Logged Off Constantly Regardless of Selecting "Rememer Me"

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Full Member
Jun 9, 2014
Central Oregon, USA
So, I'm logging in using my Facebook.
Even if I select "Remember Me", I end up logged off nearly every 5-10 minutes.
Sometimes in the middle of this, I'm typing up a post, then I go to post it - and of course, I'm logged off and my post is lost.

This is getting really frustrating.

I have scripts allowed for the ECF forum (and pretty much everything else besides doubleclick.net, googletagservices.com, and googleusercontent.com --- which I would assume none of which have any use in the logging in or remembering functions on the board).

I'm sure ECF has little to no control over the scripts and HTML that runs the board, but... is there anything that can be done to fix this? Either from my end or the mod's?



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2013
Saint Louis, MO, USA
I can't help you with the facebook login stuff but I can offer a piece of advice for posts when dealing with this sort of issue. Notepad. Either punch your post out directly in notepad and then paste over into the reply section or copy and paste it from the reply section into notepad before submitting. That way you don't lose your comment if something goes horribly wrong. I just do this as a matter of course these days since I've been burned too many times and I realize it's not the answer you're looking for but it does help.

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