I need a new dual coil carto

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DJ Colburn

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Sep 29, 2009
Marlborough, MA, USA
Howdy folks!

I know a lot of vapers swear by smok Tech dual coil cartomizers. And I've used them before, they're pretty good. Maybe it's me, maybe it's the cartos, but lately I can't stand the stiff draw! I can't do it any more. I've had it. I get two good days, if that, and then I can't see down the center any more.

So, vapers, I ask you. What's a good 1.5 ohm dual coil cartomizer with a light draw?



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Mar 20, 2011
I can only speak for what I'm using now. I have the Boge single coil two hole 2.0ohm carts. Got them in a group buy several months ago and have not had a single dud. I do prefer just one hole using 70/30 pg/vg. I take a toothpick and stick it in one hole and turn 3 or 4 time then break it off and clip it flush with some nail clippers. Multiple holes seems to have flooding issues with me. anyway mine are lasting about a week. My flavors are DIY and I don't make them heavy with flavor which I'm sure helps with clogging issues. I do have one cart that I vape unflavored liquid with. It has gone over 60 days and still working fine. VG and PG do not clog a cart. Its the flavoring that does that. Don't know if any of that helps but good luck

DJ Colburn

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Sep 29, 2009
Marlborough, MA, USA
Thanks for the info, John. I'm not using tanks at the moment, just regular old unpunched cartomizers. My juice of choice lately has been from Roar (formerly Rawr), 50/50 pg/vg. Currently I'm using Razmataz, which is perfectly crystal clear. It just seems that, out of the box, these Smok Tech dual coils all have the tiniest little draw tube possible, and I feel like I'm sucking a cement through a straw.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
To my knowledge, Smoktech is the only manufacturer of dual coil carts.

Since you seem to be looking for something different, maybe look at these. Still made by Smoktech, but they are huge with a 4.5ml juice capacity, 1.5 ohm dual coils. AltSmoke.com | Smoktek XXXXL (4XL) 510 Dual Coil Cartomizers | Electronic Cigarette | Ecigs |

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