Laughter is ineed the best medicine...

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2011
74,837 need to apologize because he WAS being difficult in his own way :p Maybe not in this particular instance but in plenty of other times in this on-going saga ;) And tomorrow should be a real fight when (I am certain) he refuses surgery until he can find the right pacemaker for himself! This one doctor wasn't used to that but maybe he'll be a better doctor now because of it :)

Let's hope so! It does catch them off guard when their patients are very adamant about questions and answers. I believe the one thing that gets lost along the way in Med School is that the Docs know and understand disease and illness, but we know and understand our bodies better than they ever will! My grandmother always was good at getting the answers that she was lookin for, but she was a card from a deck long ago lost....she definitely had a way with the docs.

Positive energy and prayers sent your way for both you and your hubs!

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Mike refused triple by-pass until he saw our grandson..we were really worried about him making it thru the surgery. They said no kids on the cardiac floor..and he wasn't allowed off it. He started dressing and my grandson was allowed up!
I am telling you the boy was the tonic Mike needed. He got to "ride" the ajustable bed and get mad at a Nurse . She was taking Mikes Pluse at his ankle and we told Shawn that she was checking his heart. Shawn said " she not know where the heart is?"( he was 3) It really made me feel good to hear Mike laugh.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2011
La Salle, Illinois
Kanza: Good luck with all the medical and husband challenges. Sounds like your frustration level is close to max. I have seldom had dealings with hospitals and Drs. that did not result in wanting to pull out my hair.... and theirs. Keep your sense of humor--it helps you deal. And feel free to vent to us whenever.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2011
Wilmette, IL
Just talked to him...and all his doctors agreed that he should go home tomorrow and do research on the pacemaker he wants :) It's the quality of life afterwards that continues the healing process and if he could never dive again he would still live and find new interests...but he wouldn't be as involved! So we postpone surgery for a week or two and everyone's happy :)

Wait...there was that one doctor who didn't really listen to him and told all the other doctors he was refusing surgery so here they all came back into his room yelling, "I thought we settled this!" Took him by surprise :p

Another thing we all have to be aware of...get the answers you need AND make certain the doctor has actually HEARD what you have to say and understands it completely! That's where the real mistakes happen! *NO* doctor is ever as busy as he/she thinks he/she is! Trust me on that ;)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2011
Treasure Coast
Good for you both! I hope you get the answers you deserve!
I participated in a medical ethics quiz at a hospital. They wanted to see what "real" people thought. One of the questions was: Should Doctors inform you of every procedure or treatment if they feel you wouldn't be able to understand the reason or the technical aspects. The Doctors said NO. The Nurses said YES and us "real" folks said YES. You aren't doing jack that I don't have the right to approve first..except in an emergency that I am not awake or aware.
I often tell my Doctors when they want something that I refuse..I hired you, you are my employee. I will take your learned advice into consideration and decide .

Every. Single. Word. YES!!

Who the he-- do some of these MD creeps think they are? What the he-- ever happened to the whole concept of INFORMED CONSENT!!

What kind of blankety-blank crap are they teaching these days as "medical ethics"? Nevermind, I already know . . . the supercilious, ubermensch, eugenics-loving crap that insists that we have no intrinsic value or dignity, and that we must simply submit to the "experts" or, or, well, just die already dammit!:mad::mad::mad::evil::evil::evil:

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I have steadfastly refused to have a male Doctor. Females LISTEN! (mostly) Plus they don't pat you on the head and say..I will take care of you little lady..meanwhile messing things up beyond all hope!
I liken male Doctors to Air force jet pilots..they have all the hype drilled into them at school.
Of couse this does NOT apply to all male Doctors..but there is a preponderance of them.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2011
Treasure Coast
I have steadfastly refused to have a male Doctor. Females LISTEN! (mostly) Plus they don't pat you on the head and say..I will take care of you little lady..meanwhile messing things up beyond all hope!
I liken male Doctors to Air force jet pilots..they have all the hype drilled into them at school.
Of couse this does NOT apply to all male Doctors..but there is a preponderance of them.

That's funny, my experience has been almost exactly the opposite.:confused: I will now not go near a female doc, if I can help it!

(Perhaps it was a generational thing . . . I got burned by the "I am Woman hear me roar" generation of female docs who thought themselves far superior to mere mortal gals.)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2011
Wilmette, IL
I'll tell you one problem female doctors have/had...being trained by MEN! Seriously! We had a whole generation of uncaring female OB/GYN's who thought heartlessness was the way to go thanks to the men teaching them :(

'Matches...I am packing my bags now :) Will I get to meet your family...including your niece? How's she doing?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2011
I'll tell you one problem female doctors have/had...being trained by MEN! Seriously! We had a whole generation of uncaring female OB/GYN's who thought heartlessness was the way to go thanks to the men teaching them :(

'Matches...I am packing my bags now :) Will I get to meet your family...including your niece? How's she doing?

Um...which one? Sad truth is we are very worried about my other neice, Veronica. She had a horizontal c section very early, the baby is only 1 1/2 pounds, but she (the baby) is doing remarkably well, not even on a respirator, it's the mom, Veronica that has us worried. I don't understand most of it, but a torn uterus, a painful pregnancy, and now she is bleeding badly.

The good news is she is getting better, but in bad pain, and still bleeding. They say she will leave intensive care tonight. It's difficult, being her in Austin and me in NY, but her mom (my sis) is there. Her first kid is my godson, she has another boy and now this little tiny girl, who seems to be a real fighter, surpassing the doctor's hopes so far. Praying both will be fine.

I know God is with us, and things will work out. I hope your hubby, despite his stubborness (how unusual for a guy) will be fine too.
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