Looking for a new good Carto to use.

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Sep 8, 2011
Columbia, MD
ok, so I've been vaping for over 3 years now. I've been happy in my ways, so I haven't visited the forums in a long time.. So here is my problem, for 3 years I've been using and love the smok Tech 1.7 Ohm single coil carto. (The RESURRECTOR). I love it mainly because of the "airy" draw. I've tried several other tanks/clearomizers, cartos, etc, but nothing really has compared to the smok tech carto. Most, if not all of what I tried have has a more 'tighter' draw. I like the loose, airy draw. However, the couple places that I order them from informed me that they are going to stop carrying them, and other places charge a lot of $$. (Prolly because they are getting harder to find)

Is there any one out there that has used these, and liked them, but also found something comparable, that also has a very loose/airy draw?

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May 11, 2013
Bummer how cartos can change - I had to drop Ikenvape when the product was "improved"...
And while I prefer Boge, I sympathize.
I too like a slightly looser draw, and I need more juice flow - I now make my own wider holes with a cartopunch. I get a good price here - and they have Smok (not sure if it's the same ones you use) - but looks like ONLY the XL length?
Good luck - if you're using XL's, maybe STOCK UP!


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Jan 29, 2011
Sugar Land, TX
I'm the opposite, I prefer a stiffer draw (I like Boge's). I've tried numerous clearo's and hated all of them because they are such an airy draw. I think you need to be trying clearo's to find that airy draw you want.

Me OTOH, I will never switch to anything with an airy draw. The vendor I get my pre-punched Boge's from has told me they will not be stocking carto's anymore because clearo's have taken over. So now I have to switch to another vendor. I will continue to switch until it becomes completely impossible to find cartos. At that point, I will give up vaping 100% - I simply would rather stop than try to adjust to an airy draw.
Yes there are other options that work just as well.. i had the same issue, and when i can't get the resurrectors i found that the Smok dual coil 1.5 or 2.0 ohm double punched and plated cartos work just as well.. atleast the draw is the same and the amount of flavor and vapor produced is about as close as you can get.. I prfer the 1.5's over the 2.0's.

DFWvapor recently had them on clearance and i picked up 5pk's for $1 each..look around and you should be able to source them for reap cheap.. my go to prior to everyone phasing them out was crystal clear vaping..were around $21 per 15 shipped to your door.. his reqard system gets you $5 off every other order iirc.
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Surevapes carries both Smok and Boge prepunched. Very good prices. Not "clearance", but everyday prices. You do best with the "bundle" packages they offer in their "Hot Deals" section. I was a heavy smoker for 43 years. Vaping got me to quit that and I've been off the tobacco now for 4 years....but I'm still a heavy vaper. I chain much of the time so the tanks I've tried (Kanger, Aspire, GS Air) can't keep up with me. I burn out any of those coils within a day. WAY too expensive to keep that up! So I still use cartomizers. I have some bad days, and some dud cartos, but overall the performance and durability keeps up with my vaping habit. I've had some cartos last 3 weeks (and that was with me chaining away like a locomotive) and and I've some that only last a scant 2 days. But that's the breaks. The price is still better than throwing so much money away on the tanks and their coils that I can't even get a "scant 2 days" out of. No...I don't use much VG (I DIY 85% PG, 15% VG) I use "clear" flavor (menthol), and almost no nicotine (2.5mg). So there is no excuse for those coils cr*pping out like that. I've tried and tried to give 'em a chance. They just can't keep up with a serious vaper. I don't do prissy little "sessions"....for me vaping is a lifestyle. My PV is never far from my hand, and often never leaves it! :rolleyes:


