Long time cig smoker and pipe smoker - switching to vape

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Oct 4, 2016
Summed up story is I have been a long time pipe smoker... my wife is a long time cig smoker. She probably smokes a half pack a day.. I smoke 2-4 pipe bowls a day, depending on time.

We're both looking to get off tobacco, period. Lately it's been the cause of migraines and other health issues, not to mention we hate stinking up the garage as we smoke away from the kids.

I was initially set on getting us each a http://www.vapor4life.com/vapor-zeus-vv-auto-kit/. After talking with her some more, she was quite adamant she wanted something that produced a large amount of 'smoke'. One of the girls she works with let her use hers and she really liked it as an analog cig alternative.

The one she pointed me to was the Aspire Odyssey I believe? What/where would be the best place to get something like this? Would something like this be a better option for me as well having been a long term pipe smoker?

Thanks for any advice.. models and places to buy them from would be ideal. I am looking for somewhere that can do quick delivery as we're going out of town this Sunday and will be gone for a week and would like to have them before we leave.



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May 11, 2014
Welcome to ECF!

You've made the right decision to quit smoking and vaping is IMO the easiest way to do it.

When I'm looking for any vaping hardware, I check this site first Vapecrawler I did a search for Aspire Odyssey and the first result is MFS which is a great vendor and the price looks good too.

Edit; I see that's the mini kit but the full size is in some of the other results.
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ECF Guru
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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Welcome! :)

You have done well to ask.

Aspire make good products although I no longer buy them due to the pricing structure in the UK.
Luckily for US citizens, you don't have to put up with their greed and price hikes.

A box mod (a square battery with variable power) is 100% the best sort of power source.
Smokers and Vapers both self-titrate and being able to go up and down in power (up and down with the 'hit') is one of the absolute joys of modern e-cigarette hardware.

Basically, you can vape light or vape strong! I just had 10 puffs at 4 times my normal power, just to save me vaping for like 20 minutes or something. There are no wrongs or rights, you vape to suit your mood, your need and your enjoyment.

Just avoid the nasty bully-boy brands and you should find a good kit for sensible money quite easily.
If you are looking at a product you can't run an internet search on other than back to a brand store, it's almost guaranteed to be too expensive and only 'top rated' by the marketing department.
That's how you avoid paying $119 for a $19 e-cig.

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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Summed up story is I have been a long time pipe smoker... my wife is a long time cig smoker. She probably smokes a half pack a day.. I smoke 2-4 pipe bowls a day, depending on time.

We're both looking to get off tobacco, period. Lately it's been the cause of migraines and other health issues, not to mention we hate stinking up the garage as we smoke away from the kids.

I was initially set on getting us each a http://www.vapor4life.com/vapor-zeus-vv-auto-kit/. After talking with her some more, she was quite adamant she wanted something that produced a large amount of 'smoke'. One of the girls she works with let her use hers and she really liked it as an analog cig alternative.

The one she pointed me to was the Aspire Odyssey I believe? What/where would be the best place to get something like this? Would something like this be a better option for me as well having been a long term pipe smoker?

Thanks for any advice.. models and places to buy them from would be ideal. I am looking for somewhere that can do quick delivery as we're going out of town this Sunday and will be gone for a week and would like to have them before we leave.

Reputable e-cig vendors I like to recommend to US shoppers is My Vapor Store or Discount Vapors. I recommend doing a YouTube search for any reviews or tutorials with any gear that you are considering.

Good Starter Setups for a Beginner Vaper
  • Typical starter setups recommended for a new vaper.

Advancing Up the Vaping Ladder
  • From cigalike batteries, to eGo's, to mods. Another picture dictionary of terminology and form factors for beginning vapers.
Proper Terminology: Is it a carto, a tank, or what? A Guide to Juice Delivery Devices
  • A picture dictionary for beginners with descriptions of clearomizers, nano's, drip atomizers, bottom feeding mods, cartomizers, cartotanks, and RBA's (rebuildable atomizers). Includes video demos/reviews of all devices.

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Aug 30, 2014
Prescott, AZ USA
Welcome Home to the ECF family! Smoked cigars and pipes for nearly 60 years. Been free of them since May 22 2014. I started with 24 MG's of nicotine and now have it all the way down to 24 MG's. You have a great adventure ahead. One thing that helped me were a couple of good epipes. Google them....and...keep gaping. I'm 76 and cranky as h..., but tobacco is not in my life.

