Long Term Goals

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Danny H

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2009
After switching from analogs to vapor what are your long term goals, are they the same goals you had when you started to vape.

1.Are you here to quit nicotine altogether?

2.Now that you started vaping are you still planning on quitting nicotine or did your goals change to "vaping is fine with me"??

My first goal was to quit smoking altogether, but now that I'm vaping I'm not in a real hurry to quit anymore. I'm wondering if now that you know what vaping is do you really care as much to quit altogether?


Full Member
Mar 6, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Im almost done wit nicotine. I still want to quit smoking. Even though i do feel these are better for you than analogs, you are still breathing stuff into your lungs.

I started with 36mg carts about 2 months ago, now im down to the 11mg-6mg area, i been switching back and forth between the two, i found an old cart that was 36 that i never smoked. I tried it, i felt sick lol.


Full Member
Apr 19, 2009
at the moment, i feel like i will be vaping forever. i was a die-hard heavy smoker, and i'm still amazed that i'm off the analogs almost totally. smoked one when i got up this morning, but that's it. and i used to smoke over 2 packs a day.

maybe someday i'll want to kick the nicotine too, but certainly not thinking about it now. i love to vape.

got me a lady pipe on order!


Full Member
Apr 1, 2009
yea, I have this concerns as well. I was going to post a question like this in the health forum, but I don't seem to have enough forum rights to do so.

I know this might be a silly question to ask in a vapor forum, but has anyone succesfully quit vaping? Or attempted to try to quit vaping. There is no doubt in my mind, that vaping has all but quenched my urge to smoke analogs. But I still feel like I'm hooked on vaping. My nic intake is little to none, so nicotine is probably not the biggest problem at this point.
But I think we can all agree, that it is probably healthier to not vape than to vape. So anyone else have the goal to stop inhaling stuff all together?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2009
Portland Oregon
I will quit vaping, although I am not in a hurry. I started in Feb with 24mg now am down to 8. Next week I will be at 6. Next month at 4. Headed to 0. After that likely no more.

Ramping down slowly is very easy. I am very happy with this plan. My wife is also vaping with me on the same schedule, although she uses 0mg sometimes.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 6, 2009
I enjoyed nicotine and smoking, and I only took up vaping to save money, but after three days of vaping I stopped smoking analog cigarettes altogether. I didn't plan on completely stopping analogs, there is just no need for them anymore when I can satisfy my desires and cravings much less expensively and probably healthier with vaping.

Now I enjoy nicotine and vaping, and I have no plans to stop unless a ban prevents me from buying liquid and atomizers.

Danny H

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2009
Very interesting.

Well we all seem to have the same thoughts in mind.

As long as we quit smoking, thats the main goal.

Right now I'm suppose to be sleeping but I can't. My mind is absolutely so clear that it's very hard to sleep. Energy is though the roof and when i do sleep I sleep so sound that I wake up without a cigarette hangover if that makes sense.

I think eventually that the nicotine will not be a problem to quit, but it's months away, but that is really not a problem for me. After many attempts (that i can see now was nothing more than an anxiety attack) this is the greatest thing.

Right now Im on 16mg's but am going to order 36's for now. I think that my batteries will last much longer because i will only need a few hits to calm me down instead of having it hanging out of my mouth.

Lets use this thread for progress to see where we go with this because these are suppose to be used to quit. Are we all abusing them from enjoying them so much, I think maybe so, but they are soooo good.

Mint today, nice...

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I started vaping to cut down analogs, then I was smoking to cut down on vaping..vaping won! I have a plan and it just like yours. Vape until I forget to vape. I started at 18mg and am now on 11mg and 6mg. My next order will be for zero. I am noticing that I am going longer without a vape then when I started this a month ago.
Since it is just the hand to mouth thing, not so much the nicotine, I think I can make it.
It would be nice to know if I want to vape to relax in the furure..I could without being a criminal:rolleyes:
Hubby still hasn't quit but he has cut analog use in half.
I noticed the membership count at over 9,000 with about half that as active users. I am hoping the non actives are smoke and vape free!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
My plan was to get off cigarettes and I have. I have been wanting to badly for the last 2 years. I finally have done it thanks to vaping. I only vape 8 mgs all day and sometimes a little 11 here and there, but I feel I am fairly low, lower than a lot. So I don't have too much more to come down to. I just feel that I still want a throat hit too and with zero nic, I won't get one. If I can get down to as low as 6 and 4, and have a vape once in a while with low nic and be able to not do it as much, I figure that isn't going to kill me and it's better than smoking cigarettes. I'll just see how it goes. If I need the hand to mouth thing, it's always going to be a vape vs a cigarette. I'm never going to have one of those things again!

