Semovar Hybrid Cap- Kayfun or Kayfun Lite?

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Hey guys,

So it seems like this is the only thread I am able to make an original post on since I am a new member. I have been vaping and have good experience with rebuildables and whatnot. So I have recently purchased a Svoe Mesto Semovar with all tubes and the kayfun hybrid cap. I know that the cap is build to accommodate a kayfun but I am wondering if anyone knows whether or not a kayfun lite will also work with it. The reason I ask is mainly because kayfun 3.1's are more expensive and I want to know what the main differences are between the two models other than the obvious size difference in the two. I know this is the new members thread so I'm assuming most wont know what I'm talking about but we'll see what happens. Thanks!
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