Limited Customer Support/Ticket Answering (July 27th - August 7th)

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2008
Hey Guys ....

Just wanted to let you all know, Customer Support, during that week and a half will be limited. If you didn't know already, Joanna and I got married on Saturday. Our Honeymoon is planned for July 27th - August 7th. This is the first real vacation (time away from the business) we've had since PureSmoker opened its doors 3 years ago.

I apologize in advance if there are delays in answering your tickets, questions, & concerns.

Good News: Curtis & Jeff will be here making sure all orders & juice orders are fulfilled in a timely manner as we don't want our customers going without their necessities!

Bad News: You are still free to email us or send in a ticket, it just may take more than 24 hours to respond to a request. We'll try our best, and I will continue to work even on our honeymoon, I just wanted to make you all aware of what was going on so you didn't think we were neglecting you!

Thank You ALL for making the past 3 years an amazing experience. We never thought PureSmoker would grow in to the company it has, and it couldn't have been done, without great Clients & Friends like we've gained in the past few years!

-PureSmoker Team
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