Looking to upgrade and want to smash my head into the wall

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Mar 28, 2013
Knoxville, TN

I am looking to upgrade from my Twist.
Options would include:

  • Vamo
  • innokin SVD
  • Zmax
  • maybe Provari mini

I have watched and read reviews but I have hard times making decisions.

Here are my needs/current problems (I understand some of these could be because of the type of delivery method)

  1. On my Twist, I currently smoke around 3.7-4.2v. Anything higher and it tastes like crap (have used 1.8, 2.4, 2.8 ohms)
  2. I like to vape a bunch of times in a row (and take long vapes) and hate how after my 3rd vape tastes off or burnt.
  3. I have ordered a Kanger Pro tank. Currently I have been using Vivi Nova tanks which I like.
  4. Batteries would need to last all day.
  5. I guess something simple would be best. But I would like something that isn't made (or feels like) like a piece of crap. But I also don't want something that weighs 40000 pounds and is 2 feet long :)

I'm super confused about all these battery sizes and types even after reading about them. I don't want batteries or chargers to die/explode. I don't know the difference between flat/nipple. I am confused about any adaptors I would need if I were to use a Pro tank or Vivi Novas on these.

Any help and/or recommendations would be appreciated.

Deacon Aegis

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Mar 30, 2013
Marietta, GA

I am looking to upgrade from my Twist.
Options would include:

  • Vamo
  • Innokin SVD
  • Zmax
  • maybe Provari mini

I have watched and read reviews but I have hard times making decisions.

Here are my needs/current problems (I understand some of these could be because of the type of delivery method)

  1. On my Twist, I currently smoke around 3.7-4.2v. Anything higher and it tastes like crap (have used 1.8, 2.4, 2.8 ohms)
  2. I like to vape a bunch of times in a row (and take long vapes) and hate how after my 3rd vape tastes off or burnt.
  3. I have ordered a Kanger Pro tank. Currently I have been using Vivi Nova tanks which I like.
  4. Batteries would need to last all day.
  5. I guess something simple would be best. But I would like something that isn't made (or feels like) like a piece of crap. But I also don't want something that weighs 40000 pounds and is 2 feet long :)

I'm super confused about all these battery sizes and types even after reading about them. I don't want batteries or chargers to die/explode. I don't know the difference between flat/nipple. I am confused about any adaptors I would need if I were to use a Pro tank or Vivi Novas on these.

Any help and/or recommendations would be appreciated.

The Provari mini is one of the physically smaller units you have selected there. Honestly though, all of them would be a great step up. I'm currently looking at the Vamo V2, but size is really not one of my considerations. For battery longevity it looks as if the 18650 batteries tend to last longer than the rest. You might even want to look at a full sized Provari with the extended cap for the 18650 battery type. Most recommend that no matter what choice you roll with to get four batteries so that you can always have some charging while the others are in use. Depending on your vaping habits, you should be able to get around 9 hours of vaping out of an 18650 battery, maybe longer. Hope that helps.


ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    A common error is to blame the PV when the delivery system is actually the source of the problem.
    It sounds like you are using a CE4 or a Vivi Nova, which are pretty much the same thing, and you are experiencing a wicking problem. Just tip it more often so that the juice gets to the coil.

    As far as upgrading your PV, I guess you could say that I'm a Provari fanboy. Your nova will fit right on it, but it will vape just like it does on your Twist.
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    Sheila Michele 1971

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    I have a VAMO2 - You might need an adaptor for the Kanger (I dont have one but reviews seem to all state this)
    Flat top batteries are flat, and button top have a little tip on one end. The VAMO2 can use both.
    My 18650 seems to last all day and Im a pretty heavy vaper. I also like to take long hits.

    I noticed my flavors tasted 'burnt' using clearomizers and made the switch to carto-tanks and definitely see an improvement. I also notice that when I vape on the watt setting (RMS mode) on the VAMO, I can vape on a much lower setting than I 'needed' to on the ego twist.

    While the VAMO is a beast, you can mini it by removing a section of the tube and use the 18350 battery. I havent used those singularly (I stack mine) and keep it big. (I swear that it actually works better stacked with 350s than when I use the 650s)


    Full Member
    Mar 30, 2013
    New Jersey
    I have a provari mini and a standard provari with the 18650 extension cap. I can burn through the mini quickly but the 18650 will last me all day no issue.
    When it comes to batteries the sizes can be confusing, the numbers are actually just measurements of the battery size itself. What you really want to look at is the MAH of the battery. An 18350 is 700mah and an 18650 is a 2000mah. Miliamp hours (mah) is basically how much 3.7 volts is in that battery and how long it can maintain that output. Say your twist is a 650mah and you burn through it in 6 hours, you can expect just about the same from an 18350 provari mini.

    As for the the burned taste thats the tank or "topper" you are using. vivi novas are hit or miss and have actually been taken over by some newer stuff. For a twist i would say try the kanger EVOD. If you are for sure upgrading to a bigger device try the vapeonly bcc or the kanger protank (which you said you ordered). They feed liquid from the bottom which helps keep them saturated with liquid. Some people remove a wick from the bcc and protank (help can be found online with a google) to help them chain vape better.


