Kicked out of an establishment for vaping

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 5, 2013
if authority was never questioned - society wouldnt be where it is today.
as americans - we are taught in school to always ask questions.
i will continue to ask questions till i get an educated answer - not some made up BS lie(that keeps changing over time because you cant back it up)

regardless mine/your/anyones past - dont lie to my face, and keep lieing when your proven wrong. i may be "persistant" but it lets me know your mind set is persistant on lying to anyone/every one and that you are not to be trusted with anything. - i feel like i should of ben born in the 60s with all the hippies... THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!

Respect for the right people goes a long way.
And choose your battles wisely. Otherwise you'll spend the major part
of your time angry and feeling like you're fighting everyone. There are
times you have to be humble, sit back and just let things go. Trust me.
I too have a major issue with people who lie. And it seems anymore that's
the majority out there doesn't it? Choose your friends wisely as well, that's
my advice. You can be friendly to anyone you want, but only those that
meet your criteria (in this case don't lie) should get close.
I kind of made a commitment to trusting first, then gradually eliminating
those that easily lie to my face from my circle. Trust first though, as there
are some good people out there. You just have to find them.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 5, 2013
Man! I lost my like link again.

Beats me what the problem is, Bro.
I'm an old(er) guy but thanks to God and the wonders of vitamins
I have a soon to be 13 year old script kiddie.
He's a good boy, maybe too good next to me when I was his age.

But when I was his age I was busting .... on weekends and after school, moving furniture so
I could have enough money to go to the movies,
eat an occasional whopper at BK and buy my weekly pack of smokes
so I could be cool with the chicks ;)

We had ONE TV and it only got a few off air channels.
No computers and if ya wanted to play games you walked to the arcade and played pinball.

My boy has a mac, a playstation, WII, wifi TV in his room
and he gets angry when I ask him to mow the lawn.

But he's not gonna grow up to be self entitled
or expect to be able to do as he wills wherever he happens to be.
Why? Because part of my loving fatherly duty is
to teach my son some martial arts now and then...lovingly

Yea, he says: May I, Please, and Thank you, SIR...


I hear ya. I have a wonderful kid who has done beautifully in
school and is getting some awesome college scholarship offers.
However ask him to do something and watch him stall......


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
This is more of a vent thread. I found it comical given the circumstances and wrote a yelp review on the establishment. I recognized the establishment's wishes but thought it was a bit out of line.

The other night a friend came over that I haven't seen in a while. I live in an apartment with 2 sports bars within walking distance. Obviously, this is a huge plus because I don't have to worry about drinking and driving or taxis.

I usually frequent bar A because of the laid back atmosphere and staff; however, on this particular night they were dead and decided to try bar B a try.

When I walk in, we order a pitcher of beer and I ask the bar tender if I am aloud to vape inside. She said of course, go right ahead! I showed her my set up so that they doesn't confuse it for any type of tobacco product which was met with a "nice set up you have there". For the record, I use a IPV mini (30watt) with an Atlantis with 5ml extender vaping 20%PG, 80%VG juice. While at the bar talking to my friend, I feel a tap on my shoulder. A lady identifies herself as the manager of the bar and states to me "I know we allow vaping in here; however, the device you are using is emitting entirely too much smoke and is bothering me." I casually asked her if any other patrons are complaining (I sat myself at the end of the bar to isolate us because I vape out of respect) and she indicated they are not; however, my smoke is blowing her way and overcoming her and she cannot enjoy herself. She asks for me to either blow it down or less to prevent this. "Of course" I reply and start to take smaller drags and exhale from my nose so it blows down to the ground. After 2 minutes of this, I hear "Damn it, that's it. That guy is still doing it." She yells to the bartender to "tell that guy he can no longer do that inside and he must either leave or go outside". Well, it's raining outside so that isn't happening.

What made me the most mad is I was told I can vape, but then it's too much. I'm told to blow it down, but I guess the sight of it ...... her off. I heard other patrons tell her that it isn't bothering them. I isolate myself to try not to bother anyone, even after given approval to do it inside, and she gets ...... and not only calls me out infront of everyone but cannot come to me herself to tell me to leave or go outside. Great manager.

Upon paying my tab, I ask the bartender if my vapor was bothering her or other guests. She stated she had no complaints and barely noticed it, but the manager is boss and she must listen to her.

Bar B will no longer be patronized by myself, and I've informed other vapors to steer clear if they wish to go here.


There are so many bars in Tampa that I don't need to deal with this type of BS, even after given permission and listening to demands given to me if I wish to continue to do so inside. With 20%VG/80VG, I was not even blowing monster clouds. All I wanted was that vapor/nic sensation that goes oh-so-well with alcohol...especially after a long week of work. Oh well.

a obvious troll.
pictures,times,dates and places please.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
Re-read my post sir - I will requote myself:

A lady identifies herself as the manager of the bar and states to me "I know we allow vaping in here; however, the device you are using is emitting entirely too much smoke and is bothering me."

