Kernersville/Union Cross CVS-Guy vaping a 510-was it YOU?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2009
Wilmington, NC
*I can post a classified, but no button to post a regular thread. Am I doing something wrong?*

I just wanted to ask everyone who was the guy vaping in CVS in Kernersville-Union Cross location? :shock: My roomie met him (she works there)-he was buying a pen-style sanitizer to mod into a custom 510 case. I think its AWESOME me and my household arent the only ones in this town vaping! :D


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2009
Wilmington, NC
Awesome! You 2 need to join the NC vapors club-its on my profile. They have get togethers every once and a while-cool peeps from what it seems. I havent met in person yet, but alot of peeps from the triad area! Also, on my profile, mamacat left a message about a meeting but it past. Maybe us K-vegasers can all represent at the next meet! All of us together, vaping somewhere, discussing tips and tricks, trying out each others mods...Im not usually a "group" kinda person, but Im all in for this... I know you asked my roomie abt mods...we tend to mod everything we can find! Do you mod or are you happy w/the 510? The 510 atty is still our choice for modding as well as reg. pen styles. Keep in touch-hell, we may have seen each other arnd, ya know? I mean, Kville is only ...<---that big ya know! HA!


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Oct 15, 2009
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