Koopor mini 60W with griffin RTA or Wismec Indestructible??

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Jan 22, 2015
West Virginia, USA
Hi Harris. I tried dripping and it wasn't for me, it was too much work refilling all the time... I prefer a fill it and go so the RTA would be my choice. Right now I'm loving the Uwell Crown with the dual .25 coil, though I have the rba wicked and ready for when the coil dies.

Good luck in your decisions, enjoy the journey.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Jun 22, 2014
Cowtown, USA. Where the West begins.
They are in different genre. I really can't advise you about it. Some people like drippers, some like tanks, and some like both. Right now I have an Advken Ωega and an Indulgence MT tanks set up on RX200s on my desk, and they're standing next to a Wotofo Sapor dripper on a Wotofo Phantom mech mod, and a Troy2 Dripper on a Fakir's FX22 mech. I'm vaping them all in turn. The only thing I will say is dripping is a lot easier to do if you're staying in one place. Tanks are far more convenient for moving around.
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