As for your yelp comment - I am one to comment on yelp fairly. For instance, if I'm in a restaurant and I get bad service, I don't judge the restaurant based off a server's bad day. Rather - I comment on the food, atmosphere, value, ect. Before writing anything negative, I also give them a try, or 2, to see if it's the wait staff in general or just one bad apple.

I wrote a review on this establishment on the first try based on the fact that a manager told me this versus an employee. That's a bit different.

an obvious BS story.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
I use a IPV mini (30watt) with an Atlantis with 5ml extender vaping 20%PG, 80%VG juice.

Not sure I would take a 30 watt device out and about in places that was not filled with other vapers, since with that high VG it does make a lot of clouds.

This is how we lose our priviledges in establishments that do still allow vaping......but now sure how long THAT will continue with cloud makers.

Most people keep a nice smaller set of ecigs for more social occasions where they are not going to be around a lot of people who vape.

In 3 years of going to the race track here I have never seen anyone bring along a "big kit" except one couple, and they really were out of place there. The town has plenty of vape shops, it's just that being around families and horses is just not the place to "make big clouds".


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 1, 2013
This is more of a vent thread. I found it comical given the circumstances and wrote a yelp review on the establishment. I recognized the establishment's wishes but thought it was a bit out of line.

The other night a friend came over that I haven't seen in a while. I live in an apartment with 2 sports bars within walking distance. Obviously, this is a huge plus because I don't have to worry about drinking and driving or taxis.

I usually frequent bar A because of the laid back atmosphere and staff; however, on this particular night they were dead and decided to try bar B a try.

When I walk in, we order a pitcher of beer and I ask the bar tender if I am aloud to vape inside. She said of course, go right ahead! I showed her my set up so that they doesn't confuse it for any type of tobacco product which was met with a "nice set up you have there". For the record, I use a IPV mini (30watt) with an Atlantis with 5ml extender vaping 20%PG, 80%VG juice. While at the bar talking to my friend, I feel a tap on my shoulder. A lady identifies herself as the manager of the bar and states to me "I know we allow vaping in here; however, the device you are using is emitting entirely too much smoke and is bothering me." I casually asked her if any other patrons are complaining (I sat myself at the end of the bar to isolate us because I vape out of respect) and she indicated they are not; however, my smoke is blowing her way and overcoming her and she cannot enjoy herself. She asks for me to either blow it down or less to prevent this. "Of course" I reply and start to take smaller drags and exhale from my nose so it blows down to the ground. After 2 minutes of this, I hear "Damn it, that's it. That guy is still doing it." She yells to the bartender to "tell that guy he can no longer do that inside and he must either leave or go outside". Well, it's raining outside so that isn't happening.

What made me the most mad is I was told I can vape, but then it's too much. I'm told to blow it down, but I guess the sight of it ...... her off. I heard other patrons tell her that it isn't bothering them. I isolate myself to try not to bother anyone, even after given approval to do it inside, and she gets ...... and not only calls me out infront of everyone but cannot come to me herself to tell me to leave or go outside. Great manager.

Upon paying my tab, I ask the bartender if my vapor was bothering her or other guests. She stated she had no complaints and barely noticed it, but the manager is boss and she must listen to her.

Bar B will no longer be patronized by myself, and I've informed other vapors to steer clear if they wish to go here.


There are so many bars in Tampa that I don't need to deal with this type of BS, even after given permission and listening to demands given to me if I wish to continue to do so inside. With 20%VG/80VG, I was not even blowing monster clouds. All I wanted was that vapor/nic sensation that goes oh-so-well with alcohol...especially after a long week of work. Oh well.
I was going to say you're one of them now (jokingly) but apparently Steve has already bestowed the indoctrination upon you.

We owe Steve a big thanks for putting things in perspective for those of us who don't know better. [emoji38]



Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
I have a 17 year old graduating soon. He doesn't
vape, but this makes me question as to what exactly
us parents do that gives kids the sense of entitlement.
Give in to them all the time? Go fight their battles in school
if they get a bad grade? Make excuses for them? I don't
know this is probably best left for a parenting board, but
it still makes me wonder.

