Vaping at the VA Hospital

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2009
Hey, I just had to post,
My husband had to go to the VA Monday... we were there until Wednesday afternoon- I didn't vape inside the hospital, but went to the smoking area outside w/ my Dragon- I had a crowd of people around me asking me about it-
I told them of the forum here and the few various models that are available... showed how the Dragon (M401) works and explained that there are also 2 pc units as well as other 3 pc units and what is called High voltage devices or mods... 2 of the guys had me write some sites down on a paper for them and one of the nurses went inside to look at one of the sites I gave her right then... Hopefully we will have more vapers enter the community-
When my husband was in a few weeks back he did take his PV with him and used it when he was admitted... this time they kept him in the ER the whole time- he didn't use it more out of respect that people were in there for many different things and he didn't want to ask and explain so he could use it... His doctor approves of it though which is great for him... One because it's his doctor saying that it is much better for him and if that is what he has to use rather than cigarettes, he is all for it- Also, because my husband has high blood pressure and has had a heart attack- he has a stent and has been hospitalized numerous times since w/ many factors affecting his heart- the fact that the doctor gave his okay on these is great! I was worried that with his blood pressure issues and heart attack, the fact that he still has problems, the doctor would tell him no- but he said he should just watch the difference in pressure when he vapes- don't miss his meds, and when he goes in for appts, they will check him out-
btw, my husbands blood pressure is always high, even after his meds- it is lower than w/o meds but it is always higher than it should be to the point that many times they are amazed he hasn't had a stroke... they released him yesterday w/ his pressure at 168/90-


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2009
Delhi, LA USA
Well if he has had a heart attack vaping would definitely be better for him than smoking. Usually the heart condition is caused by smoking. Continuing to smoke would be very dangerous. A friend of mine had a heart attack with surgery. I told him about the ecg. He went to a local Pilot and bought one. That didn't last long. He told me it just didn't work like cigarettes. I was very disappointed

I also have another friend I told about ecigs. They also bought one was did not stick with it.

I am not have very good luck getting people to switch to ecigs.


Moved On
Sep 14, 2009
I am a 100% disabled retired vet and go to the Providence V.A. often...... When I do, I go to the smoking area and vape...... I get the same reaction...... It is like I am a celebrity or something...... Everyone wants to know what my GG Transformer is...... I tell them and tell them about ECF and recommend E-Cigs to the other patients and staff......
I even vape inside, discretely, of course...... Have been told to stop smoking...... Once I explain, I usually get the go ahead as long as I am discrete......


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Well if he has had a heart attack vaping would definitely be better for him than smoking. Usually the heart condition is caused by smoking. Continuing to smoke would be very dangerous. A friend of mine had a heart attack with surgery. I told him about the ecg. He went to a local Pilot and bought one. That didn't last long. He told me it just didn't work like cigarettes. I was very disappointed

I also have another friend I told about ecigs. They also bought one was did not stick with it.

I am not have very good luck getting people to switch to ecigs.

The once you can currently purchase in vendor stores are crap... no wonder they didn't like it.


Moved On
Sep 14, 2009
Martha, I agree with VaporHead..... The ones at the malls stink..... I got one, Yuk......
Get your friend a good one or turn him on to the ECF...... Have him get a 510, 801, 901 or one of the good mods.....
I was ready to go back to regular cigs until I found my GG Transformer with AFS and my GLV 5.0......
Now, no way would I go back to analogs.......


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2009
One of the main reasons I was so excited when I first found the electronic cigarettes! Due to his heart attack before he turned 40... & the fact that he still couldn't seem to put the analogs down... I ordered ours before I even told him about them... I am so glad that he liked it when they got here! We are both still smoking analogs ever so often but have cut down so greatly I know we will have it kicked soon!
My biggest worry was his doctor, and because all e-cig sites, vendors, etc have the warning about high blood pressure, heart problems, etc...
When he had to go in the last time we had only had them about a week- They let him use it in his room and since he was already hooked up to the blood pressure cuff and it was going off every 20 minutes, they could really get a look at how it affected him. The best thing is that his pressure has been lower than it had been normally since he has started using the e-cig.
I haven't had any experience with the e-cigs that are in the gas stations available around here now but I would say if that was the first experience we had, I doubt we would still be using them... I like having the suppliers give detailed info and the board to refer to when I have a question- It makes all the difference!


Moved On
Sep 9, 2009
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umop apisdn

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 26, 2009
jeffrey14, I appreciate the information. It's definitely a very promising piece of research and a good amount of comfort to vapers during flu season.

Although, you were thinking the right thing. This isn't the best place to post that. The info is definitely well known around here already. You might want to check out the ecigarettes in the news forum - it's a much better place for info like that, and you'll also find a LOT of other information that might interest you. Hell, if you can keep current and post news that no one else has seen, you'd be a very productive and valuable member to the vaping community!

The only thing is, your post could seem like spam at first. Try keeping the color black and putting the article in a quote, it would be much easier to read and more welcome.

Enjoy ECF!
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