Liquid In Lungs?

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Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Nov 12, 2013
I have asthma too, and I vape pretty much constantly. I do have to be very wary of high-VG eliquids, they make me feel like I've got glue AND a hairball in my lungs, but otherwise I do ok. My own doctor, when I saw him in January, was very encouraging about trying e-cigs to try and finally quit my very light smoking habit, and wished me good luck.

And quite beside being able to breathe, and wake up without sounding like a water pipe, I've got my high notes back! I can scream right along with Robert Plant on anything! :D


Are you saying if I vape long enough I can sing like Steve Perry???

Awesome! I need to go find a big stick. I won't be able to keep the ladies off from me.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 4, 2013
Washington, DC
I have asthma too, and I vape pretty much constantly. I do have to be very wary of high-VG eliquids, they make me feel like I've got glue AND a hairball in my lungs, but otherwise I do ok. My own doctor, when I saw him in January, was very encouraging about trying e-cigs to try and finally quit my very light smoking habit, and wished me good luck.

And quite beside being able to breathe, and wake up without sounding like a water pipe, I've got my high notes back! I can scream right along with Robert Plant on anything! :D


well that is interesting. my experience has been completely different. since i've been vaping my voice (speaking and singing) has noticably deteriorated. i don't plan on quitting vaping anytime soon but i also can't ignore the fact that it has done something to my vocal chords.
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Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
well that is interesting. my experience has been completely different. since i've been vaping my voice (speaking and singing) has noticably deteriorated. i don't plan on quitting vaping anytime soon but i also can't ignore the fact that it has done something to my vocal chords.

Mine get coated and phlegmy; I have to clear my throat a lot, and drinking water helps a great deal. When they start getting that thick feeling, I know I'm getting dehydrated and need to drink up, right away!



Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Also, a lot of docs are conservative in general. Just the idea of a vaporizer might freak them out. They might not know which one to reccomend or how. But either way, a lot of docs are $ and conservative, so they read CONSERVATIVE media which paints vapers in a very bad light...
I'm sure a lot of people don't want me to go there, but this one is VERY hard to leave alone.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 12, 2013
I'm sure a lot of people don't want me to go there, but this one is VERY hard to leave alone.

Politics have no place in this thread, or vaping in general. Not every vaper is a liberal, not every conservative is against it.

The only thing worse than a republican is a democrat & the only thing worse than a democrat is a republican.

ETA: There are no stupid questions, just stupid politicians.


Jun 30, 2014
Tampa, FL
well that is interesting. my experience has been completely different. since i've been vaping my voice (speaking and singing) has noticably deteriorated. i don't plan on quitting vaping anytime soon but i also can't ignore the fact that it has done something to my vocal chords.
I never had that problem... I have heard some people do. When I stopped smoking I noticed the opposite actually. Weird how things affect dif people. I went from horse to mouse. lol
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