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 21, 2011
    Southern Maine
    I went through the same frustration last weekend- looked obsessively at all the tube AVPs, reviews, videos... I don't have the special battery charger already, and between the APV, batteries, charger, it was adding up quick! and they're all *huge* in comparison to my Inferno 650s, which was the largest battery I've used so far.

    someone here on ECF suggested the iTaste MVP and I'm really happy with it- works with all delivery methods I already have and opened up new ones with its eGo threading. I was concerned about the boxy shape/size and weight, but it's really comfortable. just arrived yesterday afternoon, so I'm still doing the battery longevity test. it was less $$ than getting all the necessities for a tube-like APV, can be used as a PT, and it is solid, and not super huge and cumbersome... and it won't roll away!

    View attachment 197533 View attachment 197535 View attachment 197537 View attachment 197541

    I got mine at Discount Vapers: http://www.discountvapers.com/innokin-itaste-mvp-titanium-blue/

    re: BCCs- love bottom coils in comparison to top-coils! the flavor and vapor is much more consistent. Vision-Nanos are awesome. the Kanger eVod is amazing. have a T3 en route as well to test out.
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    The Ocelot

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    Aug 12, 2012
    The Clock Barrens, Fillory
    I agree with the prior posts about trying new delivery systems before jumping into the expense of a new device. A new power source isn't going to change your vape if the tops aren't working. Keep in mind, when you buy a mod you have to factor in batteries (+/- $9.00 x 2 at least) and a charger (which can get pricey).


    Reviewer / Blogger
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    Apr 22, 2009
    Coral Springs, FL
    Yet another agreement on the Vivi being the source of the only problem you seem to be having. Burnt hits, especially after repeated hits, seem to be inherent to the Vivi Nova style tanks and clearomizers. All of the devices you mentioned are going to be capable of delivering higher amperage than the Twist, so you run the risk of making the problem worse. All of those devices are great, BTW.

    I haven't tried the Protank yet, but it has the same bottom coil design as the EVOD, which is fantastic. It handles repeated long draws with ease, even at higher voltages. Carto tanks are another choice, although you do sometimes need to experiment a little with size and number of holes in the carto depending on what juice you're using.

    Sheila Michele 1971

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    The VAMO is one of the least expensive mods with ALOT of options that some of the more expensive mods dont have.
    I believe the VAMO was 49 bucks and you get decent batteries for about 10 a piece if you shop around. There are also inexpensive chargers for around 20.


    Full Member
    Mar 30, 2013
    New Jersey
    Yeah carto tanks are always a good chain vaping device. I just have a hard time recommending them to new vapors. Pre punched vs punching their own holes. Dual vs single coil, why is juice coming out all over, Omg I just dumped the whole tank on myself etc. Cartomizers are one of those buy a bunch of different ohm and coil configurations until you find the one you like. While many people love them they annoy the living crap out of me lol.


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    Dec 1, 2012
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina
    I've been there! Please don't throw your computer...that's what I wanted to do! Although I love my Provari I'm not one of those people who will just say hands down go & buy one. I do recommend them as a solid, reliable & well constructed device. The warranty is also great! After a couple of posts just like this one I sat down & made a lil pro/con list for the PV's I'd narrowed it down to & went from there! Good luck!

    As far as a delivery method I went through a few. Clearos leaked, novas...loved them until I tried a carto and realized how much flavor I wasn't getting, liked the cartos but I was flooding them due to my paranoia that I was going to burn them so now I use cartotanks. They have a lil bit of a learning curve when it comes to priming but after you get that down its no sweat!
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    Vaping Master
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    Mar 7, 2013
    Southeast Michigan
    I recently upgraded to the stainless steel Segelei Zmax telescoping PV. It's VV/VW just like the Vamo. It's brushed ss so it's not a fingerprint magnet, and you can use the different battery configurations for varying size and battery life. There are no extensions to add or remove since the Zmax telescopes to different lengths by screwing the bottom half up or down to accommodate your battery size. It has simpler access to the menu using only 1 button instead of 2, with fewer clicks to get where you want to go.

    The thing that finally sold me on the Segelei Zmax was that fact that it has Ego threading. You can use 510s or Ego threaded clearomizers like the bottom feeding Kangers without needing an adapter. I bought the full kit at Electronistix for under $75.

    Good luck, and I'm sure you'll enjoy whatever you choose.


    Super Member
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    Mar 18, 2013
    Salisbury MO
    I highly recommend the Kanger Evods. The coil is in the bottom and the only time I've ever gotten dry hits is whenever I've run the tank completely empty! They are super easy to use too, never leak, gurgle or flood, just fill them up and start using them, no fiddling or learning curve with these at all. I've also got a Zmax, and it's simple to use and works fantastic. You might need an adapter, but using one is actually an advantage, since that way you won't be frequently using the threaded part of your device, just the thread of the adapter so it will wear rather than the threads of the device it's mounted on. Good luck with whatever you choose.
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    Ultra Member
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    Feb 25, 2013
    what price range are you looking to spend?

    i mean a zmax for 60$ is a great snag... Thats what I got and it works great! (and i just ordered an evic today lol)

    if you have the $ for a provari then it should be a no-brainer.. its considered the best for a reason. (but theres no VW)

    personally i would rather have a bunch of different mod's than 1 provari since I don't have a ton of $ to spend on them.

    think of it this way.. if you buy a zmax/vamo and it dies in say a year.. buying a replacement will still be cheaper than the provari itself..
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