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David Wolf

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Dec 11, 2014
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Surevapes carries both Smok and Boge prepunched. Very good prices. Not "clearance", but everyday prices. You do best with the "bundle" packages they offer in their "Hot Deals" section. I was a heavy smoker for 43 years. Vaping got me to quit that and I've been off the tobacco now for 4 years....but I'm still a heavy vaper. I chain much of the time so the tanks I've tried (Kanger, Aspire, GS Air) can't keep up with me. I burn out any of those coils within a day. WAY too expensive to keep that up! So I still use cartomizers. I have some bad days, and some dud cartos, but overall the performance and durability keeps up with my vaping habit. I've had some cartos last 3 weeks (and that was with me chaining away like a locomotive) and and I've some that only last a scant 2 days. But that's the breaks. The price is still better than throwing so much money away on the tanks and their coils that I can't even get a "scant 2 days" out of. No...I don't use much VG (I DIY 85% PG, 15% VG) I use "clear" flavor (menthol), and almost no nicotine (2.5mg). So there is no excuse for those coils cr*pping out like that. I've tried and tried to give 'em a chance. They just can't keep up with a serious vaper. I don't do prissy little "sessions"....for me vaping is a lifestyle. My PV is never far from my hand, and often never leaves it! :rolleyes:
I have a couple of nautilus mini's and a GS Air and GS MS on the way by mail. I liked the "cartridge" like style and flavor of the ce5plus, and thinking about trying a cargo tank. What do you recommend? I prefer tighter draw high Nic 18 or higher at 70/30 or so pg/vg for ocassion "prissy" vaping (haha I call it cowboy vaping at high Nic). Thanks for any suggestions! Oh how would you compare flavor between your carto and the GS air and any nautilus you tried?


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  • Feb 15, 2011
    Surevapes carries both Smok and Boge prepunched. Very good prices. Not "clearance", but everyday prices. You do best with the "bundle" packages they offer in their "Hot Deals" section. I was a heavy smoker for 43 years. Vaping got me to quit that and I've been off the tobacco now for 4 years....but I'm still a heavy vaper. I chain much of the time so the tanks I've tried (Kanger, Aspire, GS Air) can't keep up with me. I burn out any of those coils within a day. WAY too expensive to keep that up! So I still use cartomizers. I have some bad days, and some dud cartos, but overall the performance and durability keeps up with my vaping habit. I've had some cartos last 3 weeks (and that was with me chaining away like a locomotive) and and I've some that only last a scant 2 days. But that's the breaks. The price is still better than throwing so much money away on the tanks and their coils that I can't even get a "scant 2 days" out of. No...I don't use much VG (I DIY 85% PG, 15% VG) I use "clear" flavor (menthol), and almost no nicotine (2.5mg). So there is no excuse for those coils cr*pping out like that. I've tried and tried to give 'em a chance. They just can't keep up with a serious vaper. I don't do prissy little "sessions"....for me vaping is a lifestyle. My PV is never far from my hand, and often never leaves it! :rolleyes:

    TY for this and I'll trust your experience with these clearos. I've only touched one back in Spring '11 (G4) and swore off them but have been tempted this year with these newer types.
    I'll stick to my Boges and carto-tanks now.
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    10x sugar

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    Sep 13, 2013
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    What do you recommend?

    There are still quite a few tanks for cartos around. Fancy ones too. But for the best value, to me, I would recommend IBTanked. They are elegant simplicity at it's best. High quality, reasonably priced. They have never disappointed me or let me down. The owner of the company, OCD, has several threads on this Forum and is easily accessible. A big plus in my book!

    I prefer tighter draw
    Just about any carto will give you the tighter draw you want. But you may need to finesse it a bit as you go along eg size and number of holes or slots. Generally, Boges are tighter than Smok because the filler is denser. But reallly, don't stress over that now. Just get started. IBTanked only sells Smok and the bottom of the tube has a little skirt on it called a flange. I think those are great to get started with. Plus it's nice to order everything all from the same place in the beginning, cheaper shipping etc

    70/30 or so pg/vg
    No worries there, I have used up to 50/50 with no problems ever.

    Oh how would you compare flavor between your carto and the GS air and any nautilus you tried?