Sent from my NS-P10A7100 using Tapatalk


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Aug 30, 2016
Niagara Region, ON CANADA
Welcome to ECF!! Here's some advice from a newbie who didn't know any better...

Don't just buy one for your wife and one for yourself, buy a third (maybe even a fourth) as a back up. Nothing worse when quitting tobacco than dropping your mod in the toilet ( or other such disaster) and having nothing to fall back on. Next thing you know you'll be out buying cigs or pipe tobacco and will have to go through the quitting process all over again. Once you get off the stinky stuff you will be amazed that you will never want to go back.

GOOD LUCK TO BOTH OF YOU!!! I hit a wall at 10 days off the cigs but muddled my way through till I got past it. The rough spot only lasted a couple of days but it was a rough couple of days. Luckily you have a built in support system with your spouse.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
  • 1 x Pre-Installed 0.5 ohm Clapton Coil
  • 1 x Spare 1.8 ohm Coil
  • 1 x Spare 0.15 ohm Ni200 Coil (Temperature Sensing)
All 3 or one particular? how often do coils get replaced?

it looks like they offer:
316L .3 ohm
316L .4 ohm
1.8 ohm
.5 ohm

Gosh, what a selection (and not in a good way...)

1.8 is too high for serious vaping (i.m.o.)
0.15 is only for TC.

I think I'd be tempted to recommend a pack of the Stainless steel 0.4ohm as the most flexible.
You can use 316 in either watt or temp mode.

?? .. any thoughts, anyone else? :)


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Aug 30, 2014
Prescott, AZ USA
Welcome Home to the ECF family! Smoked cigars and pipes for nearly 60 years. Been free of them since May 22 2014. I started with 24 MG's of nicotine and now have it all the way down to 24 MG's. You have a great adventure ahead. One thing that helped me were a couple of good epipes. Google them....and...keep gaping. I'm 76 and cranky as h..., but tobacco is not in my life.

Sent from my NS-P10A7100 using Tapatalk
That should read: keep vaping.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk


Full Member
Oct 4, 2016
Thanks for all the responses and things to check out. I'd been through the newbie info page a few times prior to posting but it's a lot to take in on top of researching products... not all of it gets retained. That Aspire Odyssey kit I guess is made up of the pegasus and titan models I guess, and one of them, I forget which, seemed to have a common issue with leakage. Given that we're buying for two people, it's a fair chunk of change up front and I guess I want to make sure that whatever we decide to go with is going to not have any issue with it, though from what I've been able to gather so far from the community throughout the web.. that's a high hope as almost all models seem to have some issues with them. Seems like no matter what products we looked at, there were recent reviews that werent very favorable, coupled with some that were absolutely glowing but then upon further inspection it looked like a review farm from India was hired to post reviews on the website as the reviews were nearly identical with the beginning and end a tad different but the bulk of the middle of the review the exact same... and that wasn't just one website in particular.

This market definitely seems like it's still a very grey/sketchy market, I guess because it's so new still?

"started at 24 mg's and down to 24mg's"

That was hysterical. I looked up those pipes and I think I may end up putting a dent in to the wallet. Thanks for opening my eyes to those.

I think I'm going to run by one of our local BnM shops to get prices and selections and see if it's worth just dealing through them instead where I'll be able to speak face to face at least and can get a feel for if I'm being bull....ted or not.


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Mar 12, 2015
FoPo, Oregon
I found this one on closeout - Aspire™ Odyssey Mini Starter Kit (Triton Mini & Pegasus Mini)

Was using it plenty before going to mostly rebuildables.

The 1.8 clapton coils are great. Plenty of vapor at lower wattages and a just slightly warm vape.

The only minor leaking came from letting it sit for a day or more untouched. It can gurgle a bit after filling but a quick shake out fixed that just fine.

Hope this info helps,
Good luck!


Full Member
Oct 4, 2016
Yea I expect as much, but I was looking to pay for 1 day shipping so that it'd be here before we left Sunday and that cost was about 50$ so a 20% markup would probably be cheaper.. the problem I think I'll have is product availability.

Thanks for the personal experience note @CagedSpam. I may keep the Aspire option alive then depending one what we find out locally, as far as what is offered.
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An adult who likes flavors.
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Sep 11, 2016
Tempe, Arizona, United States
think of the ones they come with as samplers... you get to try a few different coils to see which suits you best and then buy more of those.

This is a great way to look at that. Finding a coil that worked for me took a few weeks and some trial and error and a little frustration. This is where having a great local B&M comes in handy.
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