Newbie, & medication?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 8, 2009
Boston, Ma
Hi All,

I wanted to start by saying "HI". My name is Dea and I'm new to E-Cigs. Love my 510 but I have some medication questions.

I've seen other treads that address certain types of medication like high blood pressure meds. It's really great that others are having their meds cut down or removed all together.

My concerns deal with completely different types of medication. the short version is that I have chronic headaches, fibromyalgia, and I'm bipolar. My meds include a mood stabalizer, an anti depressant, and for sleep issues, chloral hydrate. As well as a few others. I've been stable, happy, and sleeping well for over 4 years now. I'm a bit worried what may happen when I stop smoking completely.

Anyone have any insight into these types of meds? I understand that everyone is different. What happens to one person may never happen to another. I just feel better if I have a little clue about what "may" happen.

Thanks so much!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Western NJ
PG is often used as a filler in medicines, so it shouldn't have any effect.

Nicotine would be the only chemical involved that I would consider a concern for you, personally. Still, I would bring it up with your doctor, if your doctor has recommended against smoking, show the 510, what it does, what the ingredients are in the juice, and if its the smoke (CO, chemical additives, etc.) that is the primary reason they recommend not smoking with the medicine you are on, etc.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 27, 2009
I would agree talk to your doctor the main worry with the bipolar (not sure about the other conditions) is starting or stopping something very quickly can throw you into a manic or depressive episode. So I would really discuss with the doctor about how to cut back on your nicotine intake and how quickly you can decrease your intake. It still boils down to everyone is different and what might effect you will not effect the next person but a doctor that knows your case history would be way more qualified then anyone on here to inform you about your choices.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
Everett, WA
Hi Dea
that's alot of medications and we are not Dr's.
If you're concerned about what might happen when you 'stop smoking completely' maybe you should consult your physician.

By the way - E-cigs - personal vaporizers are not marketed for quitting smoking.

I'd think long and hard before offering advice of any kind - even sharing my personal experience since you're obviously looking for information to assist in making important health decisions.

Interesting you've never had a question about anything at all related to e-cigs, have a 510 (not available in your local mall) and are referring to that 510 as a 'stop smoking device'.

All the best
and if you know them say hi to
Andy, Sarah & Herman
Freddie, Dave & Art
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Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
Welcome to the Forum;

This Forum is great for e-cig information, but PLEASE don't trust any Medical advice from anyone here. It's best to consult your Doctor.

Collect a list of ingredients in the smoke juice, and let your Doctor give you his advice. Your health and life can't depend on a Forum full of strangers.

I can give you e-cig advice, but the rest should be done by a medical professional.



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ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2009
Best piece of advice I can give to you since I take some of the same type of meds you do is to talk to your doctor first. Print out some of the great info and reports you can find on here and give him some links to the ECF and other places with reports. That is what I did with my PCP and my cardiologist. Once they looked at the info and did a little research on their own they gave me the ok. Everyone is different and every body reacts differently to the same things. Better safe than sorry.

And welcome to ECF! Come visit us in the Women's Room and Wrecked and Bonkers. You'll meet some great people!


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Dea, for what its worth, i'm on a lot of the same medications as you are for the same reasons. One of the biggest difficulties i had with quitting smoking was it triggering mood problems, but replacing the nicotine takes care of that. I've been vaping for almost a month now and not smoking for about two weeks and i have had no problems.

That said, i wouldn't worry about it too much, but talk to your doc, preferably the one who prescribed you these meds. Yes, most doctors haven't heard of it, but as many others on this site have posted, most doctors respond favorably to anything that can get you off cigarettes.

Your pharmacist would be a good idea too. He/she knows all the meds you're on and how they interact, so (s)he'll be able to give you pointers on interactions with nicotine.

Good luck and happy vaping :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 8, 2009
Boston, Ma

Thank you all. I know no one can tell me exactly what to expect. I was just hoping others may have some basic experience with these meds and vaping.

What I didn't say was that my husband Scottes, did major homework on all the "'personal vaporizer" That's how i ended up with the 510.

As for my smoking, that's something my doc has been trying to get me to stop for over 20 years. Not because it's effected my meds, but because it's gonna kill me. I am taking things slowly, don't wanna trigger a manic episode. Haven't had one of those in may years and don't wanna start that again.

Thanks so much!
Happy vaping



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2009
I would say that you'll be fine. I take Adderall and it seems to be perfectly fine with that, and that's a pretty heavy duty medication. I am going back to my doctor soon and plan to show him my PV since I already told him that I was getting one before I got one. I would just say to let your doctor know the next time you go and have him compare your vitals from before you started vaping to what they are currently. I can't wait to see what the difference in my vitals are and see how much better my chest sounds now.
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