Let's Rally together to help a fellow ECFer out!!!

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Bella Chic

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 4, 2009
Southeast Texas
I don't even know what to say because Thank You just doesn't seem to be enough. Thank each and every one of you so so so much for your support! I am so happy and excited about these runs because I want to make a difference and help with such important matters such as these. If anyone had told me 20 or so years ago that I would be running for any reason at all I would have just laughed and said "no way, I'm not a runner" but life changes and I couldn't be any more happier about what I am doing. And it's because of every single one of you that I am able to run for these causes and it touches my heart in so many ways...I really hope y'all understand how this truly makes me feel, I can't describe it in words right now because I am so over joyed by everyone here wanting to help out and support these wonderful causes and myself. Thank you again. I will be running on November 13, 2011 in San Antonio Texas. I will run the half marathon, which is 13.1 miles. The marathons I run must be run in a certain amount of time and I love that because I love having goals and the goal, no matter what, will be accomplished. I will be running for Team on this run. I am awaiting more information on the Breast Cancer Run that will be this year also and will let y'all know more about it as soon as I do. Thank you so much, everyone, from my heart. This means so incredably much to me :) God Bless each and everyone of you! The amount anyone of you donates, no matter if it's a single dollar, means more to me than you will ever know!
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