diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder about four or five years ago and recently found out that I have PTSD. I am on several meds for the Bipolar and PTSD. I take Trileptal, Wellbutrin, Klonopin, Trazodone (for sleep, but trying not to use it much, as I have been sleeping well now that I have my BIPAP machine pressures adjusted well for my sleep apnea), and Prazosin. I also have degenerative joints in my knees, the worst is my right knee, which now has bone spurs. I take Arthrotec, twice daily, for that and Vicodin, as needed. I have been on disability since 2001 due to all of this and more! I'd be here all day if I listed everything! :lol:

The Fibro doesn't flare up very often, luckily, so it's probably just a slight case. I've never inquired about taking medications for it, as I'm on so many for my Bipolar. My biggest problem, outside of the Bipolar and PTSD, is the knee. I've got an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon on the 31st, but I'm not too positive that he will perform a knee replacement for me. I know many doctors don't want to do knee replacements when you're only 42, but I'm tired of not being able to do anything. I once weighed 450# and had weight-loss surgery. I now weigh around 280#. It has not helped with my knee pain, at all, like they've all told me it would. I met a woman who had a knee replacement at the age of 40 and weighed more than I do now. If she can do it, so can I!

I hope to keep seeing activity in this group! Always nice to chat with others who deal with the same issues! Have a great day! :)


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2013
Lakewood, CO USA
Hi there R2C2! Have you tried Alpha Lipoic Acid? I was told by a podiatrist/foot surgeon that it is proven to help with neuropathy. I am taking it but keep forgetting the right dosage and I think I am taking too little. I did not notice any improvement in my feet when I quit smoking with Chantix. Since I started smoking again in about 2009 I have noticed a worsening of symptoms. They can just about drive a person crazy, can't they? Course for me , it is a really a short putt rather than a full out drive!:laugh:

I have been taking a multi vitamin called Fibro Response, the alpha lipoic acid and just started the CoQ10 all from doctor's recommendations. I am hopeful. I must be better. Since Cymbalta I have really decreased some of my pain meds and still feel no worse than I did while taking them. This has been gradual but it is nice. I drive a truck and vicodin is a big no no. Tramadol has worked for me and ibuprofen is actually working again.

A really wonderful friend told me years ago: "life is not an endurance contest". I try so hard to take nothing for pain. I am a tough it out type of person. I am scared that I will become immune to the pain meds and have nothing to take when it gets REALLY bad as I age. So, I become a really nasty, short-tempered witch when I am hurting and I treat loved ones poorly. Not fair to them!!! Now I medicate with an ibuprofen once a day on average and a tramadol when necessary. One every night at bed time and maybe 6 times/month during the day.

I have rambled enough.

I am vaping a mixture of vanilla tobacco and fruity pear, coconut mixture this morning. Quite good, actually.


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2013
Lakewood, CO USA
Tina, hello again! Hope your visit to the doc on the 31st goes well. Congratulations on the weight loss! Good for you! I have fought pounds all my life and I am way bigger than I should be now. Walking is painful. Always. Sometimes, in the mornings I feel pretty good and try to get some walking in. I do love the sweet smelling air and cool mornings! I used to sit on the patio and smoke when I got up. Now I vape in the house. May have to go out on the patio instead just for the morning pleasures.


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
Tina, hello again! Hope your visit to the doc on the 31st goes well. Congratulations on the weight loss! Good for you! I have fought pounds all my life and I am way bigger than I should be now. Walking is painful. Always. Sometimes, in the mornings I feel pretty good and try to get some walking in. I do love the sweet smelling air and cool mornings! I used to sit on the patio and smoke when I got up. Now I vape in the house. May have to go out on the patio instead just for the morning pleasures.

Thanks, Glowplug! I actually got out for a swim, yesterday. It was nice, but not the smartest idea. Didn't know that I shouldn't have done so with a UTI. :shock: I survived, though. Hope you enjoy your day! :)


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2013
Lakewood, CO USA
Thanks, Glowplug! I actually got out for a swim, yesterday. It was nice, but not the smartest idea. Didn't know that I shouldn't have done so with a UTI. :shock: I survived, though. Hope you enjoy your day! :)

Swimming sounds great. Water negates my weight and my joints don't complain. I had trouble breathing with my chest in the water last time I tried. Really. How weird is that? I am hoping I can breath well enough to swim when we spend a week on a houseboat in September!!! I am breathing better since I quit smoking so here's crossing my fingers. I used to swim about 3 miles a day back in the day and I really would like to get back into it!

Did you know, fibro is part of the group of disorders that Easter Seals helps? They have facilities with warm water therapy pools. You can go to just exercise by yourself or sign up for their classes. It is not free, but here in CO they will let you volunteer time to offset the cost. It is reasonable. Maybe like, $55/month. I am usually only in town for a day a week so I haven't done it yet. Now that I am staying home to help my mom get stronger, I am going to look into it on Monday!


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2013
Lakewood, CO USA
Still didn't sleep well last night: pain kept getting me! But I didn't have the toss and turn nicotine nighttime rumba going on! I will try my 0 nic banana cream tonight! It really is a good flavor! Neurontin is my friend. It helps my feet most of all. I can tell when I miss a dose! I am lucky that I can take some of these meds without side effects.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Yay! I found a group that shares some of my physical ailments! Not that I'm happy we have them!

I've had Fibro for a very long time, but don't take anything for it. I was officially diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder about four or five years ago and recently found out that I have PTSD. I am on several meds for the Bipolar and PTSD. I take Trileptal, Wellbutrin, Klonopin, Trazodone (for sleep, but trying not to use it much, as I have been sleeping well now that I have my BIPAP machine pressures adjusted well for my sleep apnea), and Prazosin. I also have degenerative joints in my knees, the worst is my right knee, which now has bone spurs. I take Arthrotec, twice daily, for that and Vicodin, as needed. I have been on disability since 2001 due to all of this and more! I'd be here all day if I listed everything! :lol:

The Fibro doesn't flare up very often, luckily, so it's probably just a slight case. I've never inquired about taking medications for it, as I'm on so many for my Bipolar. My biggest problem, outside of the Bipolar and PTSD, is the knee. I've got an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon on the 31st, but I'm not too positive that he will perform a knee replacement for me. I know many doctors don't want to do knee replacements when you're only 42, but I'm tired of not being able to do anything. I once weighed 450# and had weight-loss surgery. I now weigh around 280#. It has not helped with my knee pain, at all, like they've all told me it would. I met a woman who had a knee replacement at the age of 40 and weighed more than I do now. If she can do it, so can I!

I hope to keep seeing activity in this group! Always nice to chat with others who deal with the same issues! Have a great day! :)

Yes it is nice being reminded that I am not the only one feeling this way. That helps on most days. I hope you find a doctor that will help you with your knee. I don't really think they go by age. Everyone I know that has had knee surgery said it was a godsend. Keep us posted on your progress.
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