They learned it in school, by their teachers...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
i had an issue similar to this, visiting a fellow friend of a friend while out helping them film for a movie they are making.

after many confrontations - and iterations to my gear/juice/vapor - it comes down the simple fact "they dont like how it looks like smoke and it is in their space"

first was told its unhealthy and im clouding the room with poison and his parents dont allow smoking in the house(tho one of them smokes a pipe in the kitchen.. all utensils on a plate ready) - recently started dripping, and for the special occasion of being at this kids house(knowing he thinks its poison) i was vaping JUST vg. no flavor, no nic, no PG.

as the VG being used, i was told "it smells like baby poop" - HAD to laugh in his face, he was imagining things - VG was odorless.

continued to vape, and then was told that im going to give him nicotine poisoning/addiction from being in the room - i had to reasure him a second time, it was JUST vg, and nothing else, no flavor or nic or W/E. - unless your alergic to vegitables, then i have no reason to stop besides you "dislike the fog"

third time rolls around - mind you this all is happening within 20mins - "STOP FOGGING THE ROOM. I CANT THINK, IM GETTING DIZZY"

i calmly walk him over to the PC on the desk, pull up a spread sheet for childrens tylenol - "IF this is safe, and cant make you tripp balls or halucinate or w/e your experiancing now - how is THIS making you trip? what im vaping is theoreticaly safer then the tylenol - its missing ALL the ingredients but the liquid catalist - VG"

apparently not firing any brain cells, i was told his parents are going to get mad at him, and that i need to go outside now.

last remark i made walking out - "if one or both can smoke a pipe in the house i dont see the issue, but if you insist they will have a problem and yell at you, tell them to take it up with me and talk to the direct problem so i can educate them since maybe they are more accepting than you to learn."

another BS story.just saying.
does nt. mater which side.


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2014
Not sure I would take a 30 watt device out and about in places that was not filled with other vapers, since with that high VG it does make a lot of clouds.

This is how we lose our priviledges in establishments that do still allow vaping......but now sure how long THAT will continue with cloud makers.

Most people keep a nice smaller set of ecigs for more social occasions where they are not going to be around a lot of people who vape.

In 3 years of going to the race track here I have never seen anyone bring along a "big kit" except one couple, and they really were out of place there. The town has plenty of vape shops, it's just that being around families and horses is just not the place to "make big clouds".

While we haven't always seen eye to eye I agree with this 100%.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2015
Sandbox, USSA
if authority was never questioned - society wouldnt be where it is today.
as americans - we are taught in school to always ask questions.
i will continue to ask questions till i get an educated answer - not some made up BS lie(that keeps changing over time because you cant back it up)

regardless mine/your/anyones past - dont lie to my face, and keep lieing when your proven wrong. i may be "persistant" but it lets me know your mind set is persistant on lying to anyone/every one and that you are not to be trusted with anything. - i feel like i should of ben born in the 60s with all the hippies... THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!

Look, man.
First off most of what you're taught in school is BS.
Yeah sure, question authority except when that authority is your friend in his house.

What you're asking for here is for somebody to
codependently reinforce your negative behavior.
So sorry, not gonna happen.

Take this good advice:
Learn some manners and get off yer high horse.
When you're in somebody else's house you gotta play by his rules

If your buddy is lying to you he just might be afraid of telling you where to get off.
Have some consideration for the man who welcomed you into his home.
You did say he's your friend, right?

Here's something for ya to think about.
The guy talking to you WAS BORN before the Hippies you laud
and still has his HAIR
Question Authority means you question your own authority FIRST before you run around condemning
and judging others right to have authority in their own homes.
The movement was about peace, good will, mutual consideration and love.
You lovin' your bud here talking crap or are you dissin' him?
Did you show consideration for his needs when you insisted on vaping after he asked you to chill?

Do you want peaceful coexistence with those who dance to a different tune or are you intent
on doing YOUR thing regardless of who it hurts?

The Revolution begins at home, your home and not somebody else's.
Yea, the truth will set you free.
Now, run along and find some

Said all I had to say to ya.
Talk to me in a few years when some punk wants to do as he pleases in your face
you'll see where this old freak is coming from then

Peace, Out


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2015
Sandbox, USSA
I could post a picture of the lovely Denisa (the bartender), if you would like...

Now-now, good buddy :p
ya know that posting them there nasty pixes will getcha in trouble..
Besides, you ain't caramel colored.

a good ole boy like you need not post a pix to make a point
but I do like those photos of yer many goilfiends.

Be sure to send more

Hazy with the Tough Love Whip
Last edited:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I don't get the anger. Someone who is not in charge of the establishment says it is ok, but when someone who is in charge- the manager, says it is not, suddenly there is an issue...

Re-read my post sir - I will requote myself:

A lady identifies herself as the manager of the bar and states to me "I know we allow vaping in here; however, the device you are using is emitting entirely too much smoke and is bothering me."

As for your yelp comment - I am one to comment on yelp fairly. For instance, if I'm in a restaurant and I get bad service, I don't judge the restaurant based off a server's bad day. Rather - I comment on the food, atmosphere, value, ect. Before writing anything negative, I also give them a try, or 2, to see if it's the wait staff in general or just one bad apple.

I wrote a review on this establishment on the first try based on the fact that a manager told me this versus an employee. That's a bit different.

I think you handled yourself with restraint and politeness. Unfortunately, there are a few on ECF who believe vaping and smoking are the exact same thing and all vapers should be treated like pariahs. When you run across them, you will notice that almost no one "likes" their posts.
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