Kayfun Clarification Please help

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May 7, 2014
I am looking into getting a kayfun well probably a clone but they don't make it very clear on who made the original kayfun and I can't find a good answer on what is the best kayfun to buy. The one I have been looking at is the Kayfun lite + by ehpro but there is also hcigars 3.1 and Tobeco seems to make some as well. The original manufacture seems to bee svoemesto though. Can anyone give me an idea which one is best? Well for like under $40 I am so not spending $120 on an atomizer at this point.

Also is there a link of some kind to the general history of these devices and who made what first and why they did things different? I would be curios to know


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Jan 24, 2014
I really have no idea about the history of "real" kayfuns... but I *can* tell you that the Tobeco Kayfun Lite Plus with 2mm custom airflow is an OUTSTANDING piece of hardware, an excellent price ($29.95), and the vendor, ironvapin, is probably the best vape vendor I have run across yet -- I bought two of these when they were listed for $32.95, and they're both great!

One thing I've found that's really superior about these particular attys, better than any other kayfun I've seen or heard of, is that you can adjust the 510 screw without loosening the "block" (where the coil sits) -- all the others I've seen or heard of, if you loosen the 510 screw to make it stick out a little further, it loosens the block, which plays hell with the coil resistance.

When I got my first one of these, from Ironvapin, I noticed that the airflow adjustment allen "wrench" was too large; I emailed Ironvapin about it, and they sent me another, which fits, in the next day's mail. When the fill screw's tiny o-ring shredded, I emailed to ask them if they knew where I could get more of such tiny o-rings, and they sent me 2 replacements, next day's mail. When I ordered my 2nd KFL+ from them, the allen wrench thing fits, and they threw in some extra o-rings! Stupendous customer service!!!



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May 23, 2014
Palmyra, PA
SvoeMesto was the original Kayfun and actually the first with the type of design was the Russian 91% I believe, but the designer left that company and decided to make his own version and called it the Kayfun. From there clones of both kind of exploded.

It's hard to say who makes the "best" clone.. it's all in what you are looking for. I've tried Fasttech clones and honestly they never impressed me. I have several Ehpro Kayfuns and love them. Each clone and company tends to do something just a little different that one person might appreciate a little more.

I have an authentic and Ehpro's and my Ehpro's see more use only because they are cheaper to replace and work excellent. I currently have 4 Ehpro's and selling 3 of them, not because I don't like them, but because I wanted one of each color to match my mods.


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Aug 5, 2013
The beautiful Puget Sound
SvoëMesto is the originator and manufacturer the Kayfuns. All of the others, including the Russian and Russian 91%, are clones made in China.

SvoeMesto was the original Kayfun and actually the first with the type of design was the Russian 91% I believe, but the designer left that company and decided to make his own version and called it the Kayfun. From there clones of both kind of exploded.
Time to put the SvoëMesto KayFun-Russian rumors to rest.


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May 19, 2011
Tulsa, OK
i have a kayfun lite plus v2 and the whistling sound does get irritating after some time. consider getting a taifun gt instead.

Whistling is caused by the air inlet having a non tapered entry. You can drill it, just the outer surface, and do away with that whistle forever. Took me just a few seconds with a power drill, but it may be more work than some people like. After handling my buddies Taifun though, I'm not sure I'd buy any more Kayfuns. Taifun is a Kayfun, only the base comes out for rebuilding without having to empty the tank, and it's SO much easier to fill.


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Aug 11, 2013
Whistling is caused by the air inlet having a non tapered entry. You can drill it, just the outer surface, and do away with that whistle forever. Took me just a few seconds with a power drill, but it may be more work than some people like. After handling my buddies Taifun though, I'm not sure I'd buy any more Kayfuns. Taifun is a Kayfun, only the base comes out for rebuilding without having to empty the tank, and it's SO much easier to fill.
man your just made me go to FT and get a taifun lol


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May 14, 2013
Guthrie, OK
joelmora89:13734594 said:
man your just made me go to FT and get a taifun lol

You won't regret it. The Taifun is a superior vape.

That said, I picked up the kayfun 3.1 from 101vape for $16 and it blows away my KFL+. Its not marked, but I read somewhere it is a HCigar kayfun. The airflow is better, the consistency is better; a solid all around RTA. For $16, its a steal.
Regardless of which kayfun you get, just unscrew that airflow adjust and toss it, to alleviate the whistle.


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Jun 17, 2013
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of course but there is, or was, some debate at the time that the Russian 91% could not be classed as a clone of the original Kayfun Lite because it came with airflow control which the KFL didn't have. Semantics? Possibly but it raised a valid point during the 'Clone Wars' that prevailed on many fora at the time.


Full Member
May 7, 2014
First off thank you Coldrake for that clarification I was starting to wonder myself with all I have heard. I have read about that split a number of times. The Taifun looks kind of cool but doesn't seem to have the adjustable airflow which seems kind of cool since I know from experience drilling out holes in my mini protank 3 has made a big difference especially after i started to make my own coils for the mini tank. Making the coils for the protank mini is what really makes me want to get some kind of kayfun or taifun or something because the work area seems so much easier to deal with. That and it would look cooler on the itaste SVD i just got lol.

Thanks everyone for the information!
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