Danny H

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2009
This sounds great. I didnt realize that everyone was on the same page.

I really thought that it was just a switch from analogs to vaping and everyone was satisfied with that.

Because of my newness and not really knowing what i was doing my order was too low, the nic density. I am going to increase it because i find that i wear out the battery too fast because i have a huge craving.

Everyone that sees me in work wants a hit, lol. Im sending them all over to smilin and telling them to go buy there own.

I have an iphone and I ll take some pics later on. I work in a cooler a 0 temps so the vape just looks like a breath of air anyway.

So nice not to have to go outside in the rain and waste 15 mins everytime i want a smoke.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2008
After switching from analogs to vapor what are your long term goals, are they the same goals you had when you started to vape.

1.Are you here to quit nicotine altogether?

2.Now that you started vaping are you still planning on quitting nicotine or did your goals change to "Vaping is fine with me"??

My first goal was to quit smoking altogether, but now that I'm vaping I'm not in a real hurry to quit anymore. I'm wondering if now that you know what vaping is do you really care as much to quit altogether?

I agree, this is the reason I will be stocking 0mg in all flavors on all new orders:D


Danny H

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2009

I'm trying to stay positive here so please don't take this the wrong way but 4 months is a long time to wait and answer my post.

Look, you have to think of this business like we are alcoholics and we are coming to the packy to get our bottle. So eveyday i go to your packy to get my bottle and one day your closed, then the next and the next well by that time i have to find somewhere else to go to get my stash.

When you split for so long and left me and a lot of others high and dry wasnt really a good thing, because we are all starving to find stuff that matches.

I know customs sucks but it would have been better for you to give me a detour and tell me to go see this guy for a quite fix until things get straightened out, but the truth is bro i was hanging and had to spend money on new stuff.

So please don't hide when things go bad bro. Join your partners out there and make a plan for the next time because the next time will come and your partners may have a problem someday too and need you.

Business is good, your all going to do well and with new stuff coming out almost weekly you and all the other vendors will be in good shape. We are all in this together.

Thanks for the orders and more to come.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2008

I'm trying to stay positive here so please don't take this the wrong way but 4 months is a long time to wait and answer my post.

Look, you have to think of this business like we are alcoholics and we are coming to the packy to get our bottle. So eveyday i go to your packy to get my bottle and one day your closed, then the next and the next well by that time i have to find somewhere else to go to get my stash.

When you split for so long and left me and a lot of others high and dry wasnt really a good thing, because we are all starving to find stuff that matches.

I know customs sucks but it would have been better for you to give me a detour and tell me to go see this guy for a quite fix until things get straightened out, but the truth is bro i was hanging and had to spend money on new stuff.

So please don't hide when things go bad bro. Join your partners out there and make a plan for the next time because the next time will come and your partners may have a problem someday too and need you.

Business is good, your all going to do well and with new stuff coming out almost weekly you and all the other vendors will be in good shape. We are all in this together.

Thanks for the orders and more to come.


Thanks for your post, and I agree, I really stressed myself out working witt the wrong guy in China, sent him ton's of money, and 80%of the shipments are still in customs. Between him, and the first guy, 700 kits, 28000 carts, and now 7800 juice. You can do the numbers. I know, it is just money, but, I have never been in this situatiion before.

Nevertheless, I am BACK, and making up to all my customers, who have had any issue's/.

On a better note, how is Lu doing, hope you guy's are doing great. I would also like to thank you for the nice order, hope you like the extra's I shipped as well.

Danny, please, let me know if there is anything else I can do for you, and Lu. I value your opinions, and friendship:D


Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Hi Danny! Looks you and your wife are doing good. Glad all this worked out for you.
My plan is to vape for 6 months and then be on 0 nic and quit..at least just vape when I feel like it and not non stop! I started at 18 nic and that was way too much for me! I went to 11 nic and 6 nic. Now I vape a lot of 0nic, mostly when I am on-line. I think for me it's the hand to mouth.
being a diabetic, this has helped me stay off snacks. I get all the chocolate, fruit and RY4 I want in a P.V.! The weight loss is nice too!
Quitting analogs was no big thing once I had a decent P.V. But as long as hubby is still Vaping/smoking it will be harder to stop vaping. At least with 0 nic I am not doing myself any harm.
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