    I have never hated a tank/clearo as much as I hated the Nautilus. They have many fans though, so different strokes and all that. I have a few of the GSAirs. I like them just fine. But I don't like them nearly as much as the cartos. Of course, YMMV.

    If you do try carto tanks, I would say the most important thing is to learn to prime them properly. With proper priming, using non coil gunking juices, a carto can last up to a month! If you order from IBTanked, you will get a nice guide to using the cartos and a "thingie" that is like a 35mm film canister that will help get them properly saturated. You should also get a "refilling tool" which is really a long drip tip. It is indispensable! It will save your O rings from getting chewed up and they of course, are what keeps your tank from leaking!

    compare flavor
    I vape simple clear juices and to me, next to a rebuildable like the Kayfun, I get the best flavor from a carto. But but but like everything else in vaping, taste is subjective!

    The carto users on the forum tend to be the "old timers" or ahem,;) the more experienced vapers! There's a reason for that! I hope you find the perfect vape for you. If you have any questions, you know where to find us! Good luck!

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    10x sugar

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    Sep 13, 2013
    OC, NJ
    David M! One other thing to consider re carto tanks; I would advise you to go with the XL tank and cartos over the standard for

    the simple reason that the XL cartos are much easier to source and that is the size that is usually found on sale. That said though,

    I love the standards for their smaller profile! But if you were only going to get one carto tank, I would recommend the XL just

    because of the general availability of the XL cartos and the opportunity to find that size on sale at different vendors.



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    Jul 12, 2012
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    the couple places that I order them from informed me that they are going to stop carrying them, and other places charge a lot of $$. (Prolly because they are getting harder to find)

    Vendors are shooting selves in foot.......discontinuing old school stuff......when there is a small but STEADY customer base for these items. I've commented on this before.

    They are not here on ECF anymore but carto users used to shop at Crystal Clear vaping. They have the 5 box deals ...smok and boge, etc. That is who everyone was getting cartos from when I started vaping in 2012 and they are still online.

    they carry your Ressurectors, in bundles, though I'm sure if you have been vvaping a long time you are already familliar with this vendor.--- 3 boxes for about $25.......
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    Jan 29, 2011
    Sugar Land, TX

    There are still quite a few tanks for cartos around. Fancy ones too. But for the best value, to me, I would recommend IBTanked. They are elegant simplicity at it's best. High quality, reasonably priced. They have never disappointed me or let me down. The owner of the company, OCD, has several threads on this Forum and is easily accessible. A big plus in my book!

    I have a couple IBTanks, and they are "OK". Personally I prefer Texas Tuff Tanks (Texas Tuff Tank at Vape Dudes for a few reasons.

    First- the TTT's go together so much easier than the IBT's, especially a "new" IBT. With new IBT's, I have had some hard time getting them put together, including breaking the rubber seal on one (which has never happened with my TTT's). The TTT's go together very easy, and remain just as easy for the life of the tank.

    2nd- filling the tank. Nothing is easier than the TTT to fill. You get a needle tip for your juice, and then simply unscrew the side fill hole, fill it up, put the screw back in. So simple and quick.

    3rd- price. You can buy 2 TTT's for the price of one IBT. If you like to have a variety of juices ready to swap out, it's just cheaper to have multiple TTT's

    TTT's don't get much attention here on ECF. So a lot of people have no idea about them. IMHO they are the simplest way to go.

    The only real drawback to them is you can easily strip out the threads on the side hole if you're not careful. But in 3 years of using these, I have only stripped out 2. My wife, who is a lot less careful than I am LOL) has stripped out 3. But again, at the low price it's not a big deal when one does strip.


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    Jan 29, 2011
    Sugar Land, TX
    Can you even re-tap a polyPro tank? I can on my thicker Polycarbs but the polypros are so thin...

    I think I lost my source for the rubber plug type screws that are for the pyrex tanks, was going to try to substitute those for the screws one day.

    not all flavors are safe to use in polycarbs
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