Mantis - Rubber O-Ring in 510 Fitting Fell Out?

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May 3, 2012
Marina Del Rey, CA, USA
Well, I got my Mantis just this past Monday and have been absolutely loving it! Unfortunately this evening I unscrewed my tank to fill it and a rubber o-ring popped out from down inside the 510 fitting on the top. I tried getting it back in but it won't stay, and with it out (or with it in the first time I try myself to reinsert it before it pops back out) it no longer works with anything screwed into it, although it will still light up with nothing screwed in. I'm assuming that without the rubber o-ring that it must be shorting out as soon as I screw something in. I have only ever screwed my tank on light finger tight and have never torqued it down. Is that something that I could maybe fix myself with some kind of caulk/sealant/new fitting or do I need to send it back and/or order a new one?

-Very Sad :(

*EDIT: So sorry, I just saw that there was a "Technical Issues" sub-forum. mods, please feel free to move this thread if needed as I don't want to double-post.
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May 3, 2012
Marina Del Rey, CA, USA
Im not familiar with the mantiis, but does the center pin come out?. If so a standard oring from a 510 atomizer or cartomizer will work. Should at least. Like i said i dont know the mantis. But the oring on my omega broke and this worked for me

Thanks for the advise, but no luck. I know what you mean as the center pin unscrews on my Buzz Pro II to replace the o-ring, but the fitting on the Mantis doesn't seem to be designed that way. :( I contacted them and they are going to fix it, I just need to